Linthorpe Hotel, Middlesbrough
Rudd's Arms. |
Our much needed day off. We stayed in bed only until 9. Mags was startled to see me padding round in the kitchen. The insurance cover note arrived and we walked up to Forshaw's at 12:30 to collect Mandy metro. She was gleaming on the forecourt. We couldn't collect her immediately and we went to the Master Cooper and had lunch with the reprobate Timothy. He wants out of the business. A fat man from Accrington came to inspect the place and went off to the Why Not afterwards. Ally didn't like this. She wants a long stint at the tiny Hemlington madhouse. We went to buy something pink and woolly for young Sanderson and then went to collect our automobile at 3:30. Back at the Linthorpe we went up to lay on the bed, like you do, and discussed our plans for the night. We went out at 6:30. The car lights failed to work and we drove, Ally in a rage, to Dutton Forshaw's, and a man connected several wires. He was very close to death. We went then to Rudd's Arms at Marton, a Beefeater, and sat giggling at a table. T-bone steaks again. No, Ally had a rump. Not as good as the Beefeater at Chandler's Ford, but a good nosh for £14. Pouring rain. Back to the crowded Linnie at 9:30, and we sat in the snug with Paul Grainger and Jake and his girlfriend Emma. Ally was tired and decided not to to go out to the Speakeasy to celebrate Rose's 24th birthday. I was given permission to attend and we did much kissing for the night of separation. I went down to bar and had a strawberry mivvi cocktail (£3.49) then switched to large whiskies with dry ginger. In a taxi with Roy and Maca to the Speakeasy, a smoke filled brothel if ever I saw one. With Rose, Ian (her Hells Angel lover), Mags, Marie, Eric, Roy, Jon-Paul, Ron Perry, JT, Carol, &c. We went on to the 53 Club, a gay spot where young men sat groping, and heavily tattooed women, toothless at that, sat swigging other peoples brandy. We danced and clowned around. It was one of those nights when everyone went quite daft. We ended by singing the 23rd psalm, all in full voice, much to the consternation of the manager, who was the salesman who had sold us our chairs. Back at the Linnie. Marie to bed. I went to bed at 4:30 or 5. Not hideously stoned, but pleasantly.