Wednesday June 17, 1981

 _. Full Moon.

I am detecting a dryness in my throat and a blockage in the nasal cavity. Going down with a cold. Shit and buggery, I'm getting married next week.

An 'Ally-less' night. We had several conversations. Auntie Mabel had been on the phone to her talking about the rug she's buying us. Bless her. We must call and see her at the weekend.

Shazzo Cohen was missing from the office today. No doubt on her way to Ankara with her new love. Can't say that I blame her. The YP library is no place for an adventure seeking, sex-crazed 20 year-old.

A letter in the Times reports that the forename Zara is very common in Arab countries. The author goes on to say that it is something of a coincidence that Miss Phillips should be given an Arab name when King Khalid of Saudi Arabia is about to arrive in London. What a startling coincidence, not.

The Prince of Wales is in New York leaving Lady Diana alone at Royal Ascot. She is looking stunning. A definite style is emerging.

Sue has been to see a doctor. She should know for certain by Friday. In other news, Frances now weights 11 pounds.


Tuesday June 16, 1981

 _. A fun-packed day at the office. All squabbling about holidays. Wendy Newton is quitting the library night staff, and once again we are in the doldrums. Sharon is behaving mysteriously. Ten days ago she met a Turk in the Intime Club in town and he has asked her to accompany him back to Istanbul next week. Is this the end of the ample Miss Cohen?

Didn't see Ally this evening but we spoke a couple of times. Garry has sent a response to Frank & Bessie. No, he won't be coming to the wedding. God knows why. 

Ally went for some sun-ray treatment and then to a hairdresser, who fiddled around with her hair in various styles for the wedding.

Sue is reporting feeling tired, sick and dizzy. It's a good sign, isn't it?

Battle Cruiser Zara.
A gent in a letter to the Times suggests that Miss Zara Phillips is so named because 40 years ago the Duke of Edinburgh, as a naval officer, contributed to the sinking of an Italian cruiser, Zara, at the Battle of Matapan. Laughter. Is Philip destined now to sink his own granddaughter?


Monday June 15, 1981

 _. Up at 6:30. Ally and I took a bus to Horsforth, collected the car, fiddled with the accelerator, and off she went, pale and bruised from yesterday's collapse. Sarah says we missed a good party. What a pity for us that it had such a premature end. 

Dined with Mum, Dad and Ally at 6. I mowed the lawns. Ally followed doing the edges. 

Marcus Simon Sarjeant appeared in court today charged under Section 2 of the 1848 Treason Act. The bastard was remanded in court until June 24. TV and newspapers have devoted so much time and newsprint to this boy. It's a green light for all the lunatics to go out and frighten the Sovereign.


Sunday June 14, 1981

 _. Trinity Sunday

Spent the morning pottering in the garden. Weeding, &c, to the sound of the church bells summoning Anglicans to church.

Ally: weak at the knees
To Delia's lunch party at 12:45. Ally in her yellow shorts, brown legs, white shoes. We had not been informed that it was an engagement party for Sarah and Trevor, and stood by as guests handed over spice racks, wine racks, heavy glass tumbers, &c.____. I spent some time in the kichen chatting to a young David Hirst about Benton Park School. Geoff Slater, the undertaker, cornered me and talked about official 'flag flying days'. Evidently I provided him with a list in 1975. Other guests included Jill Whittington, Olive, Olive's husband, Delia's florist, Delia's hairdresser, Barbara, Marilyn and Beverley Wheeler, &c. Just as the food was being served Ally began to feel dizzy and we went outside and propped up a coal bunker. She became weak at the knees. For us the party was over. I helped her to the car and set off down West End Lane, and had driven no further a mile when the accelerator pedal snapped beneath my foot. I pushed the car into a lay-by, Ally now unconscious, and walked to Horsforth roundabout and phoned Susan and Peter. They arrived at about 4 and brought us back to Pine Tops and we put her to bed. I spent the evening keeping vigil.

Mum and Dad dined at the Prachee.


Saturday June 13, 1981

 _. Shopping in Bradford. Ally bought some yellow shorts and matching shirt and now looks like a sexy canary. I bought a couple of pairs of socks.

Sarjeant: firing blanks.
Back at Ash Tree Cottage at 3. Hear on the radio that someone fired six blanks at the Queen as she was entering Horse Guards Parade this morning for the Trooping of the Colour ceremony. HM was unhurt and performed splendidly on her horse, Burmese. A 17 year-old youth, Marcus Sarjeant, from Kent, has been charged with offences under Section 2 of the 1848 Treason Act, and could face a prison sentence of up to seven years. At the Birthday Parade in 1936 a Scot threw a loaded revolver at King Edward VIII on Constitution Hill, and did a years 'hard labour' for his treacherous deed.

To Guiseley at 5. Stayed until after 12. Had fish and chips. Sue and Pete came at about 10 just as Ally was dishing up the food. Sue thinks she might be pregnant, and the baby due in February. Surely, this cannot be right? It means she's only two days pregnant. She's seeing a doctor on Wednesday. Much laughter. Peter took all the banter with his usual Nason composure. To Bradford after 12.


Friday June 12, 1981

Pine Tops: soon to be sold?

 _. Mum and Dad are inundated with enquiries about the sale of Pine Tops. People are flocking to view. No doubt the old place will be sold at the weekend. I phoned Mum this afternoon.

At the office I did point out to the [news] desk that Princess Anne's lady-in-waiting, the Hon Shan Legge-Bourke, also has a daughter, Zara, born in 1966.

To Club Street at 6. Another evening of tidying up in readiness for the visit of the duke and duchess on June 26, or is it June 25? Ally was in a highly emotional state tonight ___________.


Sunday April 21, 1985

 2nd Sunday after Easter Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II Moorhouse Inn The good lady - the Sovereign is 59 years old today. She is celebratin...