Showing posts with label journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label journal. Show all posts


Monday October 18, 1982

 Wrote to John and Sheila and sent off a cheque for £200 to Quest Travel. Signed, sealed and delivered.

YP: Sarah is back. The SOGAT rep wants to see us on Wednesday.

Lynn and Dave are selling their house at Burley-in-Wharfedale and moving to Thorpe Lane, Guiseley [selling for £22,500 and buying for £36,000]. Why didn't they buy Pine Tops for God's sake? 

We went to bed early after a steaming shepherd's pie. Fanny Hill and snores. This John Cleland chappie must have been a lad.


Sunday October 17, 1982

 19th Sunday after Trinity      New Moon

Slightly hungover. Up at 9. Bath. Poached eggs. Frank and Uncle Jim came from Colne for Andrew at 10:15, and sat with a coffee. Ally, still in her dressing gown, packed up some apples for Frank to pass on to Auntie Annie. Cooking apples. Uncle Jim asked about Lanzarote and my rich relations. They said nothing about Auntie Hilda, and we didn't like to ask. They left at 10:30. Mum and Dad came at 11. Mum with a nice bunch of vermillion flowers for Ally. They have photographs of baby Hannah, very much like Catherine. JPH is such a big boy now. ________. They talked about the Grunwells. 

By 12:15 we were at the Hollywood. Lily related to Dad the hilarious stories of the attempted burglaries at the pub. Joined by Steve, Billy, and Garry [who started work on Monday cutting up foam, ten months after being made redundant]. Joined by Old Anne from the Robin Hood and young Anne with the brown legs and bungalow set in its own rolling acres. The plan is to marry her off to Steve. At 2 we went into the snug and ate chicken legs and sandwiches and drank until after 5. Billy left early to look after his elderly mother. We sat with Dave G and Lily until after 7. I bought grandad a whisky. Lily says that since his son's death he wants to die too. We left at 8. Home to Rue Club for coffee. Ally to bed.

I watched Lord Olivier talking to Melvin Bragg.


Saturday October 16, 1982

 We got up at 8:30 or so. I know it's early but work had to be done. I brewed ale and a man came from the curtain shop and delivered our green curtains at 9:30. He saw me with all the glass bottles and liquid and assumed I was making petrol bombs. A funny man. We went afterwards to 'Cheap and Cheerful', and Ally bought me the pot dogs she's promised me. Excellent specimens, though not antique, and now they sit looking down from the top of the piano watching over us with with yellow, staring eyes.

We sat in a pub 'The Smithy' and had one drink. A Woody Allen film was playing on the video in the bar - hilarious. Bought meat and veg, &c. Frank arrived with Andrew at 4 o'clock and after having a cup of tea went off to Colne. We drank home brewed ale and watched TV. Then had fried steak and chips and played records, loudly, until after 8. Phoned Jill and Tim and they came over at 9 and we went to the Fire Brigade. We were too tanked up to enjoy the night properly, and Andrew couldn't face his Tetley's. Home for coffee. The Elmers left at 11:30 and I went and bought fish and chips. They were cold. Watched Kid Creole and the Coconuts. Bed late.


Friday October 15, 1982

 Wet. Went out at lunch time and bought a stout pack and a demijohn. 

Home to Sweet Kitten. We are cheerful tonight after the ridiculous squabbling last night. Our fall outs are rare. Sat with a coffee after dinner the phone rang and it was Frank saying that Bessie has been in Colne since yesterday with her sister, Hilda, who is dying of cancer. This put a wet blanket on the evening. Frank will bring Andrew here tomorrow and then go on to Colne and see what can be done. I did warn Ally that the end might be near. Poor Auntie Hilda must only be 50.

Our Oasis quilt cover came in the post. Susie was seen by Dr Glass today and he told her she can go home on Monday if there is no change. She hasn't had a scan but is probably 8 to 10 weeks pregnant.

John has gone to Scotland for the weekend. No doubt he'll be staying with Janette. _______.



Thursday September 23, 1982

 Nothing much. People are looking at the YP Library staff in a new light today. Little rebels that we are. A wind of change is sweeping the YP. Have I said this before?

Made my weekly visit to the Provincial Building Society and deposited £3. It sounds pathetic but in just a few months we've amassed £60. I sat at my typewriter afterwards and concocted a letter to John and Sheila.

Tonight I saw nothing of my wife who was cleaning feverishly for tomorrow's state visit of Mum and Dad. At 10, at my instigation, she leapt up and made profiteroles - simple. Bed.



Thursday September 16, 1982

 New Moon

Back to the YP. Surprisingly, the girls are holding out from returning to the union. 

Princess Grace.
Poor Princess Grace is lying-in-state in an open coffin. Someone in the office phoned to ask who was the last British monarch to have a lying-in-state in an open coffin. Never, says I. I cannot state how things were done in Ethelred the Unready's time, but I know that the first lying-in-state of a monarch, with lid firmly nailed on, was for Edward VII, in May, 1910. Victoria didn't have a public lying, and the Hanoverians didn't do it. Can you imagine people queuing to file past George IV, for instance? In those days the passing of the sovereign was a time for celebration. The first lying-in-state at Westminster Hall was for Gladstone in 1895. I suppose the next one will be for David Steel. Ally doesn't approve of Princess Grace being on public display. She gasped. She has never seen a dead body.

Ally grouted the kitchen tiles. Watched 'High Society'. Very sad. Princess Grace put Monaco on the map. Salad butties and cocoa. To bed after a programme about the extermination of the jews. Such a depressing night.


Wednesday September 15, 1982

 Up at 10. Ally looked and felt awful and stayed put. I took champagne with Mum, Dad and David and had a fried breakfast. Since out botulism attack Ally cannot stand the smell of bacon, and so it looks as though my future home life will be baconless. 

Saw on the 12:30 news that Princess Grace of Monaco died last night from injuries sustained in the car accident she had on Monday. We were led to believe that the princess had suffered a broken leg and collar bone but was not seriously injured. It's a terrible loss. Princess Grace was beautiful, even in her 53rd year. Aso injured was the 17 year-old Princess Stephanie, but how seriously we do not know. 

Ally, Dave G and I set out and walked to Sue and Pete's at 1:30, where Dave saw Christopher for the first time. He is s sturdy, tiring bundle. I told her about Princess Grace, and she asked: 'who is she exactly?' Poor girl. Never a bright spark when it comes to European royalty and Hollywood stars. Rid ourselves of Glynnie at 3, and got a bus home. Dave B came [again] at 6 to fix the notoriously leaking pipe. We ate a meatless stew with Yorkshire puddings and retired early. It was Frank's 55th birthday today.

Dave L phoned and I placed an advert [in the paper] for him.


Tuesday September 14, 1982

 Sun. To the YP. Phoned Guiseley at 11:30. They had had a champagne breakfast. After 25 years Papa has ceased to be a police constable. Spoke to Dad. He appreciacted the Churchill quote. I thought he would. 

Busy day. Brisk walk at lunch. Spoke to Ally. She had phoned Mum at breakfast time too. Met Glynnie at the station at 4:55 where we took the train to Bradford. Dave has taken on the responsibility of the Hollywood following Jim's death. At Rue Club Ally was gliding around in her finery and Dave B was attending to a leaking pipe. Bathed and dressed in ten minutes and at 6:30 we were in Burley-in-W. Lynn's bulge is bigger. Mum says that the shape of bump determines that the baby is a boy. On to Guiseley at 7 for bubbly with Mum, Dad and John. Sue and Pete arrived simultaneously. Mum, dressed in green, wasn't the usual bundle of joy she usually is. Both she and Papa seemed stunned. I suppose that retirement has that effect. At 7:30 we took them to Giovanni's - a complete surprise. We had a few gins first and ate at 8:30, or so. I had steak au poivre, or something. Ally had a sirloin done in sherry. A pleasant but noisy dinner. John and Pete behaved like big kids together. John told me [at our end of the table] that he was supposed to phone Janette, but had fortgotten in all the excitement. I could see Mum at the other end of the table straining. It's cruel and Mum, Dad and John don't see eye to eye on _____________.

Dad had a cake iced in blue. Much Sambuca and Strega, coffee and chunks of gateau. Back to Pine Tops for more stiff drinks and then to bed after squabbling with John about Mrs Thatcher.



Monday September 13, 1982

 Excitement at the YP. A ghastly SOGAT official came in to lecture the naughty library department. We haven't paid our union subs for eight weeks and have no intention of doing so again. Library solidarity has never been more necessary or vital. He told us that by dropping out of the trade union we will cause a 'stink'. I cannot wait. A wind of change is blowing through the Yorkshire Post library. The SOGAT representative, a bearded communist in a C&A suit, fumbled and coughed into his briefcase, and said nothing remotely constructive. He hasn't got a leg to stand on.

Went out at lunchtime and bought Dad a leaving card and inscribed it with a quotation from Churchill. 'Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But, perhaps, it is the end of the beginning.' Quite appropriate I thought.

Tried phoning Glynnie numerous times. He's coming here at 5 tomorrow. Chicken pie for dinner. Piglet is an exquisite cook.

Press reports say that the Waleses will take Prince William with them to the Australian continent next year. I don't know how accurate this is.


Sunday September 12, 1982

 Very hungover. Did not hear from Mama. I think we are now out of favour. 

We roasted a chicken and watched Kenneth More playing the legless war hero Sir Douglas Bader, 'Reach for the Sky'. Nauseating. Had a splendid dinner at 6. Sat cuddling on the settee afterwards.

We do, as a family, the Rhodeses, drink far too much. A Hell-raising pack we are. Tears. Parties always end in tears. We shall certainly have to behave next Tuesday. We do not want Dad's [leaving] do wrecking.

To bed after 'Tales from the Unexpected' which in fact are always expected. Is it because I have an author in me?


Saturday September 11, 1982

 Sun. Spent the early afternoon in town. It was my lucky day. Ally bought me togs to wear next Tuesday. Rolls of wallpaper too. Home at 2 feeling hot. I fancied an afternoon in the pub, but of course we cannot afford it. Mum phoned as we walked in the door. She is having a garden party, and could we go?  Ally gasped in horror. She wanted a peaceful afternoon watching me slap wallpaper on our neglected walls. After a few sandwiches and cups of tea she regained her composure. We splashed in a cool bath and took the bus to Guiseley arriving at 4:30. Lynn, Dave, Frances, Sue, Pete, Christopher, John, Jim, Margaret, Pamela and her Peter assembled. Riotous. Gallons of plonk and whisky. Steak, chops, sausages, &c. Deckchair tomfoolery until after 9. We left at 10 and John drove us home. Mum made a peculiar anonymous phone call. Ally went off to bed. I bought fish and chips.


Friday September 10, 1982

 Eggs for breakfast. Ally wore her new burgundy coloured bomber jacket and looked flash and sexy. She must warm the hearts of many Bradford motorists as they pass her waiting at the bus stop. 

At the YP I told Sarah of Kathleen's crazed attack upon her character when she was away and unable to defend herself on Wednesday, and without further ado Sarah stood up and announced she wasn't well and walked out. Mrs Slocombe and I looked on wide-eyed. Margo was away - her driving test. Kathleen, realising she is to blame for the breakdown, sat pathetically whistling, humming and singing as a cover to her feelings of great foreboding.

Home at 6. Macaroni cheese, with an egg mayonnaise starter, not my favourite dish. Did little else.


Thursday September 9, 1982

 Lynn and Dave's fourth wedding anniversary.

Albert Rhodes died on this day in 1973. Such a queer old man he was. For years I could not bring myself to speak or write his name. He did have some good points. He gave me £10 in 1971 which took me out and about in Interlaken. Ten pounds bought a lot of beer in Switerzerland in 1971. I recall getting very drunk one night and they had to duck me in a fountain to bring me to my senses.

YP. Sarah off for the day at Whitby. Kathleen is always gushing and creepy in Sarah's absence. We are, it seems, taking the rap for the mistake in the article by Bob [Cockroft] where he stated that Tony Hudson is High Sheriff. Bob, in his apology, reports that the mistake was made due to the information at source - i.e. the library. Malcolm Barker was also up in arms. Very bad show.

Home at 6. Pot of lasagne. Saw 'A Bridge Too Far'. Bed at 10:30.


Wednesday September 8, 1982

 We took some time getting out of bed. Both exhausted and un-refreshed.

To the YP. Kathleen is a cow. I fought with her about the snotty letters that Anne leaves us [she works evenings]. Kathleen always leaps to the defence of the night staff. They are the bees knees.

Got in after 6. Pork pies and mushy peas. Ally was in bed at 9:30. I watched half an hour of Clint Eastwood's 'Dirty Harry', but found it Dreary Harry.

Lynn phoned earlier to talk about next week. We have yet to buy a retirement card. She and Ally were giggling like thirteen year-olds.


Tuesday September 7, 1982

 YP ghastly. I really feel that the place is driving me slowly insane.

Mum phoned this afternoon to say that they are coming over this evening with jackets and things that Ally ordered in a wild flurry of extravagance last week. Ally sank somewhat when I told her. She wanted a quiet night in the company of her husband. Mum, Dad and John came at 6:30. Dad and John tiled the kitchen wall. Mum brought sherry. Excitement about Dad's retirement. He looks like a youth. He's so happy. On the TV - Lord Howard De Walden talking about the Jockey Club.

To bed.



Monday September 6, 1982

 Labor Day, USA and Canada

Cooler. Definitely an autumnal nip in the air. We ate bananas on toast and swigged tea. Ally wearing her silk stockings and black French knickers. She is a treasure. It was my wish to stay at home and indulge ourselves. Sadly, it wasn't to be.

YP. Mum phoned to say she is having a party on Saturday Sept 18 for Dad in return for whatever we are doing for him on Sept 14. Dad has four days left to work and no night duties. They celebrated last night dining at the Fox. Phoned Ally. She answered the phone differently, and I asked her if I could speak to my wife. Home at 6. Dined by candlelight again. Ally suffering from back ache. She had a hot bath.

Sat watching the TV news. I don't watch the news like I used to do. What's all this about Yasser Arafat? The Prince and Princess of Wales attended the wedding of Carolyn Pride and William Bartholomew. It was kisses all round. One Sunday paper suggested that the Princess of Wales may be pregnant. The couple are supposed to be doing the colonies next year.


Sunday September 5, 1982

 13th Sunday after Trinity.

A day of rest. We sat cuddling on the settee. Watched 'Casablanca'. Ally doesn't like slushy romantic films, and she polished the table. Had a delicious fish pie at 5, by candlelight, and listened to the radio. Ally then slept, curled up on a cushion like a hamster.

Heard on the news that Sir Douglas Bader has gone to that great artificial limb factory in the sky. Mind you, I don't suppose one uses false limbs up there.

Watched a ghastly Richard Harris film. Bed at 10. An idyllic day.


Saturday September 4, 1982

 David woke us at 9:30 with pots of tea. We suspect he's been giving the new kitchen a good 'once over'. We don't care. We like it anyway. David fitted his roof rack to the car and carried off a door for John to work on. They left after breakfast and went on to 'Cheap and Cheerful'. Poor Frances slept at Audrey's and had the whooping cough jab yesterday and screamed bitterly.

Ally and I went to Fads and bought two more boxes of tiles for John, but decided it was too late for him do any this afternoon. He can come next week. We bought a roll of patterned paper and did one wall. Found papering round the windows tricky, but didn't panic. Into the bath afterwards. John came at 7. Dave L arrived at 8 looking more trendy than I've ever seen him. A slick hairstyle and futurist footwear. It's not the old Dave. Ally suspects the influence of 'Knocker'. Karen, Steve, Jill and Tim arrived at 8:30. Watched the end of 'Jaws'. To the Fire Brigade. Stood in a mass around the juke box. I supped 'mixed' for the first time. Jill not on form. John was showing off for some peculiar reason. Back to ours for more drink, and left overs from last night. Dave loaned us the Human League 'Travelogue' album, and he carried off 'Promised You a Miracle' by Simple Minds, and the Soft Cell LP. Late again. Pissed.


Friday September 3, 1982

 Full Moon

Out of bed at 6:00am. Ally made a trifle and a cheesecake, whilst I daubed apple white paint on the newly papered kitchen. Boiled eggs, and dashed out of the house at 8.

YP: Sarah and I are to resign from the union. Back home for 6. Ally cooking furiously. Dinner prepared for 7:30. Lynn and Dave arrived at 8:30. Big dinner. Corn on the cob, tomato and celery soup, steak and kidney pie, mushy peas, parsnips, potatoes, &c, trifle, cheesecake. Bloated. German wine & [Martini] Bianco. Lynn is big, but not hideously so. Much talk of Trevor and Jane at Bardsey. Reminiscing. Christine Airey talk. To bed after 2. Thoroughly sated. 


Thursday September 2, 1982

 Sun. Up late because we couldn't climb out of bed. Refused my egg for breakfast. Had a steaming bath, bowl of cereal and slice of toast. Late to the YP. It was after  9:15. No one said a thing.

The papers are empty of proper news. Ron Brown, MP for Leith, attacked Mrs Thatcher in Glasgow and has been clapped in irons. Lady Iris Mountbatten, granddaughter of Princess Beatrice, and a great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria, has died, aged 62, in Toronto. They [the royal family] didn't see much of her. She was last over here for Louis Mountbatten's funeral.

Ally phoned me at 1pm. The sound of her voice is so uplifting, when one expected it to be a call from a toffee-nosed lady from Adel enquiring about her daughter's 'O' level results. Went into town. Sun. Bumped into Philip Knowles, who told me that he and Gillian Craven are marrying on October 16. They've bought a house at Mount Pleasant, near the Drop Inn in Guiseley. Haven't seen him since we were in Ios.

Home at 6. Hung [wall]paper in the kitchen. Had fish and chips at 9;30. Ally worked hard making things nice for Lynn and David. Later Lynn phoned to ask if they could sleep here tomorrow. I. phoned Mum, who told me John is better and back at work, and then phoned Dave L would said he would come here on Saturday. MM and Marita are opening a furniture shop in Horsforth.


Tuesday March 12, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Sunshine. Dad went to Horton to meet a carpet cleaner and telephone engineer. It was a pleasant surprise when Mum appeared in...