_. At 7pm went to Ridgeway to see my baby niece Catherine for the first time. Like a tiny doll and perfect in every way. When I held her she opened her eyes and peeped out at me, but only briefly. John had been painting the house and looked like the Abominable Snowman. He never fusses around babies. I think he was the same with JPH. It's not until they toddle around destroying things that he delights in their company. He and Maria had 'fallen out' on Saturday and relations have been strained since - according to Maria - but I'm sure they delight in ceaseless bickering. Jim Senior made some comment about them smashing the bathroom window during one of their tiffs.
At 8:30 I went with a gathering of the Macdonald clan to the Hare & Hounds. Jimmy Jun, Karim, Libby, Maria, John and I. Libby has a tremendous sense of humour. We discussed the film 'Death in Venice'. I quipped: "Isn't that one of Shakespeare's?" The depravity of composers was another topic. Tchaikovsky came off worst, I fear. I told Libby that Grieg had been born in Bradford, and in his youth had worked on the buses, but of course that was Delius. Back to Ridgeway until after 12.
The journal of a Yorkshire lad from the age of 17 in 1973 through several decades .... Transcribing from handwritten volume to blog may take some time ...
Showing posts with label libby macdonald. Show all posts
Showing posts with label libby macdonald. Show all posts
Saturday December 31, 1977
_.Jacqui and I went down to Guiseley and bought a birthday card for Mum and Dad. I chose a nice one without a revolting, soppy rhyme in it. I'm very particular about my choice of greeting cards. We then went to the Yorkshire Rose for a couple of hours. ____. It began to rain on leaving the pub and so I took her to John's for refuge only to find the house deserted. _____.
The party started tonight at the Hare & Hounds. Martyn and his girlfriend joined us. In came Christine Dibb and Graham, Maria, Libby, Jimmy, John, Sue, Peter N, Chris, Steve Hudson, Lynn, Dave B, Dave L, George and Jane, Nason's pals, MM and Marita, &c. Lynn was dressed in dungarees and wearing specs, one of my shirts and a tie! They all got on very well with Jacqui. _____. Libby Macdonald looked ghastly. No sign of CB or Carole. At 11:45pm a break away party, led by me, returned to Pine Tops where, to my horror, I discovered my key was locked in the house and I was locked outside. Where was Mum and Dad? They were at the Commercial drinking Southern Comfort and making merry. It was very embarrassing for me. But in a flash I knew what to do. Edith and Ernest's of course. Armed with sherry and other obscene drinks about ten of us 'dropped in' on the dear couple. We all toasted the New Year with them as the clocks were striking 12 and I was locked outside, as is the custom, with Dmitri the Persian cat. Through the window I could see Marita and Ernest locked in a tight embrace and a host of jovial faces drinking David's cheap sherry. Oh dear, it's 1978 now.
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Pine Tops, Hawksworth Lane. |
Saturday August 7, 1976

Emerge at noon. Go to John & Maria's after lunch and stay until 6pm. Jimmy is in bed with one of his migraines and I don't see any sign of him. Libby is sewing curtains (for J & M's bedroom) for all she's worth and Molly spends her time looking on in a stew of constant bewilderment & wonder at John.Poor Maria looked shagged out. They'd been to Bradford and bought equipment for the baby. Sterilizers and all that. They have a mock quarrel about decorating and Jim Senior retires to the lounge to play Bach on his stereo. A pleasant afternoon although I do worry about John. At about 5 o'clock with little prior warning he disappeared into the garden with a large preserve jar to catch frogs! The thought of becoming a father in the near future must have unhinged his poor brain.
Home at 6.30 and ring Lynne. She comes at 8.30 and we go to the Hare & Hounds. Sit - just the two of us -in a corner for well over an hour.CB and Roger are in and they are hysterical at the fact that Carole is down at the other end of the pub with two or three unknown men. Carole leaves after half an hour or so without having said anything. Chris and Peter come in at 10, but Lynne and I move on to the Red Lion at Burley-in-Wharfedale, and then to Cousin Dorothy's at the White Horse. She really is a tartar. D tried to congratulate Lynne and I on our marriage but I managed to stop her just in time. Go on to the Minstrel's Gallery in Ilkley until nearly 2am. A tremendous evening.
Friday December 26, 1975

Holiday in England, Ireland & Wales. Get up at 11. Had lunch. Back to bed until 3.
Go to Maria's with Mum, Dad, Sue, Pete, John, Carole, Lord and Lady Phillips, and Paul. Carole is clad in her new knee length stockings and looks remarkably attractive. We watch tv with Elizabeth (Maria's sister) and John brings me home at 8 to change for Dave L's party. We leave Mum & Dad talking with the Macdonalds until midnight.
Down to the Hare with Carole and on to Dave's at 11.30. See MM and Marita. My first sighting of MM since July. At 1am Carole is taken ill ___________.Dave B, Lynn and myself take her home in the car (along with CD) and return home where we sit about talking until 3am.
Sunday October 26, 1975
22nd after Trinity. Get up in time for lunch. Tell Mum and Dad about the Craven Heifer, wherev they have never been. They like the sound of the decorations and I tell them how impressed I was with the stone fireplaces and things.
John and Maria go to Shrewsbury this afternoon to stay with Elizabeth Macdonald, Maria's elder sister who is a lecturer. You'll laugh at what I am about to say because I always say it about John's girlfriends. I realise that I said the same thing about Christine White, Carol Smith, Naomi Downing and all the others, but this time I mean it when I say that I can hear wedding bells chiming merrily in my ears. OK, so they are always arguing, but surely that is what makes a good marriage, and besides, the time they spend together in bed must mean they like one anothers company a little bit at least. I wish them all the luck in the world anyway because Maria is my favourite of all John's mistresses. They return home on Tuesday I think.
Carole rings at 2pm to say that she and her parents have had yet another disagreement. She stormed out of the house and refused to devour her Sunday lunch. I meet her down the lane at 3 o'clock and we go for a walk over the golf course. The sun is shining brilliantly and I'm looking forward with rellish to a decent hike over Baildon Moor when suddenly her shoe capsises beneath her, and though she protests that all is well, I make her accompany me home. It's dangerous to walk on uneven ground in damaged footwear. Broken bones is not the thing I want my darling to get. (Clever grammar isn't it?) We get back home and play records and listen to the radio until 7, and then we watch TV until 10. A good film starring Warren Mitchell was on, but she had to leave before it finished to wash her lovely locks, &c. I walked her to the bus stop and managed to be home in time to see the end of the film. Romantic little devil, aren't I?
John and Maria go to Shrewsbury this afternoon to stay with Elizabeth Macdonald, Maria's elder sister who is a lecturer. You'll laugh at what I am about to say because I always say it about John's girlfriends. I realise that I said the same thing about Christine White, Carol Smith, Naomi Downing and all the others, but this time I mean it when I say that I can hear wedding bells chiming merrily in my ears. OK, so they are always arguing, but surely that is what makes a good marriage, and besides, the time they spend together in bed must mean they like one anothers company a little bit at least. I wish them all the luck in the world anyway because Maria is my favourite of all John's mistresses. They return home on Tuesday I think.
Carole rings at 2pm to say that she and her parents have had yet another disagreement. She stormed out of the house and refused to devour her Sunday lunch. I meet her down the lane at 3 o'clock and we go for a walk over the golf course. The sun is shining brilliantly and I'm looking forward with rellish to a decent hike over Baildon Moor when suddenly her shoe capsises beneath her, and though she protests that all is well, I make her accompany me home. It's dangerous to walk on uneven ground in damaged footwear. Broken bones is not the thing I want my darling to get. (Clever grammar isn't it?) We get back home and play records and listen to the radio until 7, and then we watch TV until 10. A good film starring Warren Mitchell was on, but she had to leave before it finished to wash her lovely locks, &c. I walked her to the bus stop and managed to be home in time to see the end of the film. Romantic little devil, aren't I?
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Sunday April 21, 1985
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