Sunday December 11, 1983

 Red Lion, Thornton Road, Four Lane Ends, Bradford 8

3rd Sunday in Advent

The BRI.
Snow fell this evening. The first of the winter. Bing Crosby will be in full voice somewhere. His awful 'White Christmas' gets a hammering every bloody year. I got into the bath at opening time and let the girls get on with it. I just gave them a hand in the bar at the end. This afternoon we went up to the BRI to inspect the maternity building along with another couple who expect a bundle of joy in February. We left after an hour feeling highly nervous and well aware that the time is almost upon us. Ally looked slightly terror struck at the sight of heart monitors and breathing apparatus. Those rooms look so impersonal and clinical. This first baby caper is certainly a step into the unknown. We went on to Harden to see Jean and David. Jean pregnant but isn't big, and silent as ever. David has grown a nautical beard and was friendly as ever. They like the names Nathaniel and Samuel. We just eyed each other. Our Samuel will be born first anyway. Back to the 'Lion Rouge' for 7. Jim, Margaret and Julie came. Julie has hair like the singer Paul Young. They left in snow at 8:30 and we went out and bought a Chinese take-away.


Saturday December 10, 1983

 Red Lion, Thornton Rd, Four Lane Ends, Bradford 8

Tel: 496684

I did not go crazy last night, and so not hungover. We only spent £11 after time, and by we I of course mean the full company. It is the anniversary of the abdication of King Edward VIII in 1936. The Duchess of Windsor is hanging on by the skin of her teeth over in Paris. It will be interesting to see what becomes of her jewels when she is no more. I hope that Queen Mary's gems don't fall into the hands of some ghastly, cheap American, and that they come home to the Crown. I had a busy afternoon with Enid, and a similar night with Jean and Rita. Jean stayed back at 11 and had a brandy by the fire. A Pakistani piled his X-reg motor up against the Co-op wall and we all went out to look. Biting cold. Our customer, old Mary, says she isn't long for this world. I'm inclined to agree with her.


Friday December 9, 1983

 Red Lion, Thornton Road, Four Lane Ends, Bradford 8

The Red Lion.
I have ceased to make comments on national and international affairs touching us at this moment in time. To be honest I seldom see the TV news and I look at the Daily Telegraph for about ten minutes each day which is no good. According to the Press Prince William has given his father a heavy cold, and a portrait of the Duke of Edinburgh by Bryan Organ has been unveiled at the National Gallery. Amazing that no other portraits of the duke are to be found in a national collection. Organ portrays him as an ageing reptile, but it is a good likeness. We went to the bank and passed an afternoon of peaceful quietude. So unlike our life at the Why Not. 

This evening the clan gathered here to see how I am coping.John and Janette arrived first followed by Lynn and Dave, then Karen, Steve, Di, Paul, Jill and Tim. I wasn't expecting to see the Pudsey crowd at all. Finally, in walked Marlene and Frank, and they didn't expect to see their Pudset kinfolk either. Marlene was only expecting the Rhodes delegation. Poor Sue has a galloping Delhi belly, and is indisposed. I had to work but kept joining the revellers on the other side. I ejected a youth, who, whilst drunk, fell over the coal scuttle and mangled it, and then threatened to rape a blue-rinsed matron from Heaton. No violence however. Lynn and Dave had to leave at 11 because Audrey was sitting with the children but we entertained the remaining crew to a private drink. Paul seemed enthralled by pub life and I showed him the cellars. He squealed with delight at the sight of wooden barrels. _______. John says business isn't doing too well and he cannot see Rhodes & Ettenfield going public in the near future. They all left after a couple of drinks and we took to our bed. All the girls had been in pearls.Karen, in a tartan suit and patent shoes looked like Ruth, Lady Fermoy.


Tuesday April 23, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Very blustery. Bright though. St George. Lord Carrington and the Marquis of Normanby have got the Garter.Dray came at 9. We s...