Wednesday July 25, 1984

 Moorhouse Inn

Sunshine. A frantic lunch with people chewing on salads like rabbits. We took £23.80 on food. Good. We went at 2:30 to see Rob and Kath Piper (her baby is due on February 18) and she told us that at the Butcher's (Pudsey) they take between £200 and £300 a week on food. Felt sick and slightly ridiculous. Our £23 now looks quite pathetic. We imagined we joining the Pipers for lunch, but it soon became apparent we not getting any. Kath went to buy a chicken and Rob went sweeping up outside and we left at 3:30 somewhat despondent. Hungry too. To see Jill, but she was at work, and so we went to Guiseley and sat in the garden at Fieldhead Rd with Sue. What a poky, peculiar little house it is. Margaret was next door with the aged Mrs Booker. We sat sunning ourselves sipping lager and blackcurrant. Benjamin is changed and not as quite like Jim as he was. Christopher is a bloody maniac - kissing and sucking at the babies like a vampire. Susan certainly has her hands full. On to Lynn's. Saw the completed south transept. They ate, we watched. On to Westfield fish and chip shop - Samuel sitting in his car seat. Home for 9:30. The pub was packed. Couldn't sleep for the TV at full-volume.


Tuesday July 24, 1984

 Moorhouse Inn

A funny red-faced man called Ernie Benson staggered in and shook me gleefully by the hand and went on at length about the fun times we had together at the Linthorpe. Needless to say, I have never set eyes on him before. The chap had clearly been partaking in the consumption of alcohol. I add-libbed quite brilliantly and Ernie went away thinking I had remembered him and we were the greatest pals. He clearly is a friend of Roy Barnes, and came on his recommendation.

Don Whitfield phoned and asked me to play 'five-a-side', and the Sam Smith's 'family day' on August 14. I had to agree. I do not think I have kicked a ball since my Campsmount days in '66. Ally laughed in amazement at my agreeing to play. Dray day. The driver was called Penhaligon. No doubt a kinsman of that ghastly Liberal MP of the same name. Sammy playful. He loves the drum that Bessie has given him.


Monday July 23, 1984

 Moorhouse Inn

Mum & Samuel, July 1984.
It is good having Mum and Dad here. They do help and I can tell you we need all the help we can get. Dad has been helping with the 'bottling up', watering the dead hanging baskets and sweeping up the litter. Mum, upstairs helping with Samuel, says he is being spoiled when we pick up him up when he cries. The poor boy can only go on for so long. Ally tells me that Mum must have quite forgotten how to handle babies. They left at 12 to go see Susan. Mum isn't herself. For the first time since Dad quit the police I sense an atmosphere. She must worry about Susie _________ and is slightly 'off' guest houses and bearded Guardian reading hikers. Can't say I blame her. I'm sure it will all blow over.


Sunday April 21, 1985

 2nd Sunday after Easter Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II Moorhouse Inn The good lady - the Sovereign is 59 years old today. She is celebratin...