Friday March 9, 1984

 Moorhouse Inn, Leeds 11

Graham and Gill arrived here with Matthew. We thought she might announce that she's pregnant, but she didn't. Matthew looks very much like the Lynn family and is full of spirit. I think we thought they expected the Moorhouse to be something of hovel, but they inspected the place with approving looks upon their faces. At 5:30 an acquaintance who work at Formwood came to see them. The wife is called Mandy ______. They stood at the bar until 11pm and she grew steadily louder from the constant flow of lager. I frequently spend my evenings watching people become horribly pissed. It is a strange ritual isn't it? Graham was a bit breathless and sounds very much like Sir Robin Day when he's had a few. But very amusing. Their old friend the actor Anthony ____ came at 11. He grows more and more effeminate with the passing years. He shares a flat in Roundhay with a homosexual arab friend. He works at Lloyd's bank when not treading the boards, and earns only £5,000 p.a. Ridiculous. He drank Bols Parfait Amour liqueur, but he switched to pints of 'butch' Old Brewery bitter. Bed after 2am. Knackered.

Takings: (B) £208.00, (L) £213.93.


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Tuesday March 12, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Sunshine. Dad went to Horton to meet a carpet cleaner and telephone engineer. It was a pleasant surprise when Mum appeared in...