Monday November 16, 1981

 _.YP busy. I worked through lunch and left at 4:30. I phoned Allt this afternoon and got through to Derek Jenkins. 

Mr Speaker Thomas.
Ulster is in turmoil [just for a change]. The Unionist MP Robert Bradford was assassinated by the IRA on Saturday and today three Ulster MPs including Ian Paisley were expelled from the House of Commons for abusing the government and referring to James Prior as a 'traitor with blood on his hands'. I do sympathise with Mr Paisley. What has the government done to combat the increasing IRA menace? ____. The Speaker of the House of Commons is a wonderful man. If we can go on producing men like George Thomas we cannot be all that bad. 

A fried pastiche this evening. Then bottling wine and washing, &c. Ally says she resembles a witch with her hair standing on end. The Good Witch of Lidget Green. She is resolved to have her hair 'done' later in the week.

Watched a gloomy Mrs Thatcher on 'Newsnight'. Bed at 11 after Ovaltine.


Sunday November 15, 1981

 _.22nd Sunday after Trinity

Hungover at first but a few pills and a gallon of tea and a heap of breakfast pulled me round. Ally was very tender too. We were in bed until noon. 

We slumped on the settee all afternoon watching two dreadful films, unable to move to switch over. Eleanor Parker as an archaeologist in Egypt and Robert Taylor and Sophia Loren as Greek sponge divers. This duo of film classics took us through until 6:30.

We had chilled Martinis followed by pork cooked in cider. A delicious candle-lit nosh. 

Watched an episode of The Borgias. Pneumotelevisionitis undoubtedly.


Saturday November 14, 1981

 _.We lounged in bed until after 10:30 and took a leisurely breakfast and discussed the days proggramme. Dry, bright, crisp and sunny. We made our weekly pilgrimage into Bradford and were soon weighed down with fruit, vegetables and meat. The shops were packed out. The festive season looming. Collected my painting from the frame shop. We tired of the bustle and made for home. 

The oil paining is now hanging on the landing. Lynn, Dave and Frances came at 3:30 and spent a couple of hours drinking apricot wine and 'Clan Dew'. 

The baby has wonderful dark eyes and a head of fine, punk-rock like hair. They left at 5:30 and we were left amongst the cushions, clutching our sticky glasses and looking for some excitement. We phoned Susie but they are going out with Pamela and Pamela's Peter. Phoned Dave L, Jill, Tim, Karen, Steve, Diane and Paul, and all agreed to come over. Catherine and David were conned into coming too. They arrived thinking they'd be our only guests. A jolly gathering which included a dancing competition. Steve, Tim and Dave did a remarkable impression of The Chiffons singing 'Sweet Talking Guy'. Diane and Paul are getting engaged next week. Things fell through at about 1:30 when Dave left and Steve had a ferocious attack of wind. We ended the night using the cellar as an  'anti-Steve fall out shelter'.

At 3:30am we made eggs and chips.


Friday November 13, 1981

 _.Friday the thirteenth. Ally has spoken to Jack Andrews garage. The reply this time is that they are waiting for a new seat belt to arrive from the dealers. A simple three day job has escalated into three weeks.

YP: photographs of the royal progress in York yesterday show a pale and wilting Princess of Wales. Should HRH be carrying out such a bstrenuous 'meet the people tour' in these early and crucial weeks of a first pregnancy?

A cosy evening on our settee with our books [Stanley Baldwin and Daphne Du Maurier] with the tv droning on in the background. At 10:15 I shamefully went over the road for greasy fish and chips. We seldom have supper. We watched the tv until it disappeared into a dot. Adam, of Adam and the Ants, was the star on a late night chat show. He's obviously a boy with big and burning ambitions.


Tuesday April 23, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Very blustery. Bright though. St George. Lord Carrington and the Marquis of Normanby have got the Garter.Dray came at 9. We s...