Wednesday April 24, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn

Sunshine again. Samuel has been cutting some back teeth and is ill tempered and violent. His little red face contorted with rage. I soothed him rubbing whisky on his hard gums, and he was more pleasant afterwards. They must go through such agony. I took him out in his pushchair at 10. I withdrew £50 from the bank to buy various things for the pub lunches. 

See in the DT that Baron von Reibnitz has been cleared of any Nazi atrocities, and was more or less a honorary member of the Waffen-SS. All that fuss for nothing. 

Stocktake. Someone answering to the name Crump came late at 10:45 without our (illegible) and went away at 12 promising to phone us with our stock result this afternoon. He did so. We have a £21 surplus which is good after the £60 deficit incurred by the silly jogging relief (manager). 

At 3:30 we walked up to the local sports centre and took Samuel for his first dip in a swimming pool. He took to the water really well and kicked his tiny legs, but didn't enjoy getting a mouthful of water. A squalid pool really. Dirty and sweaty with open changing rooms. I flash my private little pieces for no one. 

Back at 5 for fish pie. Dad phoned me. Mum is going into Airedale Hospital (Ward 19 again) on Friday. He didn't know how long they might keep her in. We must go to see her tomorrow.


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Friday April 26, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Dad phoned this morning to say they arrived safely at Airedale Hospital after a bumpy ride over the tops. Mum was put in room...