A hot day. Sat in the garden with Mum and Susan until lunchtime and had the occasional lager. Just like been on holiday again. The temperature was in the 70s when I set off to Leeds at 4pm and if there's anything I feel least like doing on a hot, summers afternoon, it's work. However, it's inevitable for plebeians such as I.
Just me and Wendy at the YP until I left at 11.
Grouse: family reunion? |
Hundreds of thousands of grouse will be having family reunions in the moorland heather tonight no doubt reminiscing on past escapades together and chanting the occasional prayer. Some of them will weep, or at least do the grouse equivalent, which is, I think, when they bash their wings together whilst frantically squeaking. Yes, tomorrow is the Glorious Twelfth.
Home in a taxi with a witty driver who, on parting, bid me "Goodnight and God Bless". Who the hell does he think he is? The Pope I suppose.
Made a couple of salad sandwiches and retired to my chamber not particularly knackered. I've been a good deal worse.