Tuesday September 14, 1982

 Sun. To the YP. Phoned Guiseley at 11:30. They had had a champagne breakfast. After 25 years Papa has ceased to be a police constable. Spoke to Dad. He appreciacted the Churchill quote. I thought he would. 

Busy day. Brisk walk at lunch. Spoke to Ally. She had phoned Mum at breakfast time too. Met Glynnie at the station at 4:55 where we took the train to Bradford. Dave has taken on the responsibility of the Hollywood following Jim's death. At Rue Club Ally was gliding around in her finery and Dave B was attending to a leaking pipe. Bathed and dressed in ten minutes and at 6:30 we were in Burley-in-W. Lynn's bulge is bigger. Mum says that the shape of bump determines that the baby is a boy. On to Guiseley at 7 for bubbly with Mum, Dad and John. Sue and Pete arrived simultaneously. Mum, dressed in green, wasn't the usual bundle of joy she usually is. Both she and Papa seemed stunned. I suppose that retirement has that effect. At 7:30 we took them to Giovanni's - a complete surprise. We had a few gins first and ate at 8:30, or so. I had steak au poivre, or something. Ally had a sirloin done in sherry. A pleasant but noisy dinner. John and Pete behaved like big kids together. John told me [at our end of the table] that he was supposed to phone Janette, but had fortgotten in all the excitement. I could see Mum at the other end of the table straining. It's cruel and Mum, Dad and John don't see eye to eye on _____________.

Dad had a cake iced in blue. Much Sambuca and Strega, coffee and chunks of gateau. Back to Pine Tops for more stiff drinks and then to bed after squabbling with John about Mrs Thatcher.


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Tuesday March 12, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Sunshine. Dad went to Horton to meet a carpet cleaner and telephone engineer. It was a pleasant surprise when Mum appeared in...