Thursday February 22, 1973

Our third anniversary! Yes, three weeks ago tonight June and I began our romance. One of the best three weeks I have ever known. Mum accidently woke me up at 7.30 when she was waking John for work. I staggered downstairs for a drink and then returned to the comfort of my bed. Sat reading and reminiscing until nearly 9 o'clock. I fell asleep waking up at noon with a book on my chest and the lamp burning brightly.

Dad took me out for a driving lesson at 12.30. I picked Mum up at 1 o'clock and we had lunch at 1.15. I can't wait for tonight. What will June say about my letter? I grow to love her more as each day passes.

At 3 I went down to Westgate on Tranmere Park to see my old friend Mrs Perfect. I have made a point of visiting her at least 3 times a year since I was her paper boy back in 1970. She's lonely. The old dear tends to get a bit boring after an hour or so, but my visits make her happy and that's all that matters. We usually start by discussing the aristocracy and today it was the latest romance of the Duke of Fife and a 27-year-old Wiltshire girl. The other subject of discussion was the Duchess of Kent, the Yorkshire lass, who is 40 today. She isn't one of my favourite royals.

Came home and had tea at 6. Dave rang at 6.30 he reminded me about tomorrow's excursion to the Gas Showrooms in Leeds with Mr Ayling - which should be a laugh. Cowie rang immediately after to enquire about tonight. I went on the 7.30 bus after watching "Top of the Pops" on the telly. Arrived at 8. Ivy Fitton was the only one of our crowd in the window seat. She was pleased to see me. Cowie arrived not long after - he thought it odd that June and Linda had not yet arrived - I have only once arrived at the pub before June. They came soon after. On my way to the Emmotts I was shocked to see _____mum behaving familiarly with one of her husband's friends. They were walking down Yeadon arm in arm. I was shocked to say the least. Poor ____must be completely ignorant of the affair. We had a lovely evening. June kept making sarcastic comments about my letter - but I managed to keep a straight face. Andy Graham (who is now going out with Linda Smith) and Sue Crosby arrived. We left at 10.40 and Sue C followed us across the road to the bus stop - gloating at the fact that she could disrupt June and me from any intimacies there. We soon put a stop to that by crossing to the shelter on the other side of the road. Her bus came at about 11 o'clock. She left with Linda and Sue Crosby. Cowie and I walked into Rawdon and I got a 55 at 11.15. He thumbed a lift to Addingham almost immediately.


Wednesday February 21, 1973

Dad woke me up at 9 o'clock but I went straight back to sleep & he did not pursue the matter further. Awoke finally at 11. Staggered downstairs and had a cup of coffee, then staggered back up to my room. The weather is beautiful. Sun is shining brightly and the air is fresh and clear. Lynn, Sue and Alison went at 9 to walk to Auntie Hilda's at Pudsey. I have made this trip before and it should take 3 to 4 hours. Finally started on some homework at 11.30.

Chris rang at 12 with the long awaited news that he and Louise had finished. I was shocked to hear that Louise had made the final move because on Sunday Chris was determined to do all the finishing. Evidently someone probably ___, had rung Louise and told her what Chris had said in the Emmotts on Sunday. So L, armed with this information, made the final move.

Dad watched me whilst I made the lunch which consisted of fish fried and batter and crunchy chips - very tasty. Mum came in from work at 1. Lynn phoned at 1.30 to say they had arrived safely at Auntie Hilda's. The weather was perfect for walking.

What could have been a good afternoon was ruined by Dad's stubborness. Mum wanted to go see Auntie Mabel. But Dad dragged her out on an aimless journey around Otley and eventually Mum got sickened off and asked to be taken home. Dad then made me go out driving on the Tranmere estate with him. I hated every minute of it. Somehow the thought of driving really puts me off. He objects to the way I handle the steering wheel, and queries my dodgy corners, etc. Came home for tea at 5.15. I rang Dave L at 6 and he suggests we go to Chris's - the latter feeling depressed following his divorce from Louise. I am relieved at this suggestion. The thought of staying at home all evening is quite depressing.

This week has been too terrible for words without seeing June. As far as I am concerned tomorrow cannot come too quickly.

I set off for Dave's and arrive half an hour later. He and his dad are putting a radio in the car. I waited until 8.15 for them to finish. Mr Lawson gave us a lift to Christopher's. Chris seemed unusually cheerful. We sat round the record player. We played "Raphsody on a theme by Paganini" by Serge Rachmaninov plus his "piano concerto number 2 in c flat minor". The remainder of the evening was dedicated to Tamla Motown, i.e. Diana Ross and the Supremes - the latter always reminds me of the old days with Barbara Woodhead and Shelley Masterson back in '71. Dave especially gets very nostalgic about it. We sat until after 11. Dave suddenly remembered that our bus comes at 11.10. We dived into our coats and fled to Horsforth Town Street. A 33 bus came at 11.25. Chris came past to see us off with DD (his dog).
I arrived home at midnight. Lynn and Sue came in from babysitting ten minutes later. Sue made a cup of coffee and disappeared to bed. Lynn and I shared a pan of baked beans - I made the toast. We discussed things until 12.35. Mum called us up to bed.
Thursday is here at last!!!


Tuesday February 20, 1973

Mum woke me at 8.50. She says a letter had come for me. I immediately thought it was the long-awaited letter from college. "No", she said. "It's a girl's handwriting". I was downstairs before I knew what I was doing. Yes, it was June's handwriting. It was such a beautiful letter. As I suspected, she was not at work yesterday, but looking after her auntie Nellie who has a bad knee or something. I immediately reply to her letter, but alas I don't even have the money for a stamp. So I have to wait until Mum comes home to post it. I began doing a bit of homework at 11.15, but my thoughts keep going back to June. It's such a beautiful day!
I have just been going through this weeks "Economist" and I am surprised - nay shocked -to read one certain paragraph which states that the majority of the British people would be behind the Prime Minister if he decided on a general election over the ruddy gas workers union plot etc. It is horrifying to think that in such an election the government might be defeated, thrusting that infernal little creep Wilson back into office. God! I couldn't stand it. Actually, the British people are sick to death of the unions laying down the law and the time has come for us to stop them. They pick and choose which acts of parliament to obey. Besides, if the gas workers do on strike for a month, which they intend doing, a large proportion of the country will decide that they would prefer to suffer real discomfort for the long term national interest. What with Ireland, the currency crisis, and the gas board - poor Ted Heath certainly has a lot on his plate.

Revised the Labour Govt 1945-51 this afternoon. Ate at 5. Watched the tv until 9.30 and then drifted aimlessly upstairs where I now sit scribbling my diary. I will make a start on Mrs Harris's project tomorrow. It must be finished by all costs on Monday. With a bit of luck June might get my letter tomorrow but one can no longer rely on the GPO to get the Queen's mail through - the same applies to everything else which is nationalized. The government soon forget about them and they fall into a state of disrepair. This week is dragging without school. I have become attached to it sinceI first went there in Sept 1971. But I have to go out into the big wide world sooner or later.



Monday February 19, 1973

Prince Andrew, the 2nd in line of sucession to the throne, became a teeny-bopper today. He's 13. He's spending the day at school. In the old days a prince would have "had all the works" on his birthday.
Mum got me up at 8.30 and then left for work. I suspect that she had a lift in Major Smith's car.
After breakfast I walked down to White Cross Post Office with £1.55. I must keep up the deposits until June. The weather is cloudy and overcast. The walk down Thorpe Lane gave some exercise at least. I don't do enough walking, not like a few years ago when I had the paper round - I must have walked miles every morning. At about 12.30 Sue made my lunch which consisted of beans on toast. Mum came home at 1pm just as I was leaving for Bradford Library.
I was in Bradford for 2 o'clock and the clock in the centre chimed out two strokes as I crossed the courtyard of the impressive Central Library. I remained there until nearly 4. I took out 2 books on the Labour Government 1945-51. Dad almost had a fit when he saw these books. Both of them state that the British public rejected the Conservative party in 1945 and not Winston Churchill. The general drift being that Churchill was above party politics - an international statesman and not just a Tory. Dad went berserk, saying Churchill was a "Blue Tory just like Enoch Powell is today..." and "a War Monger". A typical socialist viewpoint. In my opinion Churchill was a great man and this cannot be denied by anybody.
Arrived home at 4.30. Sat about watching Blue Peter. Ate at 5.15.
A boring evening watching the television which was most uninteresting. Alison came round at 8 to watch the cowboy series "Alias Smith and Jones", a very far-fetched comedy style western. Not a good programme. See on the news that the French World War One hero, Marshal Petain, has been stolen from his grave - some people will do anything for publicity!
Had some supper at 10.30 and came to bed. I cannot wait until Thursday. June is the longest surviving girlfriend I have ever had. She doesn't realise that I have always had my eye on her. I remember last year when all the boys used to fancy her. Now she's my girlfriend. What a month it has been.


Sunday February 18, 1973

Septuagesima. Got up at 11 o'clock again. I sat around until lunchtime in my dressing gown type of thing. Very luxurious. Mum and I had a set-to. She called me a "brainless idiot" simply because I complained about lack of finances and clothes. She also said I was a "snob" for suggesting having two separate 18th birthday parties - one for family and one for friends. She must have got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. The family went to Pudsey at 3.30 - leaving me alone to scrounge around for my own tea. The afternoon didn't half drag. I had a bath and washed my hair - which incidentally Mum says needs cutting.
Left for the Emmotts at 7.30. The bus came at 8 and I was sitting next to June Margaret Bottomley at 8.30. I was shocked beyond belief when I met Chris outside the pub. He tells me outright that he intends to finish with Louise! He's bored with her after 5 weeks! He sat with us until he finally plucked up the courage to go to her (who was sitting with Dave at the opposite side of the pub) but by 10 o'clock they had made up and were smooching in usual Chris and Louise style. I had £1 with me but I only had 2 pints of Sovereign bitter. I enjoyed it tremendously. Chris asked June how long we had been going out. She said it was three weeks on Thursday, but I would have dated it from January 29, but on that date we never even kissed, which makes her claim much more sound. Linda, Cowie and Janet all left at 10.15. Poor Linda is having to work in the morning, while we all have the first day of our half-term. June and I intended sitting on our own for a chat but sadly that was not to be. Keith Harrison, an ex-boyfriend of June's twin sister Susan, came across to talk to June. Ian Appleyard was also in. I suddenly realised that he might tell his sister Margaret, who works with Mum, that he has seen me. So if I don't tell Mum where I have been - all Hell will break loose. I eventually dragged June out at twenty to eleven, and we walked down the lane with linked arms. We sat on the seat at the bottom. She was touched to see her ring on a chain around my neck.
We almost let her 33 bus sail past at 11 but chased after it. She left safely for Horsforth. I got a 35 Bus at Benton Park, and arrived home at 11.35. Mum, Dad, John, Lynn and Sue were at home and had been since 9.30. Dad had gone to work on nights. Auntie H had sent a box of goodies for her favourite nephew for my own consumption. I devoured about a third of them before retiring to bed.
It was on the news today that Princess Anne is ill in Ethiopia following some sort of trek over the mountains - she cancelled todays engagements. For the minute I thought the nasty little Russians had poisoned her. She seems to have lots of stomach problems. The operation last year worried many people. Mum wondered whether it will affect her ability to have children. An overian cyst must be very dangerous.


Saturday February 17, 1973

John got me up at 11. I was surprised to see him. He usually works Saturdays but he has slept in. He tells me he wants to go to Otley or Bradford. We select Bradford catching the 12.20 bus to the city centre - 14p each way!
John bought an LP - Diana Ross's Greatest Hits. I would have preferred the Monty Python record, or the BBC 1922-1972 record - but it was his cash. After spending an hour in the record shop we went for lunch to a small cafe - sausages, chips, peas and tomatoes for 20p - can't be bad, can it? We then set off on the near impossible task of finding a hairdresser for John. We did find one, but after a search of 45 minutues. It was in a tiny back street miles from anywhere. He was only in for 10 minutes and charged 40p. That's inflation for you. We then went down to the Library and sat for nearly an hour browsing through Debrett's Peerage 1973 and Burke's Peerage 1970. John was very bored and eventually dragged me out at 4.30. We arrived home and had dinner at 5. Mutton, roast spuds, turnip, etc. I then collapsed into an easy chair in the lounge to watch "Dr Who" - my very favourite programme. Arrived at work at 7. The usual rush at 10 o'clock. We went through the usual rigmarole sitting about waiting for them to go. At least I got paid. Sue (Riley) is now very excited about the extension which is to be done in October. The CW will hold twice as many people as it does already. Saints Preserve us! It's bloody big enough already.
Lately I feel terribly restless and unsure of everything. I arrived home at 1.30 and sat feeling untired until 2.40. Dad, who is on nights, got home at 1.40 - and I had some supper with him. He says work has been dead since Christmas. He cannot understand why everything is so quiet. We have only had a murder, a rape, and several indecent assaults in Guiseley in the past few weeks.
June and I are of course going to the Emmotts on Sunday. You may have already guessed my main reason for going there - yes, Ivy (Ha Ha).


Friday February 16, 1973

Susan woke me at 7.45. I had a boiled egg and ran down the lane. The snow has now turned into an icy sheet & it refuses to be melted by the bright sunshine. On arriving at school I sat with Christine until 9.30. It was a boring morning. Economics dragged on until 11.45. Ayling really gets up my nose at times. At 12.25 Dave, Christine and myself went down to the chippie. She certainly enjoys seeing us walk through the door. We spent £1.35! I carried all the fish and chips back to school in a cardboard box.
Luncheon was ruined by Mr P.G. Groves, who handed out reports at 2. Mine had very disappointing results, but not one single teacher could say that I hadn't tried my best at all times, which cannot be bad. The 1st lesson after lunch was spent with June who thought I was depressed about my report when in fact I was miserable at the thought of Double Biology without her. Biology passed fairly quickly. I sat with Louise. Came back to the 6th form block at 4pm. June, Linda, Cowie, Janet and myself had a couple of rounds of 'cheat' in the study area - I lost both times. We all went down for the buses at 4.35. Linda was in a very jovial mood. J and I always hate parting on a Friday knowing we have to wait until Sunday to meet again.
Arrived home at 5.15. Mum told me that they were going to Pudsey on Sunday for tea. I would have gone willingly, but my love life is more important. I would not survive without my regular rendezvous with June at the Emmotts.
The Chuck Wagon was dead until 10 o'clock. Why do they always want to go out an eat at such a late hour? Inconsiderate of them. Home at 12.30.
John opened a bank account at the Yorkshire Bank today. He deposited £30. He also has about £46 worth of premium bonds. Mum has £44 of premium bonds. We are becoming a family of fortune and property!
The Prince of Wales is now on his way to the Med. where he will be stationed with his ship until September. The Queen seems to be relieving him of many royal duties, which fall to Princess Anne instead. But he will have the full burden in the years to come, and it is only right for him to have a good time while he is young and unattached. The subject of the prince's romantic life has certainly puzzled the Press. He has been linked with many female names, such as Georgiana Russell, Angela Nevill, etc, etc. But old Charles has admitted that he intends to marry someone with a royal background and who "already knows the ropes". I have had my eye on Princess Caroline of Monaco, who is 16, and is certainly a good prospect for the title Princess of Wales. Within 5 years she could make a very attractive bride. In 1978 the Prince of Wales will be 30. An ideal age for a royal groom. Grace Kelly should certainly have something to be pleased about.
On the subject of royals I have recently discovered a remarkable coincidence. The Duchess of Gloucester is descended from King Charles I, whilst her niece-in-law is descended from his arch-enemy Oliver Cromwell. Guess who? Yes, our very own Duchess of Kent. How can these two regal ladies keep their hands from each others throats?


Saturday May 19, 1984

A warm, gentle day. Ally and I took off to town with Samuel at 1pm. We didn't take the pram and I carried baby for two hours, by the end...