Friday April 9, 1982

 Good Friday

Day off. Ally digs around in the garden and then re-arranged the bedroom whilst I bottled ale and taped pop records for Lynn's party. Not happy with my effort.

The daffodils are trying, but have failed to open. They are usually in bloom for my birthday?

Fish and chips. 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' with Dick Van Dyke and Sally Anne Howes. Revolting.

We went down to Mucky Willies, just the two of us. No, first we went to the Fire Brigade. The comedian bar man gave me a Scottish pound note in my change and referred to it as 'Micky Mouse money' whereupon a Scot in the vicinity quipped: 'Well, it's Micky Mouse beer, isn't it?'

Home. Bed.


Thursday April 8, 1982

 Full Moon

Nothing doing in the day. YP dull.

To Morrison's with Ally, Back in time for Top of the Pops and Kenny Everett. We placed the table near the window and had soup, grilled steak and chips, and cheese and biscuits. A romantic evening but we didn't linger like last Friday.

TV: Falklands. 'Badger By Owl Light', a thriller. Robin Day. Bed.

No work tomorrow, but we retired early all the same. Ally finds it difficult to stay awake after 8pm.


Tuesday April 23, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Very blustery. Bright though. St George. Lord Carrington and the Marquis of Normanby have got the Garter.Dray came at 9. We s...