Saturday March 17, 1973

Got up at about 11. Mum told me that she would treat me today and give me some money for a pair of trousers!

The weather is absolutely remarkable for March, and only last night Sue R was saying we had had no winter with very little ice or snow.

Dad, who took to bed with a terrible cold on Thursday, is unable to enjoy this good gardening weather, being tucked up in his bed - sneezing like hell all day long. Because of Dad's illness Mum asked me to walk down to the shops in Guiseley to get her some bare necessities. Flour, eggs, bacon, cheese, etc. Came back and had lunch at 1. At 2 Mum gave me £7 - not counting the £2 I had given the girls to get me a jumper in Bradford. I made my way to the bus stop which fulfilled its purpose of providing me with a bus at 2.30. Arrived in Leeds at 3.15 making my way to Harry Fenton's. I found a pair of Oxford Bags for £3. Bought them almost immediately.

After looking round the very busy Leeds I caught the 33 Ilkley bus at 4.30. Back in Guiseley for 5.10. Mum was surprised to get £4 change. It isn't like me!

After tea of salad I went down the lane to work which was extremely busy all evening. Sadly, at midnight we altered the clocks again to 1am which means I will lose an hour in bed tomorrow. We sat with our beer and lager until 3 (2 in old time). Pauline was too fagged to stay any longer. Toffer gave us a lift home, and I obliged Pauline by lending her my Rachmaninov's 2nd Piano Concerto played by Maura Lympany - she will enjoy it, being a romantic. Got home at 3. Had no supper and came to bed 1 hour later after messing around with my diary (yes, you!).

Oh it's been an awful day without June on the scene. Roll on tomorrow. Night, night all. I'm so damned tired.


Friday March 16, 1973

My Grandad Wilson was born in 1890. Christine B is 17. Dave passed his driving test! First time as well! I found out at about 1pm when June and I rang Dave's house from the phone box in Rawdon to be told by Mr Lawson that he had passed - we were over the Moon!

Got up at 7.30 and had breakfast, coming to school at 8.30. We should have had a 6th form meeting but nobody had put anything on the agenda. In Economics we did more ruddy essays on monopoly. I gave him his £1.60 first in order to put the old boy in a good mood.

At 11.45 we all sat about in the common room praying for Dave. I was convinced that he would pass. June and I crept out for the lunches at 12.30 determined not to be the muggins and get everybody's like yesterday. Coming back from Rigg's I stopped off at the telephone box, much to June's annoyance, who didn't like the idea of me ringing Dave. Benita was in the box talking to her boyfriend and we had to wait for several minutes. Mr Lawson seemed thrilled to bits, saying that Dave was up at Marion's.

We rushed back to school where Dave was sitting calmly and glum - pretending to have failed - but I soon made it known that I knew the true result.

After a very quiet lunch several of Groves Current Affairs group, including me, prepared the common room for a talk to be held on East Germany in the project periods. Louise and I went to Biology instead. Anything is better than listening to some pro-communist maniac banging on about some crap eastern Russified power as though it was God's gift to civilization - no thank you!

It was genetics again with Mrs Stancliffe - quite interesting.

June, Graham, Linda, Benita, Janet and I went down to the bus stop at 4.15 and I deposited £2 in my Post Office savings account. June nipped across the road and bought 2 juicey, green apples, instead of the divine cream eggs. It was enjoyable. I wrote "Mick=June 16/3/73" in the dirt and grime on the big black door next to the bus stop. My bus came at 4.50.

The Queen today opened the new London Bridge with the words: "it is closed for the first time ever - so that I can open it." She certainly has a sense of humour.

Went to the Chuck Wagon at 7.30. Sue gave me a piece of apple pie and cream. Quite busy. Home at 12.45. John was watching the end of a film. I sat listening to the 1812 Overture but sadly played very low owing to the time and fact that everyone was in bed. Came to bed at 1.30.


Thursday March 15, 1973

Six long, beautiful, halcyon weeks together! Got up at 7.30. Had a small breakfast and left for the bus with Mum and the girls who are going to the dentist in Rawdon. Got to school about 8.50. Sat watching Christine B finish an essay on Bernard Shaw's St Joan . Mrs Lane was interogating Sheila for the first lesson, leaving the remainder of us in the Library revising Chartism. After break she started on me and what a shock I received! She actually liked my Russian essay, saying that out of the lot I had improved my standard of work more than the others. She says I'm past "O" level, but touch and go when it comes to "A" level standard. I left the room feeling quite content with myself.

At lunchtime June and I took about 13 orders for lunch to Hinchcliffe's. We were shopping until 1pm. Never again!

Groves said today that Mr Elliott had seen him about his visit to the 6th form on Tuesday afternoon. Evidently, the Fuhrer was disturbed about the size of the crowd sitting about in the common-room doing nothing. The study areas were all full, with Dave, Christine B and I. Thankfully, no mention was made of David's cigar.

The afternoon was supremely boring and Christine, Louise and I simply sat about in answer to Mr Elliott. Surprised to see Louise in conversation with Chris, who seemed so happy with her - just like the old days!

At 4 June did not fancy a cream egg which I said was symbolic of our relationship. She ate an apple instead, whilst I devoured an egg on my own. My bus came at 4.45 and June and I promised to have a cheap evening staying at home instead of making our regular voyage to the Emmotts - June is so considerate about money and understood my point of view of being short of cash due to ther fact that I owe Ayling £1.60 for several Economic text books - Ugh!

Came home and had dinner. Sat watching the TV until 10.30. Such a boring evening.


Wednesday March 14, 1973

Dave, who takes his driving test on Friday, was attacked by Groves today for not doing work in lesson time. Next time he is found in a similar situation he will be expelled until further notice!
Poor Dave is quite cut up about the whole sordid business.

My test went down very well but I always worry about what Mrs Lane's reaction will be. I suppose it's only natural to feel this. Ayling gave me my Monopoly essay back with a 16 out of 25 for it - meaning 64 per cent. He was quite pleased with it.

At lunchtime June and I made the decision to go the Emmotts tonight as well as tomorrow because we get fed up with waiting all the way from Sunday to Thursday to go out. At 4.15 we went down to the shops, June being chaperoned by Linda, Benita and Janet. Benita is really eccentric. She wears black fishnet tights and very sombre dresses, and being very small she looks too funny for words. Her eye makeup is frightening,but June says she only does it get noticed.

Arrived home at 5.10. We had rabbit pie. Watched the 6 o'clock news. Marion, Countess of Harewood and the Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe were married in a London register office today. (I bet you're saying: "what the hell is so important about that?" Well, it isn't so important, but they are desperate for headlines.). The news tells of more Trade Union threats to the poor government, etc.

Down the lane for my bus at 7.15. June was waiting for me outside the Emmotts looking simply divine! (Swoon). We sat around the corner away from the sight of Ivy, who becomes quite broing after the first 5 weeks! We sat on our own the whole time. Helen Willis came across for a chat - I haven't seen her for about a year - however, she's the same giddy girl.

Andy, Linda and Christine (White?) came in without Christopher. I wondered where he must have gone. June and I waited at the bus stop until 11.10. Having a very romantic, beautious affair in the crude looking bus shelter. My bus came at 11.10. I left June waiting for her 55.



Tuesday March 13, 1973

Got up at 7.30 and went on the 8.30 bus. Revised my Russian timed question until 12.30. How's that for dedication! Mrs Lane came across at 11.45 - it didn't stop us continuing our revision. We were all revising our separate topics which are:-

Me: Estimate the progress made my Russia 1890-1917

Michael Attenborough: German Military Power 1890-1918

Carol Bailey: Why did the Settlement of Vienna fail?

Sheila Woodhead: Why did the Revolution in Europe in 1848 fail?

How's that for intellectualism, eh?

June and I made our usual journey down to Hinchcliffe's and Rigg's. We seem to spend all our lunchtimes knocking about the shops in Rawdon. We must put our foot down (or should I say 'feet') and tell these lazy people to do their own bloody shopping. The trouble with June and I is that we are too damned kind-hearted.

After lunch we had a remarkable visitation. June was in lessons, and Dave, Christine B and myself were messing around in the study booths. Dave was smoking one of his cigars, and Christine was playing hell about the smoke, when Mr Elliott, the headmaster, himself drifted into the block accompanied by some sort of visitor. Christine was going berserk trying to empty the room of the smog and dirt caused by Dave and his cigar. The boss didn't stay very long and her sauntered out several minutes later. (See Thursdays entry).

After a pleasant afternoon June and I went down to the usual Cadburt's Cream Egg stockist, and subsequent our romantic interlude at the bus stop. Came home and revised (or at least tried to). Went to bed at 10.45. The test is tomorrow and I am quite looking forward to it! I don't suppose you'll believe that, or will you?


Monday March 12, 1973

In remarkable contrast to yesterday the weather today is terribly dull, overcast and thoroughly miserable. Got up at 8. I partook in one glass of ice-cold orange juice before chasing off down the lane and getting the 8.30 55 bus to school. Passed a thoroughly boring morning. Chris, Dave and Louise are all away! Surely this is more than a coincidence? Well, I'll fins out tonight, or at least tomorrow morning.

I made some attempt to revise Russia 1890-1917, but due to several very gorgeous distractions I had no chance to do any work. Yes, June was free for several lessons and all I could do was look at her. Poor June has lost her GCE English file. Old Mrs Telford was quite narked! Groves humiliated June in front of the entire 6th form by asking her when she had last seen it. She claims it was 2 months ago....

(Dear Diary)... I am so sorry for the break in my cronological flow of daily events, but the plain and simple fact is that I have been extremely busy over these past few days, and I have no time to fill you in. It is now Thursday March 15 1973 and to be quite honest I cannot remember in detail what actually occurred on Monday March 12. Anyway, it can't have been much because I would have remembered anything significant. By the by, it is 6 weeks to the day since June and I first went to the Emmotts. Grief, it seems longer than that. Anyway, that's all for now. Sorry if you are upset about the dreadful break. Yours, etc MLR.


Sunday March 11, 1973

1st in Lent. Yet another sunny, spring-type day! Got up at 11. After an almost non-existant breakfast I struggled into the garden with a pair of shears crawling back some 90 minutes later with ample scars to prove I had been amidst Mum's hybrid floribundas. Yes folks, it's rose pruning season! At about 1 I went into the lounge for a sandwich and a chocolate biscuit only to be told that I couldn't have a proper meal until tea time. I proceeded to potter about in the garden again until 3. I then had a bath and washed my hair - emerging from the murky depths 45 minutes later.

Karen, Jill and Diane came at about 4.30 - having walked from Pudsey. Not bad either having broken Lynn and Sue's record achieving it in 2 and three quarter hours. Jill looked dead! Within the hour Auntie Hilda and Uncle Tony had arrived for tea bringing with them a massive jar of Uncle T's home-brewed beer. I find the stuff quite repulsive, but John seems to enjoy it.

We ate pie and peas. Then went to my bedroom to prepare for tonights rendezvous with June. Went downstairs to listen to the 'Top 60' show. Unfortunately, Slade and 'Cum on feel the noise' are still holding the number one spot - so uncouth.

At 7.30 I made my usual trek down the lane. The bus ride gets longer. It broke down at Rawdon traffic lights. The evening was uneventful. June, myself and Ivy and Tim Wallis's gran's bulldog sat in the usual spot until about 9.30. Linda and Jane Wood were sitting at the other side of the pub and June and I joined them for a laugh. Linda accidentally knocked a glass of 'Cherry B' over Jane, who was, unfortunately, dressed entirely in white. She took it all in her stride and had a good giggle. I did the sopping up of the Cherry B with Uncle Tony's handkerchief. Chris and Christine, Andy and Linda came in with MM and Skinhead. At 11 we (meaning June and myself) went out for the buses. June sat on the signpost at the bottom of the lane. Chris found this very amusing. Andy thought I was strangling June making my passionate embraces. We missed the buses and all got lifts home. I rang Dad and he and Uncle Tony came for me. I would have walked but it was too cold.


Monday May 21, 1984

 Bank Holiday in Canada Moorhouse Inn, Leeds Lord Willoughby de Broke is 88; Lord Clydesmuir 67; Lord Maxwell 65, Mr J. Malcolm Fraser 54, a...