Wednesday May 4, 1983

 Ally stayed in bed until lunchtime with Wilkie Collins not daring to move. Steve O'Connor went up onto the roof throwing the stones down upon the daffodils. Ally emerged at lunchtime and we had tomato soup (again) and sandwiches. We sat looking at our finances this afternoon and drinking oceans of tea. When should she see a doctor? We are quite ignorant on this topic. It's like living in a goldfish bowl with the roofing chaps peering in on us. Eventually Ally sat with her back to the window, booked pressed against her nose. I kept carrying pots of tea outside for the grateful roofers who had had a shandy over at the Second West. Thirsty work.

We debate about what to do for the remainder of the week. Should she phone Derek? Phoned Susan to wish her luck at hospital tomorrow. Christopher's operation takes place on Friday.

Coronation Street, Dallas and the news. I went to bed with The Three Musketeers. The night was warm and the bedrooom hot, like the hot house at Kew. 


Tuesday May 3, 1983

 I was awakened at 5am by Ally who was in the bathroom threatening to faint. I went to assist. She was sick and wobbly and went back to bed. I phoned Patricia at the AHA and she wasn't convinced. These people never are. I have a cheque in the post to the value of £34 from my YP pension scheme. Ally got up at noon and sat with her feet up sipping tomato soup and pushing in tiny pieces of toast. Will I be a father in January? A pregnancy lasts 274-280 days. From April 7 this takes us through to January 6, 1984 - Epiphany.

Watched the lunchtime news on TV. An earthquake in California, but only one person killed. Watch this space. The quake of 1906 (or was it 1913?) must surely soon be repeated. Steve O'Connor's lackey came to say that the rain is preventing work on the roof, but by lunchtime the rain had stopped and we had a dry afternoon which is more than can be said for Steve O'Connor over in the Second West reminiscing with his friend George at the bar.

Ally sat with her book, a glass of milk, and Wilkie Collins. We watched TV. To bed after 'Minder'.


Monday May 2, 1983

 A foul wet Monday. I was in the bath at 11 and Janette phoned Ally to say they are coming over. They came at 1:20.

Susan phoned. Christopher is having his operation on Friday. She left midst conversation because the boy fell over and impaled himself on the telephone stand. 

John and Janette are like Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. They make a very fiery couple. ________.She isn't 19 until August 3. We went to the Bod which was very rough and full of heavily tattooed Bradfordians with haircuts like Mohican tribesmen. We left hurriedly. To the Fire Brigade pub which was equally rough. We sat giggling ridiculously next to a couple of building labourers who had fallen asleep over their bottles of pils lager. And again it was hard to see flesh for all the tattoos. John told us, at Janette's prompting, of his affair with his nurse neighbour, Janet, who had taken away his bed sheets after a two night romp and never given them back. Janette says she may go home tomorrow, but adds with a smile, that she will return. John says it's been 'a long five days' referring to her arrival in Yorkshire on January 8. We came home at 11 and I bought fish and chips for us all. J & J left at 12 still in pouring rain. I presented the departing Janette with two daffodils __________.

I phoned Mum at 6:30. My first contact with them since April 20. Most odd.


Sunday April 21, 1985

 2nd Sunday after Easter Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II Moorhouse Inn The good lady - the Sovereign is 59 years old today. She is celebratin...