The Why Not, Hemlington
Hungover. A dreadful lapse on my part ________.
Mum and Dad were up at 9. We went to the bank at Thornaby leaving them reading yesterdays newspapers and basking in the morning sun which floods through the upper bay window. The Americans have invaded Grenada, where the Marxist PM was recently done in. Grenada is a sovereign state in the Commonwealth and HM is head of state and because of this the Queen has been dragged into the furore. Another blow for Mrs T and her team. Sir Geoffrey Howe strikes me as being something of a lightweight. Ronald Reagan has really 'muckied his ticket'. The ghastly Margaret MacMahon came in. We kissed Mum and Dad goodbye and off they went to Guiseley to see Sue and Lynn. We will go to Horton next month when our tenure here expires. Now that we know we are leaving it cannot come soon enough for either of us. The very thought of Christmas at the Why Not sends paroxysms of horror through my being. I'd sooner spend Christmas in Beirut or Kabul. Mum and Dad went off after 11. I am now sitting watching the builders at work on the Barratt's housing estate across the road. When will all this useless building cease? Surely Britain has enough houses without having to fill up all the remaining green fields? __________. Goodnight.