Showing posts with label chevin inn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chevin inn. Show all posts


Wednesday June 2, 1976

Have a hysterical day at the office. Arrange with Sarah and Carol to go see Hylda Baker at the Bradford Alhambra on Friday night. Marilyn wants to go too. Can't wait. Hylda is my favourite comedienne. It also means I can escape from the bloody Friday night rut I seem to be wedged in at the moment. Since I dissolved my relationship with Carole the Hare & Hounds has lost its attraction.

Stuart comes up at 8 o'clock and we go to Tony's place off Manningham Lane, Bradford. The poor sod pays £7 a week for a revolting bed-sit in the heart of Mecca with virtually no white men, or women for that matter, within a 50 mile radius. However, he is moving out next week & so he seems cheerful.

We have a drink in the Commercial and then another in the Chevin Inn, which is incredibly snobbish. Go to the Hare at 9.30 and Denise comes in with Carole. I shudder at the sight of her and the more I see of her the more I think she is unbalanced. Her eyes are so lifeless. Tony buys them both drinks.

Back to Tony's for coffee and home after midnight. Mum says John was round tonight.



Sunday January 4, 1976

2nd after Christmas. Wake up at about 10.30 with C. __________________________.

In the process of dressing Carole knocked her rings off the bedside cabinet and found them all but for the one I bought her for Christmas. Chris tells us not to panic and that he'll empty the room of all its contents in order to find it. Sue and Pete (who both slept in the bathroom),CD (who was violently sick all over Andrew Ratcliffe's room and made no attempt to clear it up), John, Maria, Carole and I are the only people left by 11.30am and Carole is driven off at high speed by John to the laundrette with the vomit ravaged sheets from CD's bed.

Whilst they're out Dave B rings to say her found Carole's priceless pearl ring in his pocket on his arrival home and tells me 'not to worry about it'. I give a sigh of relief and settle down with the book 'Jaws', which Chris says is completely different from the film.

Carole comes back and goes upstairs immediately to continue the search for the ring, and I'm reading for ten minutes before I realise what she's doing. I go upstairs after her and enter the bedroom. I tell her DB's news and kiss her on the lips. Immediately I can taste cigarette smoke on her breath but she denies point blank that any cigarette has passed her lips for weeks. Whilst she is making this solemn vow I glance over her shoulder to see a cigarette smouldering in an ash tray behind the curtain. We both disolve in fits of laughter and then go back to join the others.

At 12.30 Sue, Pete, CD, Carole and me leave Chris's for home in a snow storm. Carole gives me her red umberella and I use it to scale the north west face of Hawksworth Lane. Home for lunch with Mum, Dad and Uncle H. (He leaves at 10.30 Monday morning).

At 6pm I get a bus to Carole's where we argue like cat and dog until 10 o'clock. At 9.30 we went to the Chevin Inn where we both cheered up a good deal. I tell her we are both too serious to enjoy life (which is not true) and then say I talk a load of rubbish. Home at 11 o'clock for supper with Mum, Dad and Uncle H.

Bed at 1am.



Wednesday November 12, 1975

See Marita and Philip on the 35 bus again tonight. They laugh about the bus breaking down last night, and say it must be an ill omen. _________.

John and I go to the Hare for a quick one at 8.15 and then he goes up to Maria's. I go to Carole's and surprise her by dragging her up to the Chevin Inn. We sit slumped in a corner arguing about all sorts of things. This is a regular thing now. Well, when I say regular I mean at least once a week. By spending one night bickering I find that shear bliss reigns over the rest of our nights together.

We walk back to the Hare for the last hour. Everyone finds my mode of dress amusing, and make fun of my tie. I did look a bit 'yakky' if such a word exists, but the last thing I expected was mass opposition to my clothes. Anyway, I set fashion and do not follow it.

CB is in with a chap. He seems pleasant, and I think he's the best one she's picked up since Philip. Just as we were leaving CD said something to the effect that CB had told he she'd like to go out with Philip again. I am somewhat startled, but think that they were made for each other, and this messing around will get them nowhere. The five of us, that is CD, CB, her boyfriend and me wait at the bus stop. Carole is always subdued when Christine B is in the vicinity. I think it's a shame. CB is a very good friend. When they are all heading in the direction of Horsforth Carole and I have a good laugh - we are like something out of a madhouse.

Can it be love? Do I hear the clatter of wedding bells in the near future? No.



Sunday March 23, 1975

Palm Sunday. Wake up to a beautiful morning and a beautiful hangover. Palm Sunday too.

The beauty of the weather draws John and I out to the car. We go in the direction of Otley Chevin. Stopping at the Chevin Inn for a quick one we encounter Andy Graham's papa. He buys us a pint each before departing for his lunch. We then go down to the Station in Yeadon - a bloody awful place - where I indulge in one half pint. Back for lunch.

Mum had her hair flashed yesterday and looks like a different person now. She no longer tries to antagonise me. I wonder why?

Dave Baker makes his traditional visit for Sunday tea. Lynn admitted to me tonight that this weekend is the first time they've quarrelled about anything. Nothing serious though.

John and I go with Naomi to the Hare and none of the regulars are in. We're bored stiff and leave at 10 o'clock. He and Naomi go on to Wikis. Aaarrghh! Yes, Wikis on a Sunday! Whatever next? I see tv until 12.15. Tired out, stagger to bed.



Wednesday April 18, 1973

Mum got me up at 8.50. Dad gave me a lift to the CW at 9 o'clock. Sue and Toffer were still in bed. I knocked them up - Sue yelled from her bedroom window, telling me to let myself in. Webby and Worthy made a fuss over me and I cleared last night's greasy dishes away. Toffer came down half naked and told me to get a step-ladder fom the garage. To cut a long story short, Toffer went to the cash-and-carry for an hour whilst I polished the tables, and set them. Sue was hoovering upstairs. Toffer came back and cleaned the frier. I didn't begin my cleaning until nearly 11. Worked like a Trojan until 1.30 - when we went up to the Chevin Inn for lunch. I had a delicious salad and one and a half pints of ale. I never expected to be swilling ale on a Wednesday afternoon. At 3 we went and caught Sue's horse - a massive white brute - very nice really. Toffer with Worthy, Web and I drove back to the CW and I started on the walls again - with industrial grease remover. Worked until 5.30. Sue came home and paid me £3 and then gave me a lift home. Had dinner. Mum said I looked awfully pale.

They went out to Auntie Hilda's to see a concert - Mum hates these so-called concerts. I had a bath and washed my hair at 6.15. Emerged at 6.45. Ready at 7. Had a coffee then left and caught the 7.30 55 bus - it was raining. Arrived at the Emmotts at 8 o'clock. June hadn't arrived. I sat alone with half a lager. She's still not here by 8.30, and at 8.45 I go outside and wait in the bus shelter. I could not beleive she had not come. June would never break a promise. Sure enough, she arrived on the 8.50 bus with Sue Bottomley. She was full of apologies. Evidently, her leg had cramp and she had missed the 8 o'clock 55. They had walked most of the way up.

At 9.30 Chris, Denny and MM came in. So did Keith Harrison - and he finished up with Sue Bottomley for the evening. She must like him really. Sue and Keith walked down to the bottom, June and I waited at the bus stop. Left at 11.10. We are meeting tomorrow.


Sunday April 21, 1985

 2nd Sunday after Easter Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II Moorhouse Inn The good lady - the Sovereign is 59 years old today. She is celebratin...