Tuesday January 23, 1973

Uneventful day. The snow has gone completely. Our winter for the year is over. Went to school on the 8.30 bus. I revised in the morning. People go wild with hysterics over my "Fog Theory" which I wrote just before Christmas. I could make millions writing satires. Sometimes I wonder whether teaching will be worthwhile after spending 50 years at college. The dreaded letter came today from Darlington College. I have been passed on again. My next choice is Middleton St George near Newcastle. I must be bloody awful at interviews. When I told Mr Groves this morning that my letter had arrived he didn't break down crying like he usually does. All he could say was "place your hopes in Middleton". Silly bugger. At 2pm Denise and I had a mock O Level Biology exam. Louise finished at about 3.30 - everyone else finished at 4. I could only answer half the questions and was sure glad to get out.
President Nixon of the USA announced something about Vietnam on the radio today. It was live on BBC1 at 3am. It will probably be a ceasefire or even an end to the war which has been raging since about 1400BC. Strangely enough, if the end of the war has come Pres. Johnson will have just missed seeing it by a day. They are burying him on Thursday.
Did a bit of revising and watching TV until almost 12. I have History exam tomorrow. If I get more than 40 per cent I am high and dry. In the last "mock" I got 29 per cent.


Monday January 22, 1973

The main subject of discussion at school today was the amusing events of Fridays drunken engagement party. To my amazement Janet says she caught to bus to Horsforth. It seems I am madly in love with June. But I'm not the only one, or so it seems. Dave, Steve Tate, Peter Hurst, Michael Stott, and many more have fallen under her bewitching spell. I would love to know whether she fancies me...the competition gives me an even greater urge to succeed in capturing her beautiful heart.
It was announced on the late night news several minutes ago that Lyndon Johnson, former president of the United States 1963-69 has died from a heart attack. No doubt the mess in Vietnam added a couple of decades to his life. He has looked 90 since 1966. He was only 64.


Sunday January 21, 1973

I was awakened by Dave on the phone at 11.30. Louise is putting it about that Denise and I are engaged! Louise is going to feel the sharp end of my boot on Monday. It snowed solidly from 12 until 4.30pm but alas it began to rain at 5. It'll be slushy tomorrow.
Dad came home from work with a story that they (at the police station) had received a letter from the Home Office stating that the Duke of Norfolk was in receipt of a letter from a Guiseley man claiming the throne of England! Dad of course had to investigate but the culprit (a certain King Terry the First) is nowhere to be found. His mother (HM The Queen Mother) hasn't seen him for weeks. It gave Dad a laugh even though it was a waste of time.
Poor Lynda West and Janet Rootes may have been wandering around Aireborough in the snow since Friday night. I blame myself. I should have offered to escort them to the bus stop at least. I will make my apologies in the morning. It is now 12.45 and I am retiring to bed forthwith.


Saturday January 20, 1973

Boring day. John and I went to Leeds in the afternoon. I intended buying a coat, but was unable to find any suitable ones. John bought a pair of Oxford bags for £3.50 - not a bad price. Mine cost £5.50. 

After having lunch in Leeds we browsed around until 3.30. 33 bus back to Guiseley for 4.10. A couple of cars had bumped in the snow on Hawksworth Lane and Dad (who was on duty) invited a couple of the victims to take refuge in our house. When I left for the Chuck Wagon it looked like a refugee camp. Distraught ladies were using our phone to ring garages, etc. 

Approx. 50 people dined at the Chuck Wagon - not bad going. Worthy grows that little bit more every time I see him. Florence has now settled down with him. He was just the same when Webster was a pup. At 1am Pauline, Toffer and myself decided to have a mad half hour in the snow - snowball fight outside the CW. I think Toffer scored the most hits. Me and Pauline did lousy. On arriving home at 1.30 Toffer shoved the stuffed dogs head out of the car window and barked like a dog, at which P and I broke into hysterics. Mum and Dad came to the door in curiosity at the noise we were making. Came to bed at 2am. Hope to revise in the afternoon.

Friday January 19, 1973

Snow. Tim and Liz's engagement party. I had three whiskies and a pint of keg bitter. I escorted Denise to the party. June looked ravishing. Denise and I were out in the cold drinking whisky at 10.30. At 10.45 poor Janet Roots set off in the snow for Horsforth. She was supposed to be Harry Ramsden's just after 11 to catch the 55 bus. Gillian Widdop's brother-in-law brought Dave and myself home at 11.10.


Thursday January 18, 1973

Louise and I went up to Denise's this afternoon where D made me some lunch. L and I played records. Chris arrived at 1.10pm. We all settled down to some revision at 1.45 but weak willed Chris and Louise began copulating on Denise's lounge sofa. Denise and I sat by the dining room fire reading (D was doing her Biology and I was reading Lord Moran's life of Churchill 1940-45). At 3.30 we raided the lounge. We couldn't persuade Chris and Louise to vacate the sofa and so we retreated to the yard to see the dogs. One was called Forrester. Another was some sort of hound - a fine pair of dogs. We returned to the lounge where Louise and Chris made room for us...
Arrived home on the 5.30 55 bus from Leeds. Watched TV until 10.30. It's now 12 midnight and Mum has just stuck her head around the bedroom door and told me it's time I was asleep. She's now threatening to turn off the lights. I had better go.



Wednesday January 17, 1973

Day of rejoicing and excitement because Denny brought £6 deposit for the holiday. Got up at 6.30. and revised until nearly 8. I had a quick breakfast (boiled egg) and rushed off to school on the 8.30 bus. Revising by 9, as was Irene, Christine B, Christine J, and MM. I was very satisfied by the exam paper, and managed to answer four questions. Mr Ayling actually came across from the main school in person at about 11.30. Honour for us all indeed. We spent the afternoon relaxing after the exam and Louise, Denny, Dave, Chris and myself joined in with the lower sixth. June and Janet were in usual form. June is such a nice person. We all went through the usual procedure of being ejaculated from the common-room by Mrs Capstan Fullstrength and the caretaker at 4.15. Groves was away. Lousie wants me to go to Denny's tomorrow afternoon. I don't really want to. Things are much more amusing at school. Besides, I promised I would take my "Fog Theory, by Wyndham-Logg" in. I am still awaiting a reply from Darlington College of Ed. They've been considering me for a week as from Thursday. I think they are waiting for my Biology results which should be out on Monday/Tues. I hope to God that I have passed. I doubt very much whether they'll accept me if I fail. Ah well, that's life. I have done no revising tonight. I consider my daily quota to be done for today. History mock A -level is the next thing, and if I don't begin revising I'll be in for it. But I take life as it comes and stuff the consequences.


Tuesday January 16, 1973

Revision today for economics exam. tomorrow morning. I read through Harvey's "Elementary Economics", but it went in one ear and straight out of the other. We have been planning Friday evening and I think that Dave, Chris, Louise and Denise are coming up to Pine Tops before we go down to Menston. We have no idea what to buy Tim and Liz. No doubt some suitable gift will be found before Friday. Chris and Louise are quite serious. She's Louise Somes-Harris. It's quite remarkable how many people in the 6th form have hyphenated names. Dacre-Braithwaite, Somes-Harris, Hart-Woods, Vere-Bujnawski, etc. Did some serious revision this afternoon. At 4.15 Mrs Capstan-Fullstrength threw us out of the common-room and Dave remained firmly seated in his chair shouting: "Stand up for your rights and sit down". However, cowardice forced us all to drift out into the cold January air. Walked to the bus stop with June, Lynda West and Janet Rootes. June gets nicer by the day (throb, throb). From about 6 to 10pm I did economics revision. Went to bed at 10.30 leaving a note for Dad to get me up at 6am. I intend revising before breakfast...


Monday January 15, 1973

Frustrating day. Denise was in a foul mood. In the morning with Louise we learnt a paragraph from Marshall's "Principles of Economics". She ignored me this afternoon. Chris told June Bottomley that Dave fancies her. I wish June would find the time to fancy me, but she never tells anyone whether she does or not, June told me that Linda West fancies Andy Graham. We all intend revising economics tomorrow. The exam. is Wed. 9.30-11.30am. Phil Raynor was reading "The Sun" this afternoon. Headline "Queen visits Mark's home". Does this mean wedding bells for Princess Anne? The Queen and Mrs Phillips chatting over a cup of tea. Choosing the bridesmaid behind poor Anne's back? It's about time Pcss. Anne was married. At 22 you're getting a bit past it.
Tonight "Big Decision" night. Should I take Denise out?


Sunday January 14, 1973

Dad woke me up at the late hour of 1pm. Had a light breakfast. Lynn and Sue were out all day, and John, Mum and Dad were watching a very ancient film on the television. At 8 David and I went down to the Motts (Emmott Arms, Rawdon). Denise, Mick Lea, Julie, Andy Graham, Chris and Louise were all there. Chris fancies Louise and Louise fancies Chris but neither are making any move. MM and Louise have been revising economics on Ilkley Moor all afternoon!
Mick Lea asked Denise out. I told her to ignore him, but she's very worried about the situation. Mum expected Denise and Dave to pay their deposits but one can't expect someone to fork out £6, especially at the age of 16. Home at midnight. Am starting revising at school tomorrow. That is my resolution for the week.


Saturday January 13, 1973

Awoke and had breakfast at 11.30am. Had a lazy day listening to records until lunchtime, Watched the television in the afternoon and I especially enjoyed "Dr Who" - one of my favourites since the age of 6. After tea I walked down Thorpe Lane arriving at the Chuck Wagon at 7.30. Things went very busily until 1am. You can imagine how tired we all felt. A couple of drunks kept us waiting until nearly 2am, but at least we had a laugh. Little Worthington is the most pretty dog I have ever seen. Sue is attached to Webster, but I am always absorbed by cute puppies. Sue did not mind in the least when I told her I was having next Friday off. I had told Toffer last night but he had forgotten to tell Sue. He has a memory like a sieve. Arrived home at 2.30am. John was asleep in the chair. I had to awaken him to let me in. Poor boy. He had to sit up all night simply because I did not take my key with me. Susan and Lynn are staying the night with Alison, and Mum and Dad are at Geoff and Lorna Saxton's annual rave-up. They probably won't be home until 4. Mum distinctly told me not to wait up. All Hell will be let loose if I happen to be sitting here when she walks in. I will do a bit of writing before going to bed which rules out the chances of my getting up early in the morning.


Tuesday January 22, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Cold and quiet. Dave Glynn phoned tonight but Ally and I were in the cellar, and when we phoned back Lily said that David has...