Thursday June 12, 1975

The weather remains phenomenal, but somehow I think it's going to decline slightly. Today's been even more humid and at 6 o'clock this evening whilst devouring tea I did notice the odd cloud messing about in the heavens.

Christine rang me at the YP and it's still on for 11.30 tomorrow. I didn't want to talk to her in detail because Sarah and Carol were glued to me and I felt acutely self conscious throughout. Everyone, that is Christine, Sarah and Carol dissolved into fits of laughter when I said to C that it sounded as though she was ringing from Guyana.

Anyway, I'm tired now and going to bed, but before I do I will mention something which may be of historic value in years to come. The disreputable newspaper, The Sun, today says that the Prince of Wales is dating Lady Alexandra Hay,daughter of the Countess of Erroll (a peeress in her own right I might add) and Sir Iain Moncrieffe of that Ilk, Baronet. She isn't pretty, but who am I to judge these things?


Wednesday June 11, 1975

Unpleasant day. The weather was beautiful of course, but otherwise I hated it.

I went to Menston with John to help him with a little job he was doing. (Hell Fire! I haven't mentioned the fact that yesterday he took up employment as a maintenance joiner at Moon's Mill. Yes, Mum got him the job and he's on £10 a week more! Can't be bad.)

We messed about at this little job. He had me holding a piece of wood up against a wall while he drilled holes in it - until 8 o'clock when we made for home in order to get ready to go down to the Hare. Christine didn't ring me like she said she would and I'm doubtful about our sojourn on Friday morning.

Arrived at the Hare at 8.30 just as Christine and Mary are getting off the bus. She gets upset when Gary comes in with another woman goggle-eyed over him. "Why is he doing this to me?" she kept moaning. She then went off and stood with that blighter called Roger, who rather fancies himself. At 10.30 our Friday meeting is on, but she doesn't seem happy with me. AFTER SAYING GOODBYE to Roger, she departed for home, refusing a lift from John, but getting a lift from someone else whom I failed to recognise.


Tuesday June 10, 1975

Still the same old summer sunshine. What is happening? Are we actually going to have one whole week of nice weather? I'll let you know whether we have or not on Thursday.

Home from the YP at my usual hour after informing Kate of my intended day off on Friday. Christine and I are nipping off to Otley on that day, where the pubs are open all the time because of market day. So you'll understand how elated I feel. Pubs open all day and having Christine all to myself!

Saw Queen Victoria die tonight in 'Edward VII'. The series will be hopeless without Annette Crosbie parading about, but I remain a dedicated follower all the same.

Bed at 10.30. Oh, before I go, I think I'll say something about the Royal Household. Why? Well, don't you think it strange that no less than three members of that institution (Royal Household) have died within the short space of two weeks? I do anyway. The first was Lady Margaret Hay, a Woman of the Bedchamber to the Queen since 1947, and one of HM's most closest friends. The second was Lord Plunkett, another pal of the Queen and deputy master of the Household. The third was Admiral Sir Christopher Bonham-Carter, a chief for many years of the Duke of Edinburgh's household. So quite naturally, the surviving members of the Royal Household will be betting on who is next to go.


Monday June 9, 1975

A beautiful summer day, but it's back to work for the working classes. Nothing really devastating in the news other than the rehearsal for Saturday's Trooping the Colour. The Prince of Wales, in the guise of colonel of the Welsh Guards, took the salute in the place of the Queen, who never attends her own rehearsals.

Sarah is back from Spain looking quite tanned, and I can't say I'm not pleased to see her once again. Things just don't seem right without her around. Like all my relationships, the one with Sarah is platonic, only more so.

Later that night: John drags me off to the Yorkshire Rose for a quick one, then down to the Hare for another quick one, then home and sat in front of the TV before 9.30. Not bad going, eh?


Sunday June 8, 1975

2nd after Trinity. Yet another scorching day. Up at 11.30 when Christine rang. She'll be in the Hare & Hounds at her usual hour. I am quite besotted with her, and the whole of my life revolves around seeing her. She would never believe that of course, but who ever takes me seriously anyway?

At 12 Chris calls for us. He leaves for London again at 5pm - and we go down to the Commercial for a lunchtime pint. Dave B and his 16 year-old brother are already supping, sat on the roof of his car. We join them. The horrid thing about that place is seeing all the fantastic cars pulling into the car park. It's like Tate's Show rooms. (Tate of Leeds are a big car dealers in these parts).

Home at 2 for lunch of roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. This afternoon was passed in a deckchair. Must have been the nicest afternoon of the year, not counting yesterday's liaison with CB of course. Mum, Dad and Lynn were also lazing on the lawn and poor John and Dave B were slaving away on the wreck of John's automobile.

To the Hare with John and Christine at 8.30. She isn't cheerful at all and says we shouldn't be going out until she has had the chance to forget Gary. How can she forget him when she keeps trotting down to the Hare to get a gimpse of him? She isn't even trying to forget him. Dave and Lynn come down and drive us to the Royalty, with the car hood down, but we change our minds when we're half way there, and come back to the Hare. Leap on a 33 bus with CB at 11pm and get off at White Cross after kissing her (on the cheek) a hurried bye bye.



Saturday June 7, 1975

A wonderous day. In fact, the greatest day of my life. Last night I arranged to meet Christine in Guiseley this afternoon in order to go to the 'Carnival 75' held at Nunroyd Park. We meet at 4pm and I have never been happier in my whole life.

The sun was high in the sky, and we we high in the beer tent, and CB was the sexiest looking thing I have ever seen.

After drinking cider for ages, we made our way to the edge of the park where I kissed her and told her once again that all would be well if we went out. She kept saying that it was 'unfair' and that it would be 'difficult' but I wouldn't listen. We moved across to the bus shelter and sat lovingly in one anothers arms.

Arrived back at Pine Tops at 8 or thereabouts in time to be hurried into the car and taken to the Hare & Hounds. David is home and brings with him 'The Royal House of Windsor' by Elizabeth Longford, which is now mine at a price of £3.50.

Move on to the Commercial where CB and I are like a pair of love birds. Move on further to the Red Lion at Bburley-in-Wharfedale, and then home to Pine Tops. We have a cushion fight and Dave L smashes one of Mama's lamps. We had an evening of hysterics and it was quite the greatest night of my whole life.


Friday June 6, 1975

Hot, tropical day. Is summer really here at last?

Not wanting to bore you, I'll just say that the UK is staying in the Common Market after a massive majority of the people voted 'yes' in yesterday's first referendum. That's all I'm saying on the subject.

Down to the Hare as usual. Sit with Judith R and Kathryn until someone, I think it was Carol S, informs me that Christine is in the vicinity, and what's more, she's finished with Gary. I hurry to her side and discover that this is true, but she says they'll be back together when she's been transferred into town. Mary, a friend of hers is in for the night, and John shows interest in her until he discovers she is a married woman with an eighteen month old babe. Aaarghh! They depart at 10.30 and I fall for the charms of Shirley once again. We go to Wikis, along with John, where we remain until the usual hour of 2am. She drags us back to her friends place on Tranmere, Chris Hales too, until the unearthly hour of 4am. The sun was coming up in the sky and the birds were singing when we finally made our way home.

Shirley is quite a stunning piece, but she's 15. I feel like a child molester being near her. _____________________________________________________-.


Saturday May 19, 1984

A warm, gentle day. Ally and I took off to town with Samuel at 1pm. We didn't take the pram and I carried baby for two hours, by the end...