Friday May 21, 1982

 Ally is twenty four today. I was awake at 6 feeling festive and not wishing to return to the land of nod. We squealed with delight like children. I brought a tray upstairs  with boiled eggs and toast and a bottle of fizz [Pomagne]. Ally opened presents. I gave her the Soft Cell LP 'Non Stop Erotic Cabaret' and Simple Minds 'Promised You a Miracle' plus mounds of toiletry requisites for the bath and under arms, and blue plastic earrings &c. The book 'Therese Raquin' by Zola and Agatha Christie's 'Evil Under the Sun'. Bessie sent £10 and Mum a fiver.

To Guiseley and stole Mum's glasses for the party. On to Leeds and spent three hours in the shops. Hideous. Nowhere could she find size three shoes.

Met Glynnie at 3 after a swift one in Jacomelli's. Went to Da Mario's running through torrential rain. We sheltered on the way in Dacre Son & Hartley and saw Jacq.

Home at 5. Glynnie advised Ally on the making of her Quiche Lorraine. Glynnie and I went out to the mysterious Staircase Bar where he expected to find tarts but in fact the place is full of aquaria and OAPs. We left at 8 disappointed. Ally, a bombshell in a new blue mini-dress and blue earrings. Tragedy struck though when Karen phoned to say that Tim had fallen off a roof in York and had broken his leg. He and Jill didn't materialise.

Guests: Sue, Pete, Lynn, Dave, Glynnie, Dave & Elaine Allinson, Karen, Steve, Di, Paul, with some friends, Jacq, Jackie, Barry [who was violently sick], Dave L and 'Knocker' Knowles, his 17 year-old friend, who wore a suit, and looked like President Galtieri.  ___________. Dave L gave Ally fireworks which he wanted to ignite at 1am, but we refused to let him. 'Knocker' played all my records with typical teenage bravado, and his presence irritated Ally. Sadly, my reports of parties are always bitty because I recall very little. Glynnie was with Sue all night ~ they are very close. He took to his bed at 3am to escape Dave and 'Knocker' and the idiotic conversation.


Thursday May 20, 1982

 Ascension Day

To the Co-op. Bought party food and then set to making a party. I made a mackerel pâté. Ally thought about a quiche lorraine but decided to leave it until tomorrow. Re-arranged the chairs, selected the music, squirted cream onto trifles until almost midnight.

I read with interest an article in today's Times by Robert Muldoon the New Zealand PM. It is sickening to think that such a good spirit talks such sense from the southern hemisphere when people at home like Michael Foot and Tony Benn would desert the Falklands and creep away from British territory as if it didn't matter. The Labour party members should be forcibly deported to the South Atlantic. Bed after 12.


Wednesday May 19, 1982

 Sarah worries who will pay the mortgage when Trevor is called upon to sail with the Task Force to the South Atlantic. ________.

Ally ran a gauntlet of pickets at Chestnut House. Both NUPE and COHSE are grousing about pay and Ally, not being a member of either union, is stuck in the middle. She waited at the office with a few of the girls until a suitably sized 'task force' was assembled and then they marched through 'the big men with sticks' to the safety of the works department. Sit over dinner tonight listening to Ally's dramatic account of the latest industrial dispute.

'Coronation Street'. Ally put Jacobean wood dye on the front [and indeed only] door. The rain prevented a show of labour on my part.

Mum and Dad arrived in Portorož, Yugoslavia, today.


Tuesday May 18, 1982

 Ally spoke to Bessie, in lieu of Frank, and they talked about the tattooed kitchen man. Frank was out at Rotary Club  and couldn't speak before 11. Ally cannot possibly stay awake so long. He has taken a close look at Kitchen Studios, and when he is satisfied all is well we'll have to go ahead. £1600 isn't too much, is it? __________.

Monday May 17, 1982

 Stephen Sanderson is twenty four today. He phoned this evening asking us to join them for drinks at the Stansfield Arms, Apperley Bridge. We went. The barmaid was stone deaf and the place cold and unfriendly. Steve wanted to move on to the George and Dragon but we had to wait for Tony, who was in a meeting. Hilda came in with Jill and Tim. Discussed the Falklands. Steve says they'll never land [the British that is], but I hold the view that the prime minister will not call a halt now. Hilda told me of their visit to Buckingham Palace where Diane received a Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, not from HRH's hands, but he was present. Hilda says Prince Philip is only a tiny man. I'm sure he's 5' 10ins, or even more. On to the George & Dragon and then back to Wilsby where we admired Tony's parabolic archway separating the dining and sitting rooms. Home at 12.


Sunday May 16, 1982

 Rogation Sunday

Unable to get out of bed until after 2pm. Ally kept coming into the bedroom and looking solemnly down at me. She was making busy downstairs and eventually I struggled down and played with some paint on the windows. At 6:30 a horrbile little man bedecked in tattoos came in and talked about making us a new kitchen. It was a far cry from Kitchen Studios. He made a pitiful drawing and went away leaving us despondent. It is going to cost us £2,000.

Mum and Dad left for Yugoslavia on a coach at 7:30am and they are staying somewhere in France tonight.


Saturday May 15, 1982

 Went into town and bought baby Christopher a china mug and egg cup from Rackham's. I painted before going into Bradford, and again afterwards. To Guiseley at 6:30 and sat with large whiskies in jovial spirits with Mum & Dad. The subject of John and Maria was only lightly touched upon ________. On to see Sue and Peter. Sue wearing a mini skirt. Peeped at the baby. A gathering of both clans ~ including Pamela and the elderly Peter. Much drink. Home at a disgusting hour.


Friday May 14, 1982

 Took a half day and climbed up the ladder to paint the window frames, much to the curiosity of my neighbours. Ally came home for salad sandwiches at lunchtime and we had a great pile of them. She was home again at 4:30 and I painted until 8. We went out at 9 to buy fish and chips on Duckworth Lane.


Thursday May 13, 1982

Bought birthday presents for Ally at lunchtime, and got paints from Lewis's. This evening to the Co-op ~ devoid of all human life ~ and we walked around the aisles in a state of unease contemplating the possibility that perhaps there is an anthrax outbreak which we haven't heard of.

Had sausages at home, and put our feet up. Ally, overcome by tiredness, went to bed leaving me watching the end of a thriller.


Wednesday May 12, 1982

 YP, dull. Home, bright. Piggy and I sat watching TV this evening.  A ghastly film starring Mark Lester ~ 'The Prince and the Pauper'. Shocking. And the final part of 'Woman in White'. We sat on the sofa disapproving, eating chocolate and drinking coffee. Mark Twain and Wilkie Collins cannot be lying at ease in their graves after tonight's TV offering. Ally has been weakening for sweets lately and I was despatched to the corner shop, where the tatty woman, clutching at least three babies, handed over the provisions.

Mum and Dad go to Yugoslavia on Sunday and they have yet to hear from John [that is since May 5].



Tuesday May 11, 1982

 Ally moved to Chestnut House from Daisy Bank and rid herself of the hideous Gillian and can now mix with normal women. She was beginning to go insane, you know. 

Painted the house and took a bath. Ally sat studiously watching the International Young Musician of the Year Award on the BBC. I believe an effeminate West German youth won playing Mendelssohn [sic]. Nothing other than peaceful domesticity reigned this evening. ____________.

Falklands: Mrs Thatcher is battling on and sticking firmly to her principles.


Monday October 15, 1984

 Moorhouse Inn, Leeds Phoned Horton and spoke to my prodigal parents. Ally has to go to the brewery next week on a food hygiene course and I...