Thursday June 28, 1984

 Moorhouse Inn, Leeds

A most traumatic day. Leslie (Gledhill) and F.O'Brien came here at 7 o'clock and the tension and the sense of over hanging evil became immediately apparent. Fran O'Brien was his usual gloating arrogant self and Leslie quite the opposite looked quite sad as we went around inspecting the pub. LG obviously shocked by FO'B's attitude. Ally and I are of course quite used to it. The little shit even inspected the contents of our fridge. Poking around in the blocks of cheese and slices of gammon. Downstairs the two area managers disagreed over the price of our Planter's Dry Roasted Nuts and FO'B, still gloating, accused LG of fiddling. That was the final straw. LG hit the roof and grabbed Fran by the throat and dragged him outside onto to the green. I stood open mouthed, aghast at the brawl. They came back in afterwards and LG bought a lager for me and downed one himself. Fran stood near the clock like a frightened rodent. They then left separately. Rob (Piper) walked in and I told him of the fracas. He was gleeful. I shouldn't have told anyone. He says Kath is pregnant. Later I spoke to Roy Barnes and told Marie of the events of the evening. LG phoned me at midnight to apologise. 'Two wrongs don't make a right', he said. He added that we have a good pub and are good managers and that Fran O'Brien will not get away with treating him in such a way. He seemed half cut.


Wednesday June 27, 1984

 Moorhouse Inn, Leeds

Bright sun. The third anniversary of our marriage. At 7am my phone was ringing and my head was aching. It was Mum to say Sue is in labour. Today's the day. Back to bed - alone - for a bit more eye shut. (Auntie) Mabel phoned at 9 to say happy anniversary. By now I was supping coffee and shoveling paracetamols. Ally is awake and cheerful. The call came again at about 12:30 in the middle of lunches. Mum says Sue had a baby boy at 12:12pm  weighing 8lb 8oz, and he is Benjamin James. How fabulous. Later we went to Guiseley but found nobody at home. Shopping in Yeadon and Guiseley. To West End Terrace tonight. Mum continues to be tetchy and I suspect  she has had a difference of opinion with Lynn, though nothing was said. Peter was quiet as ever. They all baby sat at 7 and Ally and I took Peter to Leeds and had an hour with Sue and Benjamin, a clone of Christopher and every inch a Nason. ___ Afterwards we went to the Emmott Arms, plush yet lifeless. We were spotted by the relief manageress, a Diana Dors look-alike. On to the Station Hotel. Back at No. 23 (West End Terrace) the place was packed with Rhodeses and Nasons. David B in his suit. No Lynn. Samuel was fed and then Ally and I - just the two of us - went to the Hare & Hounds. What a day.  Home late.


Tuesday June 26, 1984

 Moorhouse Inn, Leeds

F.O'B phoned to ask about our Gaston competition and Ally aksed him when he intends to come and he replied Thursday evening. Good. Now it won't be a shock and we can look prepared. Today was the day my tap room mob saw me as a human alcoholic with murderous tendencies. Yes, we went in a mini bus to the Red Lion with Taffy at the wheel. Seventeen of us. What fun. Not one driving licence between us, but we survived. It was all in aid of a pool competition, but I took little notice of it. Our man, Cliff Wise, won. I was pissed. Brandy, brandy, brandy. The hideous Elaine said she'd swap Les Gledhill for F.O'B any day. Silly cow. Back very late. Poor Ally. All alone at the Moorhouse. Samuel screamed blue murder and I hiccoughed my way in and took the poor mite in hand whilst Ally escaped to the spare bedroom, at her wits end. Alcohol took hold and I slept.


Monday June 25, 1984

 Moorhouse Inn, Leeds

Waiting. We expect Baby Nason and Fran O'Brien any day and the expectancy is eating away at us. I am permanently on guard and on the look-out for F.O'B, and the place is like a new pin. Poor Leslie. We shall miss him and his casual approach. He has given us such help since we left the Why Not.


Sunday June 24, 1984

 1st Sunday after Trinity

Midsummer Day

Moorhouse Inn, Leeds

Midsummer Day. Didn't see much of it. Marlene and Frank appeared at lunch with Mabel fresh from Eastbourne. They sat outside and Ally joined them with Samuel and they coo over him. Back to the Clarendon Wing we found Mum and Dad, Peter and Christopher at the bedside. Samuel played for them on the bed and pulled Christopher's hair. Susie is bigger and more weary, __ We gave Mum the top tier of our wedding cake to take to Mrs Rusby at Guiseley - to re-ice it as Samuel's christening cake. 

Saturday June 23, 1984

 Moorhouse Inn, Leeds

Catherine, my niece, is 5. _______. It's five years then since Ally and I were in bed at Pine Tops when John phoned with the news.

To hospital this afternoon with Samuel to see Susie. Baby slept on the bed to the screams of delight from the other 'inmates'. Susan was well, but bored. She doesn't read anything. Surely, this is our last visit?

Michael Brown was here at luncheon with his father. They were supping mild and complaining about the colour of the Old Brewery bitter. I made a quick exit. These real ale drinkers are as temperamental as ballerinas.


Sunday April 21, 1985

 2nd Sunday after Easter Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II Moorhouse Inn The good lady - the Sovereign is 59 years old today. She is celebratin...