Showing posts with label janet roots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label janet roots. Show all posts


Wednesday December 19, 1973

Saw June at the Benton Park Christmas dance. She didn't say much and seemed disinterested in anything I do or say. Love sick, that's my trouble. June looked lovely. Generally, the whole thing (the dance) fell through. People trying to be things which they aren't. David didn't say much. MM had been for a haircut.  

Lynn went to the Emmotts for the first time - and little Janet Roots managed to get a sherry out of me. John and I were wearing identical jumpers, and all the lower 6th girls had the usual fight on the topical question "who's gonna _____Mig Rhodes first". I now know why Pamela Barlow rang. She's a bloody sex maniac. Talk about throwing yourself at someone! Laura attended in her usual capacity as "Tart of the Year 1973". Ah well, if Liz Taylor and Richard Burton can get back together then June and I still have a chance. God, the thought of it makes my life a lot warmer. She's the only one to give me a purpose to live for. 



Monday June 18, 1973

The 158th anniversary of the defeat of the French armies at the Battle of Waterloo. Get up at 8am. Have a bowl of cereals. Mum goes to work at 8.30. Lynn and Sue follow on to school. I do the cleaning up.

The weather is really too beautiful for description. June wasn't bursting out all over last night, but I sure was! Yesterday's visit by Auntie Mabel and clan was very enjoyable. Won't be seeing them until July 7 when Brian marries Valerie Jean Hutchinson, of Bramley.

Have a bath and wash my hair at 10. Mum comes home at 12.40. Have a bit of lunch and Mum prepares dinner for tonight. She intends sitting out while the sun is nice. I listen to the Johnnie Walker Show on Radio 1 and then get ready to go to Rawdon with some library books which are a week overdue. Caught the 2 o'clock bus. I missed seeing June by 5 minutes. See Janet Roots who says they were thrown out of the Woolpack at lunchtime. Very hot afternoon. Go on to the library and come home at 3.30.

Read until 5.30. Early dinner. See 'Coronation Street'. Lynn comments that a women on a tv commercial is 'ugly'. I think the opposite as say no woman under the age of 25 can possibly be ugly. A woman doesn't begin to look ugly until she is a 58 year old, toothless, hunchbacked,
straggly-haired old dear, standing 4ft in height, with a 49ins bust hanging about her waist. She only laughs at this.

Read until 10.30. Bed at 11.30.


Friday June 8, 1973

Revise until 12.30. Go to the Yew Tree pub in Otley with June and Janet Roots. Andy Graham, Pee Wee, and Kim Dean are playing darts. Go to the river at 3. Very hot and humid. Dave and Christine arrive. Go on the river in boats until 4.30. I feel very irritable. Exams looming up. Dave takes us home in his car at 5. Drop June off at her sister Christine's on Netherfield - where she goes for tea. Take Christine and Stephen Holmes to Horsforth.

Not going back to school until Thursday morning.

Go to CW at 7.30. Sue and Toffer hear my news about me going to Brian's wedding on July 7. They're not upset about it. Busy until 1. Come home and go straight to bed.



Saturday March 24, 1973

John woke me at 10.30 with the radio on in the bedroom. The actual record being played over the air was "God gave rock and roll to you" by Argent. Not one of my favourite discs at the moment.

We had an argument about going to Leeds, and in the end, owing to the sorry state of my depleted financial monetary situation, I decided in the negative.

After breakfast I made my first ever attempt to skin a rabbit which was most interesting. From past experience (watching Papa) I know that the smell is utterly nauseating, but by simply breathing through my mouth I found it quite tolerable. Dad was pleased with my effort. For Dad to actually like something which I have done is a point to be noted.

At about 3.30 occurred a historic event of great magnitude. June actually rang me. Oh, her sweet angelic almost child-like voice over the phone! I was able to tell her about the new arrangements for Sunday. We decide to go the baths at 10.30am. Janet and Linda W are also coming, as is my own sweet sister, Sue.

Hot bath later. My evening at the Chuck Wagon was quite good. It felt unusual walking to work in the sunshine. It has always been dark in the past. Pauline was being her usual sexy self. Quite repulsive really.

Came home at 1.30 after having three nice beers. I have opted to work on Easter Monday afternoon, which is April 23. It will be a bit of extra money. Dave seems to think that I am a millionaire in my own right which isn't quite accurate.



Friday March 23, 1973

Got up at 8 o'clock. Very late. The sun shone brilliantly throughout the whole of this truly marvellous day. Somehow I feel as though I want to write down everything that passes through my mind due to the fact that one day I might be a lonely old soul in need of something to remind me of the past.

The day was remarkable. I ate 2 oranges, fish and chips, and a bag of potato crisps for lunch and then bade farewell to June who is going to Hawksworth Hall to visit a mob of spastics.

At every available opportunity such as breaks and lunchtime we rushed out onto the field - Chris, Louise, Denise and MM were ___in a made passionate orgy of fun and Spring-like frolic.

However, the sun lost its appeal for me and Dave and Christine plus a a mob of lower 6th scum and we chased into the groggy smoke-filled common room where we had a few hands of knock-out whist.

Louise and I had a hysterical double lesson of Biology, and we had our usual "Italian half hour" coming out with phrases like "Tia Maria" and "Santa Maria" with more and more affectation.
A 4 returned to the 6th form where June, Cowie, Janet, Dave, Christine, Louise and I played a few hands of cheat. June and I went down to the bus stop. Mournful due to the fact that I am working Sunday and we won't be meeting again until Monday morning. A very, poignant, tearful parting!

Before leaving for work I had the idea that Janet Roots lived near June and so I rang her and asked her to pass on the message that I'd be at Guiseley Swimming Baths on Sunday morning at 10.30. Janet agreed to be my go between.

Went to work, where Sue R told me that Martin, the Sunday washer-up, was now able to work on Sunday evening after all. I was furious. My Sunday evening is going to be free after all!

Came home completely fagged out. Immediately to bed.



Friday March 16, 1973

My Grandad Wilson was born in 1890. Christine B is 17. Dave passed his driving test! First time as well! I found out at about 1pm when June and I rang Dave's house from the phone box in Rawdon to be told by Mr Lawson that he had passed - we were over the Moon!

Got up at 7.30 and had breakfast, coming to school at 8.30. We should have had a 6th form meeting but nobody had put anything on the agenda. In Economics we did more ruddy essays on monopoly. I gave him his £1.60 first in order to put the old boy in a good mood.

At 11.45 we all sat about in the common room praying for Dave. I was convinced that he would pass. June and I crept out for the lunches at 12.30 determined not to be the muggins and get everybody's like yesterday. Coming back from Rigg's I stopped off at the telephone box, much to June's annoyance, who didn't like the idea of me ringing Dave. Benita was in the box talking to her boyfriend and we had to wait for several minutes. Mr Lawson seemed thrilled to bits, saying that Dave was up at Marion's.

We rushed back to school where Dave was sitting calmly and glum - pretending to have failed - but I soon made it known that I knew the true result.

After a very quiet lunch several of Groves Current Affairs group, including me, prepared the common room for a talk to be held on East Germany in the project periods. Louise and I went to Biology instead. Anything is better than listening to some pro-communist maniac banging on about some crap eastern Russified power as though it was God's gift to civilization - no thank you!

It was genetics again with Mrs Stancliffe - quite interesting.

June, Graham, Linda, Benita, Janet and I went down to the bus stop at 4.15 and I deposited £2 in my Post Office savings account. June nipped across the road and bought 2 juicey, green apples, instead of the divine cream eggs. It was enjoyable. I wrote "Mick=June 16/3/73" in the dirt and grime on the big black door next to the bus stop. My bus came at 4.50.

The Queen today opened the new London Bridge with the words: "it is closed for the first time ever - so that I can open it." She certainly has a sense of humour.

Went to the Chuck Wagon at 7.30. Sue gave me a piece of apple pie and cream. Quite busy. Home at 12.45. John was watching the end of a film. I sat listening to the 1812 Overture but sadly played very low owing to the time and fact that everyone was in bed. Came to bed at 1.30.


Wednesday March 14, 1973

Dave, who takes his driving test on Friday, was attacked by Groves today for not doing work in lesson time. Next time he is found in a similar situation he will be expelled until further notice!
Poor Dave is quite cut up about the whole sordid business.

My test went down very well but I always worry about what Mrs Lane's reaction will be. I suppose it's only natural to feel this. Ayling gave me my Monopoly essay back with a 16 out of 25 for it - meaning 64 per cent. He was quite pleased with it.

At lunchtime June and I made the decision to go the Emmotts tonight as well as tomorrow because we get fed up with waiting all the way from Sunday to Thursday to go out. At 4.15 we went down to the shops, June being chaperoned by Linda, Benita and Janet. Benita is really eccentric. She wears black fishnet tights and very sombre dresses, and being very small she looks too funny for words. Her eye makeup is frightening,but June says she only does it get noticed.

Arrived home at 5.10. We had rabbit pie. Watched the 6 o'clock news. Marion, Countess of Harewood and the Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe were married in a London register office today. (I bet you're saying: "what the hell is so important about that?" Well, it isn't so important, but they are desperate for headlines.). The news tells of more Trade Union threats to the poor government, etc.

Down the lane for my bus at 7.15. June was waiting for me outside the Emmotts looking simply divine! (Swoon). We sat around the corner away from the sight of Ivy, who becomes quite broing after the first 5 weeks! We sat on our own the whole time. Helen Willis came across for a chat - I haven't seen her for about a year - however, she's the same giddy girl.

Andy, Linda and Christine (White?) came in without Christopher. I wondered where he must have gone. June and I waited at the bus stop until 11.10. Having a very romantic, beautious affair in the crude looking bus shelter. My bus came at 11.10. I left June waiting for her 55.



Sunday February 18, 1973

Septuagesima. Got up at 11 o'clock again. I sat around until lunchtime in my dressing gown type of thing. Very luxurious. Mum and I had a set-to. She called me a "brainless idiot" simply because I complained about lack of finances and clothes. She also said I was a "snob" for suggesting having two separate 18th birthday parties - one for family and one for friends. She must have got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. The family went to Pudsey at 3.30 - leaving me alone to scrounge around for my own tea. The afternoon didn't half drag. I had a bath and washed my hair - which incidentally Mum says needs cutting.
Left for the Emmotts at 7.30. The bus came at 8 and I was sitting next to June Margaret Bottomley at 8.30. I was shocked beyond belief when I met Chris outside the pub. He tells me outright that he intends to finish with Louise! He's bored with her after 5 weeks! He sat with us until he finally plucked up the courage to go to her (who was sitting with Dave at the opposite side of the pub) but by 10 o'clock they had made up and were smooching in usual Chris and Louise style. I had £1 with me but I only had 2 pints of Sovereign bitter. I enjoyed it tremendously. Chris asked June how long we had been going out. She said it was three weeks on Thursday, but I would have dated it from January 29, but on that date we never even kissed, which makes her claim much more sound. Linda, Cowie and Janet all left at 10.15. Poor Linda is having to work in the morning, while we all have the first day of our half-term. June and I intended sitting on our own for a chat but sadly that was not to be. Keith Harrison, an ex-boyfriend of June's twin sister Susan, came across to talk to June. Ian Appleyard was also in. I suddenly realised that he might tell his sister Margaret, who works with Mum, that he has seen me. So if I don't tell Mum where I have been - all Hell will break loose. I eventually dragged June out at twenty to eleven, and we walked down the lane with linked arms. We sat on the seat at the bottom. She was touched to see her ring on a chain around my neck.
We almost let her 33 bus sail past at 11 but chased after it. She left safely for Horsforth. I got a 35 Bus at Benton Park, and arrived home at 11.35. Mum, Dad, John, Lynn and Sue were at home and had been since 9.30. Dad had gone to work on nights. Auntie H had sent a box of goodies for her favourite nephew for my own consumption. I devoured about a third of them before retiring to bed.
It was on the news today that Princess Anne is ill in Ethiopia following some sort of trek over the mountains - she cancelled todays engagements. For the minute I thought the nasty little Russians had poisoned her. She seems to have lots of stomach problems. The operation last year worried many people. Mum wondered whether it will affect her ability to have children. An overian cyst must be very dangerous.


Wednesday February 14, 1973

St Valentine's Day. Awoke at 7.45. The lane looked like something pictured on a Christmas card. Perfectly picturesque. Nothing looks nicer than a beautiful snow scene. Waiting for me downstairs was the Valentine's card from June - I recognised the writing on the envelope.
A pleasant walk to the bus stop through crisp snow. Got to school at 9. Chris had not forgotten Louise's card after all - he had spent 75p on one. June arrived at 9.30. My card to her had not been delivered. She looked awfully upset. I had to explain that it would probably be a late delivery. She cheered up. At 10 Chris and I went for an interview with Mr Gaunt - he arranged for two interviews at Lewis's and Debenham's for a week on Saturday.
At lunchtime Pee Wee, Willy, June, Janet and myself went for a play in the snow - it was fantastic but very cold. June sure is a good shot with a snowball, and Janet Roots is a devil, she got everywhere and resembled a snowman.
Louise, Chid, Irene and myself had a discussion on religion during the afternoon. Chid said our sole purpose in life is to reproduce. He would say that. He added that we humans are only well educated animals. Louise and I, Christians, got really narked. Irene abstained.
At 4.15 Michael Stott, Janet, Linda, June and I went out into the snow once again. What a laugh. It's been a really wonderful day. June, the weather, everything! Since last month things have become much more enjoyable. I feel a poem coming on:

When all the world is young, lad
And all the trees are green
with every goose a swan, lad
And every lass a Queen
Then hey for boot and horse, lad
Around the world away
Young blood must have its course, lad
and every dog his day

Quiet evening at home. Bath. Bed at 11.20. June and I are going to the Emmotts tomorrow. Linda might be dropping out leaving us alone. It's probably part of the Bottomley/West scheme. Of course I will need to borrow the usual £1 until Saturday night again - no difficulties with this at all now. I am much too tired to write any more. I have outlined the day thoroughly enough.
Good night all!



Monday February 5, 1973

Arose at 7.30. Went on the 8.30 bus. June and Linda came at 9.30 and Cowie, looking very tired, came at 9.50. Evidently, he didn't arrive home until 1.30am. Last nights events have triggered a romance between Cowie and Lynda, and she has now cast off her crush on Andy Graham. Chris wants me to go with him and Louise to Leeds this afternoon, but I'd feel like a goosberry, or whatever fruit it is. June wants me to go with her but she is meeting her sister who is in her late twenties, and they'll be on a wild goose-chase around the female boutiques. June, Benita and Lynda are doing the servery this week, and I sat with them throughout break - Dave thinks I'm being anti-social avoiding him. Saw Denise and MM at lunchtime. Dave Chris, Louise and Christine all tramped up to the library. Janet Roots, trying to chat me up, got under my feet. June, Lynda and Cowie all went to Leeds at 2.30. For me a boring and wasteful afternoon.
My evening was spent playing records. "Saturday Night at the Movies" reminds me of Mrs Cuthbert's biology classes last March when June, Johnny and I, plus David Stuttard all messed about together. Talking about Dave Stuttard - and who isn't these days? - I saw him in the tap room at the Emmotts last Thursday. He waved through the hatch to me in the lounge where I am always situated.
June and I fancy going out on Thursday but I will first have to throw myself upon the mercy of Mum and John to give me a substantial loan until Saturday night. I did this last week and can see no reason why I can't do it again. Had a bath. Had supper. Came to bed at 10.30.


Sunday February 4, 1973

A lazy morning in bed until 12. Had a bath at 2 after helping Mum clear my bedroom which looked in her words "like a pig sty". Watched the telly after lunch then went into the dining room to listen to 'Pick of the Pops' on the radio. Mum and Dad went over to Pudsey to see Auntie Hilda and Uncle Tony at 7.30, and they gave me a lift to Rawdon traffic lights. I had a brisk walk up to the Emmotts arriving at the same time as Dave (Lawson) , who had a half pint of lager whilst I had a Rye and dry ginger. Chris and Louise arrived ten minutes later. After several minutes I went off to see Ivy who was most pleased to see me, and was anxious to know if June and Lynda were coming. June, Janet Roots, Linda, & Cowie arrived at 8.45. We all sat drinking for 2 hours. June and I were sitting together, but Janet messed things up by sitting next to Cowie, but he fancies Linda. At 10.45 we decided that if we all walked down to the main road we could catch a bus at 11.10. It was too romantic for words. June, me, Cowie and Lynda sat on a bench at the bottom of the road like love birds in a row. But Cowie was too drunk to be romantic with L - he kept walking out into the road, ignoring Lynda's screams. She thought he might be struck by a car. At 11.25 we realised no buses would come so we thumbed a lift for the girls who were soon hopping into a car heading towards Horsforth. Cowie and I began walking towards Guiseley. We eventually got a lift. Three cars stopped at once! Talk about choice! The bloke dropped me off at White Cross and took Cowie on to Ilkley - he lives just 2 miles further at Addingham.
After a brisk walk up Thorpe Lane I arrived home at 11.55. Mum and Dad were still at Pudsey. I had some supper and went to bed at 12.55.



Saturday January 27, 1973

1.30pm: Janet rang. Evidently June has not been to work today and she hasn't been able to ask June to meet me at the Emmott Arms on Sunday night. She doesn't even know June's address. However, It's dawned on me that Janet fancies me and she could easily be keeping the proposal from June. This means I'll not see June until Monday morning - the day of the three hour mock History exam.

I got up at 8.50 but decided I needed more sleep - going back to bed until 11am. After breakfast I revised until 1. I then had lunch. The phone kept ringing throughout the morning and my heart leapt when I heard Janet's voice. Somehow I disbelieve her report. Went wearily upstairs at 2pm. Revising until tea time. When I think about it - June may be too shy to go out with me, and so not to hurt my feelings she has told Janet to tell me she hasn;t been to the bakery. If so, it's more harmful keeping it from me. Leading me "up the garden path" as it were.

Watched televsision. I only revised the Crimean War until 3pm. After tea I got a lift from Dad to the Chuck Wagon. It was the second busiest night they have ever known. You could certainly tell by the amount of washing-up. Sue and Toffer changed clothes and went to Wikkis at 12.45 taking Pauline and myself home first. Pauline has a touch of 'flu and was not talking at her usual speed tonight. Worthington has made fantastic progress since last week. Unfortunately, he has lost his baby-face appearance.

Worried all night about June. She's the only girl I have seriously fancied for any length of time. I am still going to the Emmott Arms tomorrow. There is a chance that Janet will have found June and passed on my message. Anyway, Dave, Andrew Graham and Dale may be up there. It will help me take my mind off the exams.

It was Sue Crosby's birthday party tonight. Chris and Louise were going. In fact all the 6th form are going.



Thursday January 25, 1973

I learned today that June isn't the only one to fancy me. Add Janet Roots and Christine Jennings to the list. Today is Sue Crosby's 18th birthday. Dave, Denise, Louise, Chris, Martin Vere-Bujnowski, Skinhead, Malcolm, Tim, Liz, MM, Judith Lea, Roy Molkin and me went up to the Emmott Arms at 1pm. Denise and I went out at the back of the pub and I told her that I didn't want to go out with her. Inside I bought Denise a Britvic orange and myself a pint of lager. Sue was really pissed. We had a sing song in the Emmotts before returning to school & Denise and I were able to squeeze into the back of Skinhead's car. However, we were pushed with force into the back and he had to drive with the doors open. Denise saved us both from being dashed to pieces on the road surface by holding both doors together with her hands. A pretty sight.
On arriving back at school Denise set to work on Paul Denby. June was very sweet when I told her I had failed my biology (Louise and I failed the mock. Denise got a grade 5). Dave, Christine Braithwaite, Chris and Louise nicked off at 2.30. It was fun watching them all scatter down the drive at Benton Park.
Later June and I walked to the bus stop together at 4.30 and we watched each other until our buses separated us for many hours to come.


Monday January 22, 1973

The main subject of discussion at school today was the amusing events of Fridays drunken engagement party. To my amazement Janet says she caught to bus to Horsforth. It seems I am madly in love with June. But I'm not the only one, or so it seems. Dave, Steve Tate, Peter Hurst, Michael Stott, and many more have fallen under her bewitching spell. I would love to know whether she fancies me...the competition gives me an even greater urge to succeed in capturing her beautiful heart.
It was announced on the late night news several minutes ago that Lyndon Johnson, former president of the United States 1963-69 has died from a heart attack. No doubt the mess in Vietnam added a couple of decades to his life. He has looked 90 since 1966. He was only 64.


Sunday January 21, 1973

I was awakened by Dave on the phone at 11.30. Louise is putting it about that Denise and I are engaged! Louise is going to feel the sharp end of my boot on Monday. It snowed solidly from 12 until 4.30pm but alas it began to rain at 5. It'll be slushy tomorrow.
Dad came home from work with a story that they (at the police station) had received a letter from the Home Office stating that the Duke of Norfolk was in receipt of a letter from a Guiseley man claiming the throne of England! Dad of course had to investigate but the culprit (a certain King Terry the First) is nowhere to be found. His mother (HM The Queen Mother) hasn't seen him for weeks. It gave Dad a laugh even though it was a waste of time.
Poor Lynda West and Janet Rootes may have been wandering around Aireborough in the snow since Friday night. I blame myself. I should have offered to escort them to the bus stop at least. I will make my apologies in the morning. It is now 12.45 and I am retiring to bed forthwith.


Friday January 19, 1973

Snow. Tim and Liz's engagement party. I had three whiskies and a pint of keg bitter. I escorted Denise to the party. June looked ravishing. Denise and I were out in the cold drinking whisky at 10.30. At 10.45 poor Janet Roots set off in the snow for Horsforth. She was supposed to be Harry Ramsden's just after 11 to catch the 55 bus. Gillian Widdop's brother-in-law brought Dave and myself home at 11.10.


Sunday April 21, 1985

 2nd Sunday after Easter Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II Moorhouse Inn The good lady - the Sovereign is 59 years old today. She is celebratin...