Friday May 25, 1979

_. An unbelievably traumatic day. Firstly, Lynn's pregnancy was confirmed by her doctor, but within minutes of learning this wonderful news I received a call from Christine ------- yes, from Christine Braithwaite -- who told me she is going to marry Frank, her latest boyfriend, and that the quiet register office wedding will occur within the next three or four months. Naturally, I was dumbfounded, horror struck and aghast. The rug was pulled from beneath my feet. Christine has featured near the top of my short-list for some considerable time and the news that she is to become espoused to this lanky character from Hawksworth is shattering to say the least. For the remainder of the afternoon I was in no fit state to do much other feel very sorry for myself, much to the amusement of Sarah & Eileen. Christine must have switched jobs because she gave me a new phone number, but in the chaos and shock, I seem to have mislaid it.

Out tonight with Sue & Peter to the Shoulder. Met Chippy and Debbie. Chris Ratcliffe, Peter M and Martyn were there gloating over CB's forthcoming wedding announcement. I suppose I shouldn't have told them. Oh, what a mess.


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Tuesday January 22, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Cold and quiet. Dave Glynn phoned tonight but Ally and I were in the cellar, and when we phoned back Lily said that David has...