Showing posts with label sue crosby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sue crosby. Show all posts


Thursday October 24, 1974

William Wilson born 1875. United Nations Day. 

My half day. Arrive late at the YP after seeing Sue Crosby on the bus. She's now at art school studying the structure of fungi and broken chimney pots. At about 11.20 somebody tells me that the Duchess of Gloucester has given birth by caesarian section, but they leave me guessing as to its sex. It's either the Earl of Ulster or Lady ___Windsor.

Meet Mum at Moon's Mill at about 1. She informs me that her car key is broken in the lock. After about half an hour chasing around Guiseley Papa arrives in a police car with a spare key on his person. Home at 1.30. Mrs Rawnsley is having difficulty with her lawn mower and Dad goes round there for half an hour to mend it after taking Mama back to Moon's for the afternoon.

2 hours later: I have just realised that all the horrible things people are saying about this country are quite true.It is a sign of our decline towards oncoming communism when the BBC fail to report the birth of a baby in the Royal Family - nay, a baby who is now tenth in line of succession to the Crown of the United Kingdom. The BBC places greater importance on the price of coal.



Thursday February 14, 1974

Valentine's Day. This general election is making me sick. The tv can do nothing other than show Harold Wilson attacking Robin Day. The Prime Minister is spending his time walking round the Tory strongholds, bare-headed in the rain, making amiable noises to innocent shop assistants, and patting the heads of Tory babies. And where is it all getting us I ask? Jeremy Thorpe is the only decent politician left - it's a shame he doesn't stand a snowball in Hell's chance of forming a government.

A very exciting afternoon. At 1 o'clock I made my way into the Headrow in order to purchase my sandwiches from Malcolms Confectioners & Co. The shop was more than laden with gentlefolk, who were themselves pursuing the daily task of purchasing sustainance. This gathered multitude formed an orderly queue - out onto the sunlit Headrow like a peninsula or reproving finger. My person was near the end of this line, and in my idleness my eyes gazed in mild approval at the Victorian structure, commonly called the Town Hall, whilst at the same time my stomach insisted on reminding me that the ancient, noble Leeds buildings could not restore peace to the empty cavern in the hollow of my belly. My hunger was appeased by the touch of gentle female hands on the back of my neck turning my thoughts to other forms of sustainance. Yes, it was dear Sue Crosby. Such an eccentric she is! We fled like petrified sheep to the Central pub where we encountered Peter Lazenby, who still seems enamoured of dear Sue. Consumed 2 pints and a pleasant, much needed corned beef sandwich. Sue and I nearly crawled back up Wellington



Friday January 25, 1974

Miss Kathleen Rainford today succeeded as head librarian, Yorkshire Post Newspapers Ltd. Very busy. Anne and I spent the afternoon making photostats of the Leeds Intelligencier from June/July 1815 - 'The capture of Buonoparte', and praises of the Duke of Wellington.

Miss W (as you can see) appeared in the paper this morning - and the photograph stands as a comparison with the usual attempts of the YP photographers - hopeless. Poor Miss W -though I say it myself - looks much more pleasant than this. The poor girl didn't really want to leave.

Whilst travelling home on the train with Judith I see in the stop press that James Pope-Hennessy, the renowned author and biographer, was murdered today in his London home. The thing I remember him for is the official biography of Queen Mary, completed in 1958. The poor man died of stab wounds in hospital.

Chris rings at 7.30 and we decide to go to the Queen's in Apperley Lane. John and I are on our own until Andy, Chris, Laura and Martin (her new boyfriend) arrive at 9. We all sit in the little room with the large picture of Her Majesty over the fireplace. I think it's one of Leonard Boden's creations, and it stands as a reminder that the poor Queen is ageing along with the rest of us. What a beauty she was 20 years ago.

After 3 pints in the Queen's Martin drives us to the Emmotts. He then takes Laura to Horsforth. Give Sue Crosby a birthday kiss - can hardly believe that we have endured a year since her 18th birthday. I remember her last birthday as though it was yesterday. John and me get the 11.10 55 bus. Home at 11.40. Dad gives us a demonstration with the new kettle, and I retire at 12.30.



Friday August 17, 1973

Unknown to me, the 'A' Level results were released today. Dave didn't find out about them until Chris rang him at 6. Oh Lord! Poor Chris failed both Biology and Geography. What a weekend of torture I am in for.

Spend the morning at St Andrew's Close with Andy, who takes the afternoon off from 12.30. I carry alone through the afternoon until 5.

June and I decided yesterday to go out on Saturday and so John and I went to the Emmotts at 8.30. Little Helen Willis and Denise came in with poor Chris, and Sue Crosby who got her two 'A' levels. What a very enjoyable night it is. Helen wants John, MM, Chris and I to go back to Liz Peddie's but due to transport difficulties we decide not to. MM brings John and I home.

Come home to see a Vincent Price film - 'House of Usher' - quite a load of old rubbish really.


Saturday August 4, 1973

Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother is 73. It is such a shame that she outlived her husband for such a long time. Not that I would have wanted her to pre-decease him. But, it must be much more enjoyable for couples to die together. Poor Bertie, forever fixed at 57, waiting up in Heaven for Queen Elizabeth to join him. But without her, Gt Britain would be an unhappier place.

John and I go to the Emmotts at 7.30 but only dear Sue Crosby is to be seen. At 9 we decide to go to Horsforth to see Sue Bottomley and enquire whether June will ever be coming back to Britain.

Poor Sue answers the door standing in the dark, wearing only her night clothes. She says June will be back late on Sunday, or early on Monday.

Oh to think that next week we will be back to sanity at last! Make full speed for Sue Crosby's. A terrible evening and John and I get soaked - we decide to abandon Sue and come home. Arrive home very wet at 11.30.


Tuesday July 31, 1973

Arrive at work at 7.20. Don't get into the store until 7.40. Andy arrives late. Spend the day 'spouting' again.

Go to Sue Crosby's party in the evening after meeting all the 6th form in the Emmotts. Dave arrives. Denise is drunk and infatuated with poor John - they go out for a walk. Sue C, the sweet darling, retires to bed at 1 whilst a merry throng, including MM and I, sit with wine and cigs until 3. I slept in a rocking chair from 3 till 6.55. Chid is such a funny guy. Cheryl (one of Christine's contemporaries) made a terrible racket. Generally a very enjoyable, amusing party with the usual clique of guests who turn any mundane party into a swinging orgy of fun, frolics and eroticisms. I do wish June was home in Great Britain. What a good time we would have had.



Sunday June 24, 1973

Get up at 1 o'clock. Absolutely disgraceful. Have lunch at 1.30. Good old Yorkshire pudding! Read the Sunday papers and watch television until 6. Have strawberries and cream for tea. John and I prepare to go out at 7.30 and walk down into Guiseley. We go see June's sister, Christine, on Netherfield Rd. I thought June would be staying with her but she isn't arriving until 11pm. June's Mum and Dad with Sue went to Newquay this morning.

Get the 8 o'clock bus to the Emmotts. June arrives 10 minutes later. Dave and Ivy are sitting comfortably inside. Dave tells me that Harry is now going out with a girl from Shipley. Harry and Sue is all over - the romance is dead! John will be pleased. Dave saw Harry this afternoon and he told Dave that he wouldn't be going to the Emmotts or Fleece again if he knows that John will be there. The boy is certainly making a name for himself. Dave wants to go down to the Drop in Guiseley to see Patrice Saunders about a job. John goes with him whilst June and I stay at the E. They arrive back at 10.15. See Sue Crosby and get into serious trouble. Whilst Sue C, Dave and I stand laughing outside the gents - Dave locked the door with a bolt on the outside -a poor bloke inside was banging and trying to get out - all we could do was laugh. When Dave finally let him out the bloke flew at him yelling: "you won't come back into this bloody place again" - and still all we could do was roll about hysterically. Go back to June and Ivy - the old lady found it especially amusing and goes across to further embarrass the poor chap. Dave and John go home in the car.

June and I get the 35 to Guiseley. I escort her down to Netherfield - very romantic. Home by 12 o'clock. Have some toast and a boiled egg. Bed by 12.35. A fantastic day. June and I certainly NOT cooling off - praise the Lord!


Saturday June 23, 1973

Sleep until 12. Get up and eat a small lunch. John went to work at 7am. He must feel really terrible. It rains and thunders slightly, but this doesn't deter Mother and Father from mowing the lawns. I listen to records until tea time - not tired in the least after last night's excursion.

Have tea and see 'Dr Who'. Mother, Father, Lynn and Sue go see Grandma Gadsby's films and slides of Italy - they leave at 7 o'clock. See a St Trinians film with John. Prepare to go out at 8.30 - catch 9 o'clock bus with John - arrive at Emmotts at 9.25. The Emmotts is packed out and although rain is falling slightly several people are drinking in the car park. I battle my way to the bar where Sue Crosby is serving. Get two pints of lager. June and Sue B are not arrived yet. Hirsty arrives. June comes in at 9.40. I battle my way back to bar once again - after 5 minutes get served. We all stand in the porch - the rain eases off. Have a really excellent time. A couple of June's friends pass by and keep her talking until 10.30. A right pair of catty bitches I ever did see. Sue is very disgruntled by June ignoring us. But the poor darling needs some outlet from this tiresome rigmarole of spending every spare moment shut up with me at the Emmotts! Go across to the chippie - everyone eats except June who is quite starving herself. Sue buys a massive bottle of fizzy pop - everyone is totally bloated by the time we reach the bottom road. Before making any decisions about tomorrow night the girls bus arrives - Christine is on board - we savagely wave. John and I get the 32. Home by midnight.



Tuesday May 15, 1973

A wonderful day. Sue Crosby has fallen in love with one of her ankles! Yes, she spent about two hours today festooning it with wild flowers and dandellions - surely one of the greatest love stories since Victoria and Albert, David and Wallis, Romeo and Juliet, Elizabeth and Philip, etc.

Weather is tremendous. We sat outside - that is June, Dave, M. Stott, Christine and the usual rowdy crowd. June wore her red jumper - smashin! Read 'Lord Liverpool and Liberal Toryism 1822-30' in the history lesson with Mrs Lane. Spend from 12.30 till 1.30 going to Rigg's with June. Christine was livid at the long wait: "You're not fetching my bloody yoghurt again," she yells. I say: "That's no skin off my nose."

June leaves me to revise for most of the day.

Have rabbit pie for dinner. Very nice. Go to the CW at 7.30. Sue R is quite sure she is pregnant - but it's happened before, and the pill (since she came off it in August) plays silly tricks with the ovaries until they don't know whether they're coming or going. Anyway she is sending a sample of something away on Friday and we'll know the result soon after.

Came home at 12.30 and was locked out! Took me until 12.55 to get in. Harry Monkman next door woke up at the racket, but John, Lynn or Susan did not hear me! Mum and Dad came from Pudsey at about 1am. Came to bed at 1.35.



Saturday January 27, 1973

1.30pm: Janet rang. Evidently June has not been to work today and she hasn't been able to ask June to meet me at the Emmott Arms on Sunday night. She doesn't even know June's address. However, It's dawned on me that Janet fancies me and she could easily be keeping the proposal from June. This means I'll not see June until Monday morning - the day of the three hour mock History exam.

I got up at 8.50 but decided I needed more sleep - going back to bed until 11am. After breakfast I revised until 1. I then had lunch. The phone kept ringing throughout the morning and my heart leapt when I heard Janet's voice. Somehow I disbelieve her report. Went wearily upstairs at 2pm. Revising until tea time. When I think about it - June may be too shy to go out with me, and so not to hurt my feelings she has told Janet to tell me she hasn;t been to the bakery. If so, it's more harmful keeping it from me. Leading me "up the garden path" as it were.

Watched televsision. I only revised the Crimean War until 3pm. After tea I got a lift from Dad to the Chuck Wagon. It was the second busiest night they have ever known. You could certainly tell by the amount of washing-up. Sue and Toffer changed clothes and went to Wikkis at 12.45 taking Pauline and myself home first. Pauline has a touch of 'flu and was not talking at her usual speed tonight. Worthington has made fantastic progress since last week. Unfortunately, he has lost his baby-face appearance.

Worried all night about June. She's the only girl I have seriously fancied for any length of time. I am still going to the Emmott Arms tomorrow. There is a chance that Janet will have found June and passed on my message. Anyway, Dave, Andrew Graham and Dale may be up there. It will help me take my mind off the exams.

It was Sue Crosby's birthday party tonight. Chris and Louise were going. In fact all the 6th form are going.



Thursday January 25, 1973

I learned today that June isn't the only one to fancy me. Add Janet Roots and Christine Jennings to the list. Today is Sue Crosby's 18th birthday. Dave, Denise, Louise, Chris, Martin Vere-Bujnowski, Skinhead, Malcolm, Tim, Liz, MM, Judith Lea, Roy Molkin and me went up to the Emmott Arms at 1pm. Denise and I went out at the back of the pub and I told her that I didn't want to go out with her. Inside I bought Denise a Britvic orange and myself a pint of lager. Sue was really pissed. We had a sing song in the Emmotts before returning to school & Denise and I were able to squeeze into the back of Skinhead's car. However, we were pushed with force into the back and he had to drive with the doors open. Denise saved us both from being dashed to pieces on the road surface by holding both doors together with her hands. A pretty sight.
On arriving back at school Denise set to work on Paul Denby. June was very sweet when I told her I had failed my biology (Louise and I failed the mock. Denise got a grade 5). Dave, Christine Braithwaite, Chris and Louise nicked off at 2.30. It was fun watching them all scatter down the drive at Benton Park.
Later June and I walked to the bus stop together at 4.30 and we watched each other until our buses separated us for many hours to come.

Tuesday March 12, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Sunshine. Dad went to Horton to meet a carpet cleaner and telephone engineer. It was a pleasant surprise when Mum appeared in...