Showing posts with label paul cheetham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paul cheetham. Show all posts


Monday November 1, 1976

The day was a busy one and nothing particularly amusing occurred. At about 3 o'clock the famous Chid [Paul Cheetham] comes in to do some research into Leeds traffic. He's still slumped over a desk at 4.30 when I set off in the direction of home. Lynne rings me at 6 o'clock to say she's coming straight from the office. I made an attempt to ring her this afternoon but somebody in her office informed me that she was too bogged down with work to answer the phone. Denise, who gave Tony a filthy glance last night in the Black Bull, rang this morning. Somehow I thought she would. ___________________.

John, Maria and Baby arrive for tea and stay until 10pm. JPH is an absolute darling are we can virtually see him growing these days. Fat legs. Smiling at everyone. The poor beggar was passed round the room at such a speed that he must wondered what the hell was happening. Lynne departed before the others saying something about Auntie Lilian having a meal prepared.



Friday November 30, 1973

St Andrew's Day. Spend the day looking forward to Chid and Garth's annual booze-up. Ring Denny at about 6.30 and ask her to meet me in the Clothiers at about 8.15. Dad takes John and me to Christine W's, and we walked to Yeadon in the freezing, icy blasts of winter. John buys me a pint in the Clothiers but it makes me feel sick. The coldness makes my stomach revolve.

Denny doesn't arrive and at about 8.45 I ring her from the kiosk outside Morrison's and find no one at home. Very mad that she decided not to come.

MM and Linda Smith join us at 8.30. We walk down to the Liberal Club, or what's left of it, and are sadly disappointed. Chid's group may be good if you like that sort of thing, but the noise really persecuted me. Denny was sitting, all in white, behind one of the speakers. She was mad with me for not going to the Clothiers! Evidently, she's been in one of the other rooms and we'd managed to miss each other. At 10 o'clock I decided I'd go for the bus, much to Denny's disgust, and I went down to the bus stop outside the Town Hall. John and Christine walked down Henshaw Lane.

A beautifully calm evening, but the fallen snow is turning into ice. I run up Hawksworth Lane arriving home at about 11 o'clock.

See a good film starring Dame Flora Robson. Mum is surprised to see me home at such an early hour.



Tuesday July 31, 1973

Arrive at work at 7.20. Don't get into the store until 7.40. Andy arrives late. Spend the day 'spouting' again.

Go to Sue Crosby's party in the evening after meeting all the 6th form in the Emmotts. Dave arrives. Denise is drunk and infatuated with poor John - they go out for a walk. Sue C, the sweet darling, retires to bed at 1 whilst a merry throng, including MM and I, sit with wine and cigs until 3. I slept in a rocking chair from 3 till 6.55. Chid is such a funny guy. Cheryl (one of Christine's contemporaries) made a terrible racket. Generally a very enjoyable, amusing party with the usual clique of guests who turn any mundane party into a swinging orgy of fun, frolics and eroticisms. I do wish June was home in Great Britain. What a good time we would have had.



Thursday May 3, 1973

June sends me a letter. She has tonsilitis but will be coming to school today. What a relief!

Go on the 8.30 bus. June arrives at 9.30. She sits with Linda who prceeds to tell June about my so-called "affair" with Christine. June pretends to be put out. Linda can be a bitch at times.

We go down to Rigg's at 12.15. She forgets the shopping list about eight times. Christine and Dave are astounded. She tells me, as we walk down, that our meeting at the Emmotts tonight will have to be cancelled because she has an exam tomorrow morning. I quite understand, and I tell her that I cannot go out on Sunday either because I am working. She laughs. Oh Lord, we can't go out until at least Wednesday of next week, and even then she is doing more exams and she may have to revise then as well. At least she is back.

Walk down to the bus stop at 4.30. Paul Cheetham and Sheilagh Thingy-in-the-lower-sixth are standing there. My bus comes. We kiss goodbye. Come home and have tea. Quiet evening in watching the television and reading.



Wednesday April 11, 1973

Got up at 8 o'clock. Have breakfast and then get a lift with Mr Rawnsley to Quaker Lane. Arrive at school at 9.10. Mrs Lane goes over Sheila's Napoleon III and Suez essays. She ended her Suez essay with the line: "it proved that world politics had changed considerably since the days of Palmerston." Very hysterical. Talk about stating the obvious. Even I know more than that.

Mr Ayling didn't turn up at the first lesson because of a family bereavement. He did, however, arrive after lunch. From 2.30 until 4 o'clock we put up the Christmas decorations for tonight's party. What a laugh it was. Denny and Chris could do nothing but laugh. June sat in a corner reading - very intellectual. Came home on the 4.45 bus. June waved goodbye from my bus stop. She's gorgeous.

At about 7.30 I got to the Emmotts where a crowd of lower 6th boys were sitting coyly. Dave, who had picked me up in the car, was wearing his new platform shoes and white bags. June wasn't on the 7.30 bus - Janet came on it instead. Lynne Robinson, my old neighbour from years ago, came in at about 7.45. She said hello. Louise and Denny went over to speak to her. June, Sue B and a few friends arrived at about 8. She was full of apologies but I only laughed and bought her and Janet a drink. At 8.30 Dave took Denny and Louise down to school. The rest of us waited to be taken down in the second batch. We set off ten minutes later. June sat on my knee in the front. We followed Tim in his mini bus - what a terrible driver he is. We were immediately disappointed by the music - it was a selection of Chid's progressive rubbish - the sort of that bangs on in a erratic fashion and the sort you've never heard before. We did not dance much. June looked lovely in a pink flowery dress covered in pleats. Dave and Janet seemed to be taking notice of each other. How marvellous it would be if they could get together. Harry came as ususal. He tried to get off with Sue Bottomley. He walked her to the bus stop. June and I could not help laughing. After seeing the girls on the bus Harry and I went back to the 6th form block. To our horror and amazement - everyone had gone. I ran down Quaker Lane where Dave was wondering aimlessly in his car - I was so surprised to see him. He brought me home dropping me at the door at 11.45. Auntie Hilda and Uncle Tony were here. Came to bed at 1.



Friday March 9, 1973

John woke me at 7.20 when he was getting ready for work. But I was quite pleased to be up in good time. Had a little breakfast and came to school on the 8.30 bus. Benita was the only other person there. Christine Braithwaite arrived shortly after and she helped me put the finishing touches to my 'demand and suppy' essay - the mathematical bit. Ughh! She went out last night and didn't manage to start her essay (Monopoly) until 12 - finishing it at 2.30am! I'd have still been scribbling at 4.30 if I'd gone out first. Double Economics was quite enjoyable - believe it or not, and Groves must have told Mr Ayling of my acceptance into college - because he suggested that I do extra economics, much to the amusement of all the others.

At lunchtime June and I went for a walk in the park. Very romantic. The weather is absolutely beautiful. Spring is with us at last. We walked hand in hand back to school. Saw Chid.

In the afternoon Christine and Maggie Edwards gave one of their OAP orgies. June and I were doing nothing for the first lesson and we therfor decided to entertain the old dears. Anyway, it was a good excuse to knock back a few cups of tea. Louise and I were then dragged off to Biology by Mrs Stancliffe. It was a great 2 lessons! We did a question on heredity and disease and the haemophiliac line of the Royal Family. I knew more on this than Mrs Stancliffe did! It was very interesting and made a change from the usual clap-trap about plants and gas.

June and I walked hand in hand to the bus stop at 4.50. I will not be seeing her until Sunday! How awful!

Back to work at 7.30. A terribly long night. Even Sue R admitted that she had never known a night drag on so long. She has asked me to work on Tuesday nights as well as Friday and Saturday - pushing my weekly wage up to £5. They were very pleased to hear I had got into college - so I therefor gave them 4 months notice! Toffer brought me home at 12.15. Watched the end of a film and came to bed at 12.40.


Tuesday March 12, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Sunshine. Dad went to Horton to meet a carpet cleaner and telephone engineer. It was a pleasant surprise when Mum appeared in...