Monday September 24, 1979

_. Mum and Dad went off to Stranraer this morning to spend a few days with John. I'm pleased. It isn't right that the boy should spend his birthday alone.

Mum & Dad's departure heralded Peter's arrival here, and he moved in with luggage, squash rackets, and other miscellaneous items required for staying over with the girlfriend. It's wonderfully cheeky. They both took over the master bedroom and therein behaved disgracefully. _______.

Saw a gruesome Burt Lancaster film on the BBC and then saw Joan Collins interviewed on 'Film '79'. Barry Norman pulled her to pieces. 'The Bitch' is a film I will avoid, I think.

To bed with Adolf Hitler.


Sunday September 23, 1979

15th Sunday after Trinity

Slept like a log and regained consciousness at about 10am on the sitting room floor at the Hollywood.

It's Lily's birthday today. Joined at lunchtime by Garry, Billy, Steve and Co. Billy was dull. We had lunch after 2 with Lily, Jim, Grandad Glynn and Dave. ______.

We took our leave. Dave is coming to Ally's on October 20. Something is wrong with the Spitfire. The ignition light shone bright and clear throughout the journey home.

At Pine Tops Auntie Hilda and Uncle Tony are being entertained to supper.


Tuesday March 12, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Sunshine. Dad went to Horton to meet a carpet cleaner and telephone engineer. It was a pleasant surprise when Mum appeared in...