Saturday December 22, 1979

_. Ally and I were in Bradford all day concluding the Christmas shopping horror. The whole day was a nightmare, like a scene from 'War and Peace'.

Lynn, Dave, Sue and Peter came for dinner to Club St, at 8. A few drinks around the record player. Nothing outrageous occurred and they all left at about 12. We sat up until after 3.


Friday December 21, 1979

_. Ally did some Chrissie shopping in Leeds and collected me at 4:30. We went to Guiseley and found Mum and Dad sat by the light of the Christmas tree hand in hand. Dad was very emotional on the subject of Uncle Albert [Wilson], who died 10 years ago on Dec 29. At 9:30 Ally and I went to the White Cross where Peter and Jim and a few work mates are coming to the end of a 12 hour drinking session. Jim and Peter came back to Pine Tops.


Sunday April 21, 1985

 2nd Sunday after Easter Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II Moorhouse Inn The good lady - the Sovereign is 59 years old today. She is celebratin...