Why Not, Hemlington
The Daily Telegraph is full of the Parkinson Affair. Mrs T should not have back him so. It shows a lack of judgement. People won't stand for the top brass getting involved in sexual scrapes. It's perfectly acceptable for the local social worker or college lecturer to be caught trousers down, but it's simply not on when you're the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry. Send L. Gledhill a creeping letter asking to be given the Cheshire Midland. We now have to wait and see. Ally went off in driving rain to post the letter. We are very surprised that Fran O'Brien hasn't phoned about the stocktake. Perhaps he is letting us stew for a while. Ray Davis sneaked in again and I had him ejected by the law. (I have been told to always phone the police at the slightest sign of trouble. It's such a well known, violent hostelry). As Davis was leaving he informed the uniformed constable that nobody beneath the rank of inspector had the right to remove a citizen from a public house. Otherwise, a quiet night.