Friday October 8, 1982

 Back to the YP. No comment on my day off but I did detect an icy note in Kathleen's welcome. She thinks I've been laying carpets for two days. 

Koo Stark.
Sarah has filled me in on the 'Koo Stark Affair'. On the BBC news last night we were privileged to see photos of the naked body of 'soft porn' actress Kathleen Norris 'Koo' Stark, 25. The starlet and her very obvious attributes have been cast into such prominence because Prince Andrew has taken her and a party of friends to Mustique. It would appear that the foolish prince has been having an affair with Miss Stark since February. She has been to Balmoral and, according to one rag, has slept at Buckingham Palace. A pleasant intruder into the prince's bedroom. I have always thought of Prince Andrew as being too self-assured, and full of himself. He does not enjoy the popular appeal of the more restrained Prince of Wales. The boy obviously thinks he can get away with anything following the wild reception he received coming back from the Falkland Islands. However, public opinion is a temperamental thing. The Queen, in Australia, will not be 'seething' as some news reports suggest, but I suppose she'll be saying 'told you so' to her naughty, wayward, second son.

Fish fingers with Piglet. To bed at a reasonable hour. Reading Fanny Hill by John Cleland.


Thursday October 7, 1982

 Ally went into to the AHA and had a peculiar conversation with Derek [Jenkins]. She isn't allowed to take a day off for a strike day because he says it will interfere with her superannuation, whatever that is. She yesterday came out of her flexi-leave. I sat at home and waited for the carpet fitters. A little man came and fixed the gas fire. Ally and Dave Watts came in at lunchtime and he looked at the pipe which is still dripping. 'Do not worry', was his comment. Two carpet fitters arrived at 2 and spent 90 minutes. I was fascinated. They make the job look so easy. By 3:30 we had a plush deep green floor which lends an air of sophistication to our dwelling. Tidied the place up and when Ally came in at 5, I had a blazing fire, and Ella Fitzgerald on the turntable. The house looks wonderful. 

Phoned Dave L to remind him about Saturday. He'll be away at the Nottingham Goose Fair. Bed late.


Wednesday October 6, 1982

 I am resolved to take the day off. Ally phoned the AHA to say she was having the day off as a strike day [today is a TUC day of action]. She phoned Sarah to say I wouldn't be in because I have a cold. I have really landed the YP in it. It will be Hell. Carol J is off, and of course Margo is in Paros with her lover. 

Steve O'Connor, a roofing contractor, came and climbed around on the roof. He says he can make repairs for £12 a square yard instead of the usual £20, and says a new roof, which is needed, will cost us £500. 'Why not apply for a council grant?' he says. Ally phoned and they say we could possbibly have a 90 per cent grant but that there is a long waiting list. We'll wait. Painted the front door. St David, the patron saint of central heating boiler systems, paid a visit and dispelled our fears. He didn't think the system needed draining and came back at 7 with Jean [Watts], and made a poultice [is that sic?]. He says Ally is a born worrier. He is quite right of course. We looked at impressive photographs of Switzerland. I am also taking tomorrow off too to supervise the laying of the new carpet.


Tuesday October 5, 1982

 Awakened at 6:35am by a loud and irritating knocking at the door. Threw on a pullover and staggered downstairs to find the postman with a parcel, which proves to be a chunk of Frank and Bessie's Pearl Wedding cake. Ally was fuming. This put her in a black mood. I went down and boiled eggs, leaving her boiling in the bath.

Karen is 23 today. MM will also be celebrating in his furniture shop. The day that began badly grew steadily worse. Mum and Dad arrived this evening and while putting back a radiator we discovered yet another leak. We have rain which pours in through the roof too. Life here resembles the Poseidon adventure. Mum isn't well and has a burning sore throat which got steadily worse as the night went on. Dad and I took up the lounge carpet and fit it upstairs in the small bedroom. My heart and soul wasn't in it. They left at 12:30.


Monday October 4, 1982

 Wet beginning, warm middle, and sunny end. My bus was full of tarts, and has been so for over a week. Five of them on the back seat were talking very loudly about mens bottoms, and having sex in public conveniences. Most disturbing. Young, but with coughs like old women, with dyed hair. What has become of the English rose?

Sat with The Times. Another KG has died. The premier English baronet Sir Edmund Bacon. That is three vacancies now. 

Phoned David Middleton at 10. He came at 6 and to our relief he immediately said he would replace the cracked sink. I have been blaming myself.

The Queen has sailed off to some South Pacific islands, the last bits of the Commonwealth yet to be visited by Her Majesty. She's doing the closing of the Commonwealth Games in Brisbane first. No monarch in the history of the world has travelled as extensively as the present Queen.

Prince Claus, husband of the Queen of Holland, has lost his marbles, and has been locked in an asylum. He's due here next month for a State visit, or perhaps a Strait visit [i.e. strait jackets, etc] Aren't I a wit?

Chicken. Ally ironing. Bed after 11. We are staying up too late. Phoned Mummy and sugegsted a visit to Stockport on Oct 12.


Sunday October 3, 1982

 17th Sunday after Trinity     Full Moon

Opened my eyes expecting to feel ill, but didn't. Painted in the kitchen all day. Lynn, David and Frances called in for coffee on the way to Richard and Mandy's. Ally was annoyed because they are always on their way somewhere when they visit us. _________. Frances, in a knitted suit looked very 'Bakery', yet sweet. She has big teeth. Laid cushion floor covering in the kitchen. Chicken at 8:30. Hung pictures. Watched Olivier's 'Three Sisters' by Chekhov, and felt stupid because I couldn't understand it. Bed after 12.


Saturday October 2, 1982

Definitely feel 'off it'. Hot, sweaty, and getting a cold as sure as God makes little apples. Struggled in to town with sweet Ally. The curtains were not ready. Bought wallpaper and my last tin of apple white matt. Home at 2 and papered the kitchen until 6. Ally screamed in horror. The sink, not eight weeks old, has cracked. I could commit murder. Seven thousand pounds for a knackered old kitchen sink. Depression. Fish pie. Stayed up late. Ally baked cakes and buns. Watched Olivier in 'Rebecca'. Bed. Unwell.


Friday October 1, 1982

 Cold, even frosty. Margo went off at 4 on a 2-week holiday with a mystery friend. Sarah and Carol were almost purple with inquisitiveness. That is if in fact inquisitiveness does make one purple. Mauve perhaps. 

Corn on the cob and a luscious lasagne. [Ah, but first we walked to Comet, in our matching plum coloured jackets, to look at freezers, without actually buying one]. Felt tired. Watched TV. Bruce Forsyth either dyes his hair or wears a hideous wig. 

Have I told you about Andrew? _________________.


Thursday September 30, 1982

 John P.H. is six today, God Bless him. Mum and Dad came home from Scotland and phoned this evening. Baby Hannah is beautiful, but add little else. Maria bumped into Janette in Stranraer _____________.

Ally was slumped upon the settee looking very weak. Ate fish and chips. Brewed beer. She made a cushion cover from an old skirt. Looks good. I shouldn't refer to her as 'she'.  Watched Robert Powell in the film 'The 39 Steps' - poor. Give me Robert Donat any day. Life is so busy. I love this journal but do not think I am giving it my all. No time, you see.

At 10 the phone rang and I thought it was Papa but no it was his brother, John, in Lanzarote. [Sheila too was on the extension]. They asked Ally and I to go stay with them. All we need is a flight. It was so good hearing him. He has fond memories of my visits to Windsor, and I have the same. It's ten years since the Duke of Windsor was lying-in-state and I paid my first visit to Clewer Fields. To bed excited. I'm sure Ally will love them.


Wednesday September 29, 1982

 Sunny, yet blustery. Refused to climb out of bed. Ally did. Odd how we take turns 'lying in'.My bus to Leeds was full of trendy students and it irked me having to queue to get on. YP brisk and efficient. Said very little and packed in at 12.

Was Lady Mary Lygon a friend of Evelyn Waugh? She's dead anyway. 

Home for 12:40. The traffic lights had failed all over Bradford. Ate a bit of cheese and spent the afternoon 'glossing' the radiator and skirting board. I'm unhappy about it. I was distracted by the ghastly Labour party conference from Blackpool, on BBC2. As I daubed paint I spat with rage at the likes of Dame Judith Hart and Arthur Scargill. The conference is a complete and utter farce, and to think they seriously believe they will form the next government. Ally phoned and we agreed about nothing. She came home at 6 and we ate dreaded macaroni cheese. A gas man came and cut off our non-approved gas fire. It's leaking somewhere. It will cost us £15 to have it mended. Mary Moore, over the road, was having a Tupperware party, and later we watched old ladies doing a conga dance down the street.


Tuesday April 23, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Very blustery. Bright though. St George. Lord Carrington and the Marquis of Normanby have got the Garter.Dray came at 9. We s...