Saturday August 31, 1974

Up at 7.30. Feeling terrible. I had far too much to drink last night.

All day, till 4, at the YP. Give Sarah a lesson on the monarchy. She thought that a monarch did not succeed to the throne until he/she had been crowned. I insist that the succssion takes place at the exact moment when the late sovereign has passed on. She has lived under the false impression that the throne was vacant at the time of her birth in November 1952, nine months after the death of George VI and seven months before the Coronation of Elizabeth II. What the hell do you say to an apparently intelligent 21-year old when they ask why the Duke of Edinburgh isn't King when his wife is the Queen? Pathetic it all is.

Finish work at 4. Home for tea at 5. Salad with Mum and Dad. Everyone else at work. To the Hare & Hounds at 8.30, but do not stay long. Linda and Phyllis are back from Gt Yarmouth, but don't talk too much about it. Move on to the Red Lion at Burley-in-Wharfedale, then Denny, Chris, Christine W, John and I move on to the Queen's Head, leaving the loving couples Andy and Linda and Peter and Carol. Have fish and chips which are exceptional before leaving for Guiseley. Denny and I go to Wikis. Very strange being the only two from the crowd. Stay till 2. Don't drink much. Just a couple of pernods each. She comes back to Pine Tops at 3 and stays in Lynn's bed. She's out at a party with Christine Dibb for the night.


Friday August 30, 1974

Good day altogether. YP as per usual - where I hear from Sarah that's she had been dreaming about me last night - which can't be bad at all. Evidently, I'd gone into the office with a serious amount of gelignite on my person and terrified everyone to death. Strange dreams some people have. I had hoped it would have have been something sexy - but it was not to be. Unless of course the gelignite is representative of my sexuality - a bomb waiting to go off. Sarah could be a real raver with a few gins and tonics down her.

John goes from work to Donald's with the new car - and stays till about 10.30 doing odd jobs on it, etc. At about 8.30 I walk to the Hare with the new umberella for Dave B which only cost a quid and a half. Keith comes down and together we get merry, or perhaps I should say pissed. Carol is now going out with Peter, & Dave is recovered from last Saturday's accident. This is all the latest news. And, oh yes, Keith hasn't seen Helen for about a week. See Laura, who accompanies us to the Commercial. On to Wikis at 10.30 where we stay until about 1.30. Got the hiccoughs and had to make myself sick to cure them. Keith kept trying to help by punching me in the stomach, but this drastic plan failed miserably. Home and sit in the toilet reading Arabella Buckley's 'History of England' - very old, but fascinating.


Thursday August 29, 1974

Warm day but somewhat cloudy. Nothing much of importance at the YP. It is disappointing that Sarah and Carol do not want to go on the weekly pub crawl which we agreed would be held every Thursday from now to eternity. Draw £30 cash from my Barclaycard which I give to John towards his car fund. £195 is rather a lot for a 17year-old boy to fork out. You must understand that I haven't given him the £30 and he must pay it back at a date yet to be decided by my solicitors. Mum tells me that Denny rang at ablout 5 o'clock to ask if I am working tomorrow. She'll be disappointed. I have to work all day Saturday too. I would like to alter the style of my diary which, since its beginning in January 1973, has been boring and monotonous. Can't imagine why I ever bother to write it, but no doubt it will be worthwhile in 100 years time. Princess Anne and Capt Phillips are staying in Yorkshire this week for the Bramham Horse trials, which are held at the home of Colonel Francis Lane Fox, a relation by marriage, of the YPs beloved chairman, Sir Kenneth Parkinson. It's about time the princess got herself pregnant. The Queen should be a young granny. But before then I hope to see Capt Phillips ennobled with a dukedom or marquisate. -==-

Wednesday August 28, 1974

I hate using biro at any time, but especially in my diary which I consider to be a sacred document. However, it happens that I have used up all my blue ink and so I have now to stoop to this cheap form of writing until I lay my hands on a new bottle of Quink.

Quite a warm day though not a good one at the YP. Sarah is not in a very good mood.

The man who is 28th in line of succession to the British throne, Mr Haakon Lorentzen, was seriously injured by a thug in a Newcastle pub yesterday, Mr Lorentzen is a son of Princess Ragnhild of Norway, and a grandson of King Olav, making him a great-grandson of Queen Maud, and thus a great-great-grandson of King Edward VII of the United Kingdom of Gt Britain, etc. A sign of the times when royal scions cannot refrain from the plebian vices of hooliganism and brawling.

Mum, Dad and John go car hunting at 7.30 and I ring Marita only to discover that she is out. Keep ringing for an hour without any success. Talked to Kathleen about the next General Election. She says it will be next year and not in October like Michael Foot keeps suggesting. It could be October 3, 10, 17, 24 or 31. Just to be on the safe side!

Sorry about this but I've found a supply of ink - Lynn's I think. Well, have done nothing all evening except inspect John's NEW CAR. Yes, I can't really believe any of it either. An 1100 - white with red interior. Surely, this is a historic day for us all.


Tuesday August 27, 1974

Lynn wakes me at 10.30 saying Denny is on the phone. I stagger downstairs. Denny says she can get a weekend trip to London for two - completely free - this weekend. I say I think I'm working on Saturday but just to be certain I ring the YP. Carol informs me that I am on all day on Saturday which puts paid to to all possibility of a weekend in our glorious capital city. Denny isn't too bothered and says she'll ring me later this evening. Lynn departs to work at 10.45.

At lunch Dad says he is to take the job with the CID after all. I don't know when he takes up the appointment, but we are all very pleased he's taken it.

At 2 I go into Guiseley with my library book 'Queen Mary' which was due back last month. The library however is closed for Bank Holiday.

Go to Bradford where I see that the Barbra Streisand's film 'For Pete's Sake' is on at the Odeon and make my mind up to see it tonight. Call in to see poor Denny, who is mad about the London weekend, but she says she'll go to the cinema with me. Then go see Lynn, working busily at the British Home Stores - she says she'll also come to the flicks, but then changes her mind because of a pre-arranged date with Ronnie._____. Go to the Wimpey Bar with Denny for a greasy cup of tea- at 49p each. To the Odeon at 5.30 - both films are excellent, but 'For Pete's Sake' is great and Denny enjoyed it especially. Both get the 55 at about 10.30 - and Denny goes to Yeadon, where she intends getting a taxi. Home by 11. Hear from Lynn that Marita rang.


Monday August 26, 1974

Denny wakes me at 10.30. We have toast and lark around. Chris brings John and I home at 12.15. Lunch with Mum, Dad and Lynn who is bored sick of staying at home but she cannot come out with us this afternoon because she expects a social call from Miss Dibb.

The papers are full once again with stories of a romance concerning the Prince of Wales. The young lady in question is Miss Davina Sheffield, daughter of a dead colonel. I have given up hope of ever seeing the heir to England's domains walk down the aisle with his bride by his side. Somehow, I thought she (the bride) would be Lady Jane Wellesley, but I cannot see the future King marrying a convicted drunkard.

Chris picks John and I up at nearly 2. Carol is with him. We go to Dnny's where Dave B sits in an armchair looking horribly pale, and he continues to look ill for the remainder of the day. We go to the Dyneley Arms where we meet Andy and Philip Cartwright. At 3 move on to Harrogate and the fair. Thunderstorm there. Get a thorough soaking. Have an enjoyable time. Stay until 6. On to the Travellers Rest for sandwiches and a few drinks and a game of darts. Home at 8 and decide to stay in. Feel very tired. See the end of the film: 'It's a Mad, Mad World'. Bed after 12.


Sunday August 25, 1974

Up at about 10.30 for breakfast. Miss Dibb joins us for toast and marmalade, etc. Worried about Dave B I ring Andy where I learn from Mrs Graham that Dave spent he night in Otley Hospital. At least they'll be able to deal with his injuries, which certainly needed some medical treatment. Ring Denny who asks if anything exciting will be taking place tomorrow, then ring Chris, where Mrs Ratcliffe informs me that his lordship is still asleep in his bed.

John drives me to Guiseley Railway Station at about 5 o'clock - in pouring rain - and I have a nasty experience with Dave B's umberella, which completely collapsed about my head. Arrive work at 5.30. Shortly afterwards Denny rings and invites me to her house, where by all accounts a party will be commencing from 10.30 onwards this evening. Go to the Central with Tony K from 9 till 10. Taxi to Denny's at midnight - it only takes 15 minutes. Andy, Carol, Peter M, Chris, John and Denny are the sole party attenders. The girls are busy making chips. Before 2 everyone goes except Chris, John and myself and we argue about what we intend doing for the day tomorrow. I think we shoud go to the seaside, but everyone says I'm mad, and shout abuse concerning traffic jams and other such rubbish.

Denny and I sit in her lounge drinking Dry Martini until after 4am. We then both go our separate ways to bed. I sit reading 'The Betsy' by Harold Robbins, which I've read before, and also glance at an autobiography of a one-time Hell's Angel. Daylight by the time I eventually go to sleep.


Saturday August 24, 1974

Believe it or not I think now that I could quite easily have any girl I wanted. Even Sarah isn't such a fantastic possibility as I would have thought only a week ago. God! Stop me if I become vain, arrogant and big-headed.

One year ago today Miss Bottomley finished with me. obviously, you are all sick of hearing about this infantile relationship, but it had an extremely deep impact upon my life, which I cannot ignore. I'd have thought that it occurred two years ago. These past 12 months certainly have dragged by.

Get up at 10. Do nothing all morning other than go for my first car ride with John. We go to collect Sue from the hairdressers.

Chris calls on us at about 3pm and we sit in front of the TV watching 'Blithe Spirit', the brilliant film adapted from the play of the same name by Noel Coward.

John took the car out on his own for the first time and we experienced something horrific. Going to the Hare and Hounds at 9 everyone decided to move on to the Commercial & we all departed. On the road to Esholt Dave missed the bend in the road and crashed. He went through his windscreen - wrecking the car but only slightly injuring himself. He could quite easily have been killed. We are all shaken up. From around 9.20 to 10.30 we hang round the car whilst Dave cleans himself up in the Commercial. Poor Carol was shaken.

See TV. Christine Dibb is staying the night and we all retire at about 1am.


Friday August 23, 1974

Warm day. Climb out of bed at 10am and have a little breakfast. Susan is the only other member of the clan at home. Play records till after 11 when something possesses me to ring Marita. I do so, and we arrange to meet in Leeds at 12.30. I miss several buses and arrive 15 minutes late. We go to the Wellesley, where she devours a salad sandwich and several lagers, and I a cottage pie and a few pints. She leaves me to return o work at 1.30 after pouring out all her troubles to me about what will happen when MM goes to Sheffield in October. I sit on my own in the Wellesley until 2 before scooting off in search of a hairdresser clutching a pack of twenty cigarettes. Go into WH Smiths to look at a few dirty books & feeling quite intoxicated. Whilst rumaging through ther dirty magazines I feel a sharp poke in the back, swinging round I see dear Sarah standing before me brandishing an umbrella. Quite a surprise. She gets a couple of books and then we go to Whitelocks for a few drinks. Sit talking with her until 3, then she goes for her bus home. I madly search round Leeds for a toilet - six pints of beer becomes quite a torrential possibility after three hours of solid supping. Look around, after relieving myself, for something of interest and end up in Leeds Reference Library looking at peerage books until nearly 5. 

To work where Kathleen asks me whether I'll work Sunday night and have Tuesday off. I say yes. Work uneventful, and feel drowsy from the ale. Go with Tony Kelly to the Wellesley at 9 and return at 9.45. Intend goint to Wikis but Mama rings me to say John is already home by 11.20. Dad's been offered a new job in the CID but he doesn't know whether to do it. Come home by taxi for 12.15 & feel really tired - glad I didn't go to Wikis after all. Bed immediately.


Tuesday April 23, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Very blustery. Bright though. St George. Lord Carrington and the Marquis of Normanby have got the Garter.Dray came at 9. We s...