Showing posts with label dancing emmotts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dancing emmotts. Show all posts


Monday September 10, 1973

School uneventful. Thought about June all the time. No matter how much I try to forget her I cannot. Get home by 4.30 and write her a lengthy, dramatic letter saying how much I love her, and always will do. Send it in the 7.30 post.

Later: John asks me to join him and Christine W at the Emmotts - I am reluctant at first but agree after a little persuasion. Whilst on the bus John is looking out of the window and remarks how much a passing girl looks like June. And it was June! I leapt from the bus at the next stop, John with me, and I approached her rather cautiously. We went for a walk which lasted one whole hour. Neither of us mentioned the separation. God! How I love her! Sue B stood with John until Christine arrived in the car with Marita. I told J of the letter. Afterwards, I did realise that she would not go back out with me again. But my seeing her helped to delay the coming heartbreak. I will never look at another girl without thinking of her. June will be my only love.



Sunday June 24, 1973

Get up at 1 o'clock. Absolutely disgraceful. Have lunch at 1.30. Good old Yorkshire pudding! Read the Sunday papers and watch television until 6. Have strawberries and cream for tea. John and I prepare to go out at 7.30 and walk down into Guiseley. We go see June's sister, Christine, on Netherfield Rd. I thought June would be staying with her but she isn't arriving until 11pm. June's Mum and Dad with Sue went to Newquay this morning.

Get the 8 o'clock bus to the Emmotts. June arrives 10 minutes later. Dave and Ivy are sitting comfortably inside. Dave tells me that Harry is now going out with a girl from Shipley. Harry and Sue is all over - the romance is dead! John will be pleased. Dave saw Harry this afternoon and he told Dave that he wouldn't be going to the Emmotts or Fleece again if he knows that John will be there. The boy is certainly making a name for himself. Dave wants to go down to the Drop in Guiseley to see Patrice Saunders about a job. John goes with him whilst June and I stay at the E. They arrive back at 10.15. See Sue Crosby and get into serious trouble. Whilst Sue C, Dave and I stand laughing outside the gents - Dave locked the door with a bolt on the outside -a poor bloke inside was banging and trying to get out - all we could do was laugh. When Dave finally let him out the bloke flew at him yelling: "you won't come back into this bloody place again" - and still all we could do was roll about hysterically. Go back to June and Ivy - the old lady found it especially amusing and goes across to further embarrass the poor chap. Dave and John go home in the car.

June and I get the 35 to Guiseley. I escort her down to Netherfield - very romantic. Home by 12 o'clock. Have some toast and a boiled egg. Bed by 12.35. A fantastic day. June and I certainly NOT cooling off - praise the Lord!



Friday May 11, 1973

Got up at 6.20. The start of a really wonderful day. The sun was shining in a clear blue sky and the birds were singing merrily in the newly-full-leafed trees. Dress and run down the lane to catch the 7 o'clock 55 bus. Arrive at school at 7.25. Sit on the bus-park wall and wait for the economists and other hangers-on all going to Washington New Town, County Durham, today.

By 7.45 Louise, Christine, MM, and I are on the back seat of a rotten old coach. Dave arrived and joined us 5 minutes later. What a hysterical laugh it was on the journey there. After a few minutes on the road Christine decided she wanted a coffee and scalded everyone by pouring it out going down Pool Bank - where the road is very unmanageable. What a mess we were all in. We sang songs and played games - 'join the dots' etc. Our only stop was at a Forte's cafe where MM spotted a really pornographic magazine being displayed for all to see, next to a copy of Vogue, with Princess Anne on the cover. MM persuaded, or I should say 'dared' me, to buy the porn mag. I did, but he paid for it! What a laugh we had with it on the way home.

Washington was a really hateful place. The architect should really be strung up by his ankles. What a tip! And that's all I intend saying about the place. We set off back at about 3.30. Going home was even more fun than the journey going. In order to clean up the mess of any future 'coffee' incidents with Christine, MM and I stole a couple of toilet rolls from a public convenience and hid them behind the back seat - we certainly needed them!

Back in Rawdon by 5.30. Home at 6.20. Dave picked John and I up at 7.40. Spent an hour at the Emmotts where June, Sue B and MM arrived. June thought the porn mag was "terrible" - I have to agree with her to keep the peace. From the Emmotts we moved on to the Fleece at Horsforth. MM left us at 10 and we set off for the Elma at Shipley - where we were refused entry because it was a members only do.

We went on to the disco 'Caroline's' at Kirkstall. Before entry can be made you need a tie. John did not have one, so we used Dave's yellow handkerchief and a safety pin from Sue B's trousers, and pinned it to his shirt. June was hilarious. We got into the club at 11 o'clock. Remained until 2.05 am. The lights, music, drinks and atmosphere make it a wonderful place. Dave felt ill at midnight and he sat down in a dark corner. June and I danced some romantic steps and good old Dave managed to get John to dance with Sue. Dave brought the girls home at 2.15, nearly falling asleep at the wheel. John and I were home by 2.30. After he'd left I suddenly realised the porn mag was on the back seat of Dave's Dads car. The horror of it all! Mum was growing worried about the whereabouts of John and I. Straight to bed.



Thursday February 15, 1973

Got up at 7.20. Evidently last night had been the coldest time in Britain since the winter of 1963 which was a very bad year. Went out for the 8.50 bus but it didn't come. Waited in the freezing conditions until 9.05. Arrived at school at 9.25. At the 6th form meeting Katie announced that the 6th form had some spare cash - the majority voted for a carpet for the block. I voted against. After all, in a week or two the thing will be full of cig burns and water-logged with coffee and other light refreshment. I may seem awfully reactionary but I think the money would be better spent on books or working ameneties - not more luxuries! After all this place is like a holiday camp now. God only knows what it will be like with more thick, warm shag-pile to lay on. Geddit!
Mr Ayling pulled me to bits in Economics - I failed to understand the ethics of supply, demand, and price - I think it sank in at the end, but only after hideous humiliation - to the great amusement of the rest of the mob. MM was in hysterics.
Chid (aka Paul Cheetham), Christine B, Louise and myself continue our debate on religion, life, anarchy, etc. Chid certainly is a sorry, sad case!
My Valentine's Day card got to June yesterday afternoon. She was thrilled with it. I do have good taste. We sat together at lunch eating minestrone soup and ogling the delicious recipes in Benita's weekly cookery magazine. We planned an evening out at the Emmotts - my weekly excuse to enjoy myself. At 4.30 June, Linda and myself went down to the bus stop where we each devoured three Cadbury's creme eggs. Chris, Louise and Denise were also waiting in the bleak cold. We all had a laugh. June and I were waving at each other from the usual vantage points as our buses moved off - the others think we are insane.
Home at 5.15. Bacon and eggs for tea. Walked back down Hawksworth Lane and caught the 7.30 bus back to Rawdon. Arrived at the pub at 7.50. June and Linda were inside. Ivy was once again absent. June says the old girl must have been affected by the gas strike. The first of the striking gas men's victims perhaps. Linda thinks the cold weather is keeping her indoors.
Cowie came in ten minutes later. In total I had one and a half pints of beer and a brandy - not much really considering I was there for two and half hours. June is her usual delectible self. She kept apologising for being rude to me. We sat holdings hands. Very romantic. The dreaded______________came in at about 9 o'clock. He had six brandy and sodas. June jokingly said that somone who could afford six brandy and sodas must be a worthy asset. June gave me a ring - an imitation diamond cluster one, with one stone missing. I intend putting it on a chain and wearing it around my neck - and have pledged myself to wear it forever - How romantic get you get!! From the window at about 10 we could see driving snow belting down over Rawdon. But on going out at 10.30 the rain had melted it all.
I bought fish and chips and sat in the bus shelter with June. Linda and Cowie were arguing as usual. June was screaming at Linda when they had to catch the 10.40 bus. We kissed goodbye.
Cowie and I caught the 11.10 bus - I was safely home by 11.45. Mum and Dad were at the Smith's house until 3.30. They are very nice people. Maj. Smith wanted us four to go round, but Mum said we'd all be in bed.


Tuesday March 12, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Sunshine. Dad went to Horton to meet a carpet cleaner and telephone engineer. It was a pleasant surprise when Mum appeared in...