Tuesday April 23, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn

Very blustery. Bright though. St George. Lord Carrington and the Marquis of Normanby have got the Garter.Dray came at 9. We shopped until 10. The girl on the counter in the bank is the most moody cow imaginable. Mavis phoned at 10:45 to give her notice. I accepted it. Since meeting 'lover boy' her heart just hasn't been in it. __________. Ally has kept the names and addresses of the people we interviewed last month and at 5:30 I phoned one Gary Booth, and he snapped up my offer of a job. He starts on Saturday. 

(Phoned Dad. Mum has been brighter - but no food).

Our pool team played the Gemini pub tonight and we won. Much of the zest in the squad has gone since Archie's passing. Jim Precious is still very cut up about it. Andy Bowden and Co. came in. We had a quiz. I am quite good and startle the others at my ability to answer silly questions. Such as: Who died in HMS Hampshire in 1916? Kitchener, of course. Name the tallest cathedral spire in England. Salisbury. We really should have a quiz team. Pool is so bloody dull. To bed at 11:30 with a plate of sandwiches.


Monday April 22, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn

Samuel was up at 4am squealing and rubbing his gums. His teeth. A letter arrived saying we have a stocktake on Wednesday. Ally and Sam went off at 2 to town to collect my new suit - £70. Not bad, eh? Later I gave a fashion parade - very Prince of Wales - double-breasted.

Went to drive with Karen H at 9. Good. Armitage visited Mum at Club St at 8:30pm. I phoned them at 9:30pm. Armitage told Mum to take water tablets until the weekend and then if the swelling on her tummy hasn't gone down she will have to go into Airedale (Hospital) to have it drained. He, Armitage, bore sad tidings. The surgeon, Mr Hall, who operated on Mum in December, died yesterday. Probably his ticker. Mum took this very bad. Dad repeats how weak she is. I am sure he is expecting the end. I'm blank to it all. ___________.



Sunday April 21, 1985

 2nd Sunday after Easter

Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II

Moorhouse Inn

The good lady - the Sovereign is 59 years old today. She is celebrating at Badminton House, where the horse trials are in full swing. Horrible anti-blood sport yobbos attempted to disrupt the tranquility of HM's Gloucestershire weekend break. She turned a blind eye to the demo. Good old sov.

Ally is dead to the world. Yet another late night has bumped her off. I was downstairs at lunch and she and Sammy snuggled together in bed. Chicken later. A minor snooze afterwards. 

Phoned Club St. Hilda and Tony visited them this evening._____. 

Mavis's obsession with her strange moustachioed paramour reached its heady climax, and at 11pm instead of washing glasses, she was writhing around the walls in a mad passionate grip. Like a scene from 'Caligula'. Needless to say I had a few sharp words with her about this lapse, and she went away sulking. _________.


Saturday April 20, 1985

 New Moon

Moorhouse Inn

New Moon? Well, I suppose it will make a change from the old one. I cannot wait to see it. Ally and I were up and out to Bradford and to Linfoood, and then she dropped us at Club St and went to the dentist. I sat with Mum and Dad played with Samuel. He is so good at the moment and tries to talk. He points at everything and everything according to Sam is 'dirty'. Mum was attempting to swallow Paracetamol tablets but couldn't get them down and was sick. She is so very weak. Dad attempted to prop her up, and she started to cry. Samuel couldn't understand this and he joined in and wept too, which upset Mum all the more. Dad made me kippers for a late breakfast. ________. To Guiseley at 4. Saw Sue and Co. and then went on to Lynn's for half an hour. I haven't been there since early February. How remiss. 

PM: John, Janette, Jill, Tim, Karen, & Steve appeared. We wanted a quiet night. They all stayed until after midnight. Janette says the baby will be surnamed Rhodes.


Friday April 19, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn

As we suspected cousin Sam has contacted Gt-Aunt Ann, and has, as I also suspected, almost scared her to death. It was wrong of me to pass on to Sam the Kirk's address in the first place and I do feel very guilty. Sam has sent Dad a lengthy, garbled letter mentioning the police force, General Galtieri and the Marquis de Sade. Sounds grim. I suppose I should sent Auntie Ann a grovelling apology. My cousin is expected back here soon to collect a print of a Grandma Rhodes photo. Ally was dead to the world all day. Blame the wine. 

The Waleses have left for Italy - a 17-day extravaganza including an audience with the Pontiff. They are taking a cruise afterwards in Britannia with Princes William and Harry going along too. We are told that Diana is taking 34 new creations on the jaunt. The princess has appointed Viscountess Campden, a RC, to be an extra lady-in-waiting.

I stayed upstairs until 10:45pm. Had fish and chips. Ally, who says she's too fat, demolished a salad.


Thursday April 18, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn

Audrey and Margaret worked at lunchtime and so we escaped to look at the shops in town. I ordered 'George V' by Kenneth Rose from Austick's. To Royce, who are closing down, where Ally bought me a new grey suit and pullover knocked down from £30 to £15. Samuel appreciates these excursions to Leeds and he waves frantically at all the passing buses and pedestrians. 

Tonight was a late one. We sat with Janet (barmaid) . Ally supped wine with gay abandon. We talked about holidays. Dear Ios. Janet's family come from Jamaica but she refuses to go visit because of the creepy crawly things. 1am finish. To bed pissed. Ally made pie and peas and we left them, festering, on the bedroom floor. Don't Cry For me, Ethiopia.


Tuesday April 23, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Very blustery. Bright though. St George. Lord Carrington and the Marquis of Normanby have got the Garter.Dray came at 9. We s...