Thursday February 7, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn

Watery rabbit stew of all things. 

Mum went to see our Dr Danks at 6pm at Beeston Hill Medical Centre. It was just a case of them having a little chat. Mr Hall, the surgeon who operated on Mum, is ill and incapacitated until March. Mum also visited the optician and is having new frames made and stronger reading glasses.

Uncle Peter appeared at lunch but didn't ask to go up and see Mum and instead gave me his phone number and said he would bring Jean at the weekend to see her.

Ally took me out at 4, supposedly to go shopping, but instead took me to the medical centre to see a SRN called Marr who talked to us about dealing with cancer victims and coping with Mum. It was all Ally's idea. Marr is a comforting little woman who sees dying people by the hour.

The General Elliot.
On to market feeling low. Cobblers, &c. Then the two of us went out on the tiles leaving Samuel with Mum and Dad. To the Duncan at 8. Seedy to say the least. Then to the General Elliot and Hollywood Days, Hollywood Nights. We were joined by Paul from the Duncan, and the relief manager from the (General) Elliot, &c. A piss up. Joined by George and ______Bailey. I supped gallons of bitter. Up until now we have managed to avoid the clutch of Sam Smith managers in central Leeds. We were very late home. After 1. Horribly pissed.


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Tuesday April 23, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Very blustery. Bright though. St George. Lord Carrington and the Marquis of Normanby have got the Garter.Dray came at 9. We s...