Thursday November 11, 1982

 Veteran's Day, USA. - Remembrance Day, Canada

Went to town at lunchtime and bought a [birthday] card for Tim. A naughty one as usual. Down to Stylo and gave it to Jill who was in the shop to collect her pay. She's on holiday this week. Tim's Dad, Geoff, marries his concubine, Margaret, tomorrow. 

News: Leonid Brezhnev died yesterday in Moscow at the age of 75. The entire Russian leadership is older than 65. His successor is bound to be a geriatric, poker-faced swine from the Ukraine.

Jacq Sate met me at the YP at 4:45 and we got the 72 bus to Bradford. Found Ally fluttering around in the kitchen. _________. We dined on thick soup, lasagne and jacket potatoes, profiteroles, all washed down with Yugoslav Riesling, provided by Jacq, and we ate with the TV as background. Naughty really. Charles Laughton in 'Hobson's Choice'. TV all night. They like Tenko, Robin Day, &c. Drink (gin) and look at photographs. To bed at 2am. Disgustingly late.


Wednesday November 10, 1982

 Laid in bed at 6:44am moaning at the alarm clock. I could have willingly stayed under our Oasis quilt. Ally refused to get out and didn't do so until her breakfast was set by me, downstairs.

Tim's birthday. We'd forgotten and Ally spotted it tonight when looking at the calendar.

This evening I made 20 or so profiteroles for tomorrow's dinner. I'm a real little Delia Smith. Ally, ironing, cast me admiring glances. I could become obsessed by cooking - especially now that the new oven has a glass door so that I can sit and watch the food as it bubbles and swells. Yes, I am insane.

'Coronation Street': Elsie Tanner has a new boyfriend.

News: It is revealed that a prominent Russian leader has died but his identity remains a secret.


Tuesday April 23, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Very blustery. Bright though. St George. Lord Carrington and the Marquis of Normanby have got the Garter.Dray came at 9. We s...