Saturday January 17, 1976

Up at 10.30 and do nothing at all all day. Carole comes up at 3 o'clock and we stick more photographs in our album. We then watch an Alastair Sim film on the TV and laughed with Dad at the corn of it all.

We then go for a walk and end up at Maria's to find her in hair curlers and looking hilarious. We leave 30 minutes later after coffee and biscuits. Carole returns to her place and I return home for tea.

I go to Carole's at 8pm and hear that her brother _____ was picked up on a stolen motor bike today, but Carole points no finger of chastisement in his direction and laughs off the whole thing. We go over to the Hare & Hounds tap room with Sue and Peter and stay until 10.30. Carole and I then go through to the lounge where Peter M offers to take us to Oakwood Hall. We go with Pete, Keith, Carol S, and CD. Have a good night, but argue again with Carole about nothing specific. We don't get on at all now and it's only a matter of days before the whole bulwark of our relationship will crumble and crash to the ground. I can't say I'll be sorry because it's been foolish the way I've ignored our differences over the months and we are like chalk and cheese together. Home at 2.30.


Friday January 16, 1976

I stay in bed until after eleven and wake up feeling greatly improved from my two days break from toiling at the office.

CB rings to discover the nature of my indisposition and I joke with her about going out with Chris again. They went out together last January-February and I remark on the coincidence.

Ring Denny about the holiday booking and she says she and Tony will come up tonight to collect the deposit money.

Denny and Tony come up at 9 and Carole arrives minutes later. I give her the £30 for the deposit and they then took C and I to the Hare for a few drinks. We move on to the Red Lion at Burley-in-Wharfedale where I cut my finger on Tony's car door and at closing time we nip back to Tony's bachelor pad in Burley.________________.

Girls are funny things really. Maria asked Tony when he was going to make a honest woman of Denise & I could have crawled under the carpet. ________________________.


Thursday January 15, 1976

When John came in from the pub last night we had a very intimate chat about our relationship with the ladies, and the following items of interest were disclosed. 1). Mrs P(hillips) went to see Molly Macdonald last Thursday afternoon and sat ranting and raving about the way I used Carole and how I let her buy all my Christmas presents and how I let her take me out all through the week and how I let her buy all the drinks and how I have the cheek to arrange a holiday without taking Carole with me!! Maria was witness to all this defamatory chit-chat and was angered by the way Mrs P started making the same claims about John. This incident coincides with Carole's behaviour on Friday. John also told me that Carole wasn't __________.
I was horrified and laid awake for hours thinking of the evilness of some people, and how some people have the nerve to go to church on a Sunday and then act like the devil for the rest of the week. Has Carole given her mother this impression, or does Mrs P just assume that this is going on? John also commented on how much Carole has changed, as did David at the weekend. _______________________.

I woke up today at 12.45pm. Feel a bit better after a long sleep and have fish and chips with John. Mum comes in from work at 1.30 and when Dad gets up I tell them about the things Mrs P's been saying. Dad gives me his advice and talks about women in general and the complex way they look at things. Mum says it's obvious that Carole thinks a lot more of me than I do of her and advises me to have a change if I feel bored and suffocated. I do feel suffocated and wish I were free of the ties, and I intend doing something about it shortly. OK, I like Carole, but marriage is not quite on for me, mate. Dad says he is so lucky because he met Mum when he was 16 and decided immediately that he wanted nobody else. Love like that must ne great.
However, I'm longer in the tooth and harder to match up with anyone.

Carole rings twice and is in tears on both occasions. I just feel useless and clumsy listening to a weeping, wailing woman slobbering down the phone in inaudible moans. We must get to the bottom of this trouble because it's getting on my nerves.


Wednesday January 14, 1976

I am completely shattered with cold. My nose glows like a lighthouse all day long and I come home and stagger around the place sneezing and wheezing like an 85 year-old. If I see the month out it will be a miracle. It's always the same every January. Christmas is over and done with and it's as if my resistance tries to commit suicide at the thought of no revelry and tinsel for yet another year.

The holiday is settled anyway. I rang Pete at 7.40am to receive his assent to my booking the Pacific Hotel, San Antonio, Ibiza, from June 27 to July 11, 1976. With his assent given I rang Denise, who at once set the whole system of booking into operation. I'm paying my £10 deposit to her tomorrow night.

Carole rings me at work at 4pm. She's still upset about the events of Saturday night and doesn't believe I've forgiven her foolishness. A child she is, nothing more, nothing less. No argument would have arisen if she had only come to me with her grievance in the first place.

Go to bed at 10pm and decide not to go to work in the morning. John comes in at 10.30 and tells me a horrible tale, the details of which I will recount to you in detail on the next page. But let me say this; something is going to be said and a certain line of action is to be taken which will make certain people waken up round here.


Tuesday April 23, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Very blustery. Bright though. St George. Lord Carrington and the Marquis of Normanby have got the Garter.Dray came at 9. We s...