Moorhouse Inn
Susie is 25 today. A whole quarter of a
with Frank & Bessie. |
century since Mama gave birth in that poor house in Goldthorpe. What a struggle they must have had in the early years. I do love my parents even though they are far away and apparently oblivious of me. Oh, I am being silly. Take up the phone, Michael. We went out shopping, even at this late stage. I am knackered and may collapse at any minute. To Morrison's, &c. Graham and Gill came here at 1pm. We sat outside in the heat having waitress service from Margaret and Audrey. Frank, Bessie, Andrew and Lorraine came at 3. Gill is always calmly, and pleasantly, disorganised. She says her father, the vicar, is most indisposed to unfortunates such as transvestites. We laugh. What does the Bible have to say on this subject? Bessie was laden with gifts for Samuel. Lorraine is very young, dark, and quiet and according to Bessie hideously spoiled. They went off to Club Street leaving me to bath Samuel. Graham & Andrew & Co are staying over at Bradford. Tonight. Hot. Cutting sandwiches for hours. Dave G arrived at 10 and we went down to the tap room. Bed at 1 after frantic preparations, &c.