Tuesday March 11, 1975

It's even more noisy in the bloody office today. Kathleen had headphones on all day.

Read an interesting article in the recent News of the World re Lord Snowdon and Lady Jacqueline Rufus Isaacs. It says that Lady Jackie, the daughter of Lord Reading, was "very much in love" with Lord Snowdon, and that the affair had started in 1969 when the couple sat at the same table in a West End club. Evidently, his Lordship visited Lady Jackie's flat two or three times a week under the pretext of calling on her brother, Viscount Erleigh,and they managed to see each other frequently in 1970 without more than a handful of people knowing. When the story was grabbed by the Press in 1971 the affair had to cease. It says Lord Snowdon never visited the Reading family home again, and Princess Margaret ignores Lady Jackie when they occasionally meet at parties.

The beloved Prime Minister is 59 years old today. He celebrates at Dublin Castle where the EEC talks are going on, and never again will I say nasty things about him because he's done so much for the Queen's pay rises and the Civil List. He's a decent old sport really, and I don't suppose it's his fault that he was born with all these confused ideas about politics. Someone really should discover an antedote for socialism, because when that day comes Harold Wilson will require a sizeable injection.



  1. Found your blog looking for mention of Vilma Crossfield.

    This is so cool because I also transcribed my teenage journals -- and part of them discuss my visit to Benton Park Grammar school in 1974. Did you know any of the students who visited from the states that year? Did you know Jeremy Burgoyne? I stayed with his family that trip and a few other times. Also did you know Julia Tasker? I see you mentioned a Paul Tasker. Are they related? Julia was my roommate for a while when she moved to the US. Have not heard from her since we parted on bad terms in 1980 or so.

  2. Hi Dona .. I attended Benton from 1971 to 1973, but do remember the names Jeremy Burgoyne and Paul Tasker. I will investigate.


Wednesday June 6, 1984

 Moorhouse Inn D-Day and Derby Day. HM has missed the Derby for the first time since her coronation to go to Normandy. Our so called day off...