Saturday February 10, 1973

Philip Knowles is 17 today. On this day in 1840 Queen Victoria married Prince Albert. Got up at 11.30 the cold winter sun was shining brilliantly. After a small but adequate breakfast I drifted into the lounge and played all the records until nearly 2 o'clock. Mum, who had been at the hairdressers, brought fish and chips home for luncheon. After lunch Mum suggested that Sue, Dad, me and herself should drive down into Otley to do a bit of shopping. However, I put forward the idea that Dad and I could drop Mum and Sue in Otley, and I could then go off for a driving lesson with Dad. All agreed to these suggestions and we set off at 3. I had a most enjoyable lesson and made only one major fault - whilst going up a steep hill on the Harewood road I quite forgot to change gear and stalled the car. However, after an hour in the beautiful countryside Dad could happily say that I had improved greatly on last time - which was sometime in November. I would love to take my test before my 18th birthday. After all, not everyone can say they have passed while they were only 17 years-old.
Home at 5. Had a good tea and watched TV until 6.45. Walked down to the Chuck Wagon at 6.50. Pauline arrived at 7.15. Sue and Toffer were in very good moods all evening, which was the most quiet Saturday I have experienced. Alas, at 10 o'clock the place began to fill up, and bloody drunks - greedy drunks at that - were pouring in at 11.30pm. Pauline was feeling unwell at 11.30 - reduced to tears with a cronic stomach ache. However, by 1am she had recovered quite satisfactorily. At 1am we sat down at the usual table. I had my usual beers (3 in all) and Sue played Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture on the stereo. At the same time Toffer was chopping T_bone steaks to the rhythm of the music. Sue also played the Warsaw Concerto, Dream of Olwen, Cornish Raphsody, and Murder on 10th Avenue. I received my usual £3.50. and retired home in the back seat of Toffer's comfortable car. Mum and Dad arrived home simultaneously from Mum's works orgy at the Troutbeck Hotel, Ilkley. They had enjoyed it very much. They went straight up to bed leaving me alone in the kitchen to make an adequate supper for myself.
I settled on cheese and biscuits and a cup of tea. I sat in the lounge eating my long-awaited supper and reading my Queen Victoria book. I rang Bradford Library this morning in order to renew my books. They were unable to trace my tickets, and told me to bring the books in next week cancelling the fine.


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Tuesday March 12, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Sunshine. Dad went to Horton to meet a carpet cleaner and telephone engineer. It was a pleasant surprise when Mum appeared in...