A warm, overcast day. Maria's 18th birthday. She always looks and behaves much older though and this is probably a good thing - her being in her present condition. Nothing looks more pathetic than a child expectant mother. Janice Beaumont always looked ridiculously infantile and I winced each and every time I saw her.
Work was busy. Eileen is away on holiday for a couple of weeks.
The Royal Family returned from Canada today. It was the first time that all the family had been abroad together - that is the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh and four offspring. Prince Andrew has caused something of a sensation. Women everywhere are saying he's the most handsome bit of royalty they have ever seen. Even the unbending Sue Bradley on the EP thinks he's ravishing. She's old enough to be his mother.
Meanwhile: that night:- After tea with Mum, Dad, Lynn, Sue and Julie Nason, Peter's sister, I rang Maria to congratulate her on her birthday. She says John bought her a handbag, a purse, wallet, necklace and apron! For a guy who detests shopping he seems to have done rermarkably well. Lynn and Mum also have a word with her.
The bloody Olympic Games dominates the TV all night and at 10.30 after everyone had retired to bed (Dad started work at 10pm) I watched a western film until midnight.
By the way. I spoke to Delia Collis this afternoon.