Tuesday September 8, 1981

 _. Three months married is an exciting time.  ______________.

YP: Did some background for Bob [Cockroft] and the People column. Lady Feversham gave birth to a son in York on Sunday, and Charles Forbes Adam, a grandson of a former YP chairman, is engaged. quite mundane really.

Spoke to Derek Jenkins [Ally was out of the office], and he didn't bother to tell her I'd phoned. Phoned Mum. They were at Hilda and Tony's last night and I was reminded the night of hideous drinking in celebration of the coming nuptials of Jill & Tim is almost upon us. May God see us safely through the ordeal. 

Greatest Aussie lady.
Saw Dame Edna [Everage] interviewed on Nationwide. Surely the greatest Australian lady of all time?

Michael Foot on the news making a heart-rending speech calling for party unity, and as usual he had to mention Aneurin Bevan. He always does. His oratory won't do a blind bit of good. Wedgwood Benn will take the leadership even if it takes him 20 years. I cannot wait for that to happen because who on earth would vote Labour with that buffoon in charge?

Mrs Thatcher has been at Balmoral. The prime minister goes every year in August for a weekend as the Queen's guest, but the word from the heather is that Mrs T is there to brief HM on her coming Cabinet changes. What rot. The re-shuffle might never come.


Monday September 7, 1981

 _. Dull, overcast, hot. The Prince and Princess of Wales are grinning on the front pages of today's newspapers apparently giggling through the national anthem at the Braemar Games where the Queen told them to cool it. 

Phoned Ally. She's feeling peculiar __________. Later, she phoned Lynn to ask if they fancy going to Stranraer for John's birthday. The Bakers cannot decide. Auntie Joan, Bessie's sister, phoned saying we haven't received a wedding present and ought she to post it? This causes some feelings of guilt. We really should go to Colne. 

Ally is crossed legged on the floor reading Daphne Du Maurier's 'Jamaica Inn'. She says it's 'spooky'.

News: Alec Waugh, brother of Evelyn, is dead. Bed at 11. Ally had gone at 9:30.


Sunday April 21, 1985

 2nd Sunday after Easter Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II Moorhouse Inn The good lady - the Sovereign is 59 years old today. She is celebratin...