In the afternoon I began my "Fog Theory" Volune II. Everyone thinks it's a great success.
June didn't go to work on Saturday and mentioned that she might be going to the Woolpack tonight, but when I said I was going to the Emmotts both she and Lynda West soon changed their minds. I walked with June and L. West to the bus stop at 4.30, and planned vaguely to meet at the Emmotts at 8.30. I was no sooner home then once again out again making my way back down the hill for the bus stop. I arrived at the Motts at 8.20. June was not there. I hung around in the cold until 8.40. Decided to ring Chris from inside the Motts to say I had been jilted. Inside the pub I stuck my head into the lounge to find June, Lynda, Janet R, all chatting with an old age pensioner. June's face didn't half light up on seeing me. I felt brilliant.
Linda bought me a drink and we all sat talking with old Ivy Fitton - a grand old girl - with a great sense of humour. At 9.30 Peter Hurst came in. He must have heard J and I discussing where we were going tonight. He didn't say a word. He sat at our table just staring at us. What could we do? He even came and stood with June and I at the bus stop. My heart sank when June's bus came. We did manage to do a quick waltz outside the Emmotts. How romantic can you get? Skinhead came past at 11.10pm and he gave me a lift to Guiseley.