Showing posts with label cinema. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cinema. Show all posts


Friday September 15, 1978

To the Odeon at Leeds with Jacq at 8pm to see Mel Brook's 'High Anxiety'. Very funny. Jacq didn't laugh quite as loudly as I did. In places I found myself roaring with laughter, but quite alone. Rather like giggling in Westminster Abbey.

Home at 11 after having a quick drink at the Wayfinder, which is full of potential Ripper victims and greasy haired males resembling the Kray Twins and other leaders of organised crime. I must make a note to avoid this pub in future.

Felt buggered. Collapsed in a chair and slept for half an hour on my arrival home.



Tuesday September 23, 1975

It feels like a Monday today because it's my first day back at work since the weekend.

I ring Carole at work and we decide to go to the cinema this evening. 'Mandingo' starring James Mason and Susan George, which is all about slaves and plantation life in America in the 19th century. I've heard that it's full of sex and violence, but when we eventually see it at 8.30 tonight it is very mild and typical indeed. Fancy, travelling all the way to Leeds to see a film which could easily cheer the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury himself. However, we did like it and it gave us the excuse (not that we need one) to sit huddled together in a dimly lit room.

Home on the 10.45 35 and I call at her home for a drink. After saying my fond farewells I walk home. Luckily I missed the rain, which just stopped as we alighted from the bus.

Home at about 12 and continue reading the Duke & Duchess of Windsor by Ralph Martin.

John is still at death's door, but he vows he'll be well again for his birthday celebrations on Thursday.



Thursday August 28, 1975

Meet Carole on the 6.30pm 55 bus and go up to Yeadon to see 'Barry Mackenzie Holds His Own' at the cinema. I saw it a month ago with David and Christine but I feel that all films starring Barry Humphries warrant a second visit. I did thoroughly enjoy it, and think Carole was quite amused, though not over the moon about it. The cinema was horribly hot and we kept getting funny looks and glares from the other film-goers when we hooted with laughter, and I can assure you that when Carole laughs she certainly makes sure everyone knows about it. Once again she excelled herself tonight and dressed as though she was going to a Buckingham Palace garden party. Everything about her it just what I like in a bird. I only hope we'll last out OK. She is a Scorpio, which does make her my type - like Sarah for instance - and I'm in constant fascination of her.

On the subject of Sarah. She departed for Corfu late tonight, and so I won't be seeing her two weeks. I have given up altogether with her. She is a darling but doesn't need me at all and I see no point in persuing someone who isn't interested in me.



Thursday May 22, 1975

Gillian and I go see 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', a full-length feature film, at the ABC Cinema in Bradford. Really hilarious. We both sat snorting like pigs throughout, and ached with the strain of laughing all the way home on the bus.

We called in on Naomi for ten minutes or so, and I walked Gillian home.

Home at about 11pm to see the new CAR!! A Toyota Corona or something. A beautiful shade of red, and quite the joy of Papa, who vows he's never seen anything like it. He never imagined that the day would dawn when he was the owner of a car free from rust!



Thursday April 17, 1975

The name Barbra Streisand will forever be imprinted in large capitals across the frontage of my heart. The woman should be knighted or perhaps canonised by by Pope Paul or something. Joan of Arc, Gladys Aylward, Queen Victoria, Germaine Greer and Princess Anne can ALL stand aside for this lady. Boy! What a Girl! Those eyes! That nose! That figure. God! Dave, Sandra and me went to to the Odeon in Leeds to see 'Funny Lady' in which Miss Streisand excelled all bounds of things which one normally excels. It finished at 10.30 and we nipped into the Take and Bake in Headingley for chicken and chips. Sandra devoured a nasty looking sausage and baked spud with crumbly cheese all over it. The car windows were so steamed up that David had to guess (more or less) where the bloody road was. Sandra looked sexy. I still don't believe she's as old as she surely must be - if you know what I mean. Well, she only looks 21-22-ish, no older than say Sarah - and yet her son Gary must be eight if he's a day. Wonderous it really is. Home at 11 to chat with Ma and Pa for half an hour. I try to persuade them to say they'll go to Windsor for a weekend with me in 3 or 4 weeks time but all Mum can talk about is my holiday in August and how much I'll have to save for it. Once again I'll finish with one word. Yak!



Monday March 31, 1975

Holiday in England, Ireland & Wales. Wake at a civilised hour and potter around over the breakfast table for several minutes before leaping back upstairs to prepare for this afternoon's jaunt to the cinema. Mama is in no amicable mood and makes herself heard throughout the British Empire that was - possibly with the exception of Australia - which isn't quite in her voice range.

At 1.15 Dave, Sandra and Gary collect me and we go to Yeadon to see 'What's Up Doc?' with Barbara Streisand and Ryan O'Neal. Bloody brilliant film. Nearly choked at one point. Believe it or not, I could quite fancy Sandra, who is very attractive with an exceptional personality. Yes, my heart could quite easily become embroiled with hers. Sense of humour is the main thing. Gary is such a laugh too - just like Dave was at that age.

Lynn and Dave make a sudden appearance in 'What's Up Doc?' and I accompanied them home at the end to save Dave L the journey. Poor Mr Baker threw up everywhere behind the cinema and he looked deathly on his arrival home. Lynn sent him off to bed where he kipped soundly for a few hours. Mum and Dad didn't come home until after 10 and I sat in front of the tv all night. Bed at about 1am, after a boring Peter Cushing film which was supposed to be horrific, but not.



Sunday October 20, 1974

Up at 12. Nice lunch then see a James Cagney film again.

John goes for Carol who does Mum's hair, then she and Dad go out for the afternoon. Sit in front of the TV all afternoon looking at photographs. Peter and Sue join John and Carol in the lounge and I sit on the floor with a cup of tea. Lynn does her homework.

See in the Daily Express that Rudolph Nureyev and Princess Margaret are having private ballet rendezvous together in his London studios. I can just picture the scene. All I can say is I hope Mr Nureyev is being well paid for it. It can't be a heartening exercise having to hoist HRH above ones head.

Mum and Dad go out in the afternoon and John brings Carol round for tea. We all decide to go to the cinema. I ring Lynne and inform her thus. See 'Three Musketeers'. I've seen it before with Denny, but it was well worth seeing again.

John had to drag us all into the Clothiers before the film started in order that he could consume his revered pint. All back to Pine Tops for coffee. See 'The Saint' on TV which stars Roger Moore in the title role and is superbly done in the traditional 1960s style. Dave takes Lynne home at nearly 1 o'clock and I depart to bed.



Sunday September 30, 1973

15th after Trinity. Like yesterday I awoke at 7 o'clock but instead of going back to sleep I staggered down to the lounge where I play John's Tamla vol. III, very quietly, and sip a large glass or orange juice. I went back to bed at 8 and came back down at 10. It is so cold in my bedroom. I put the central heating into action which warmed the house very quickly.

Marita is taking Chris to Harewood this afternoon, where Andy is protecting all those hill climbers! The weather is shocking and the wind really strong - I pity them.

Today is Dave's final day in Yorkshire. He goes to Worcester early tomorrow. He rings me after lunch and says that he would have gone blackberry picking had it not been for the weather. I say I will ring him back at 6 to decide if we are going out or not - I doubt it very much after last night.

Lynn and Stephen decide to go to the cinema - so do John and Christine W. Susan also wants to go and so I agree to go with her. I ring Dave at 6.15 and wish him all the luck - adding 'see you on Saturday'. Dad runs Sue and me to Yeadon at 6.20. Film 'Battle for the Planet of the Apes' begins at 6.30. Not too good. 'Escape from the Planet of the Apes' was much better. Leave for home at 10.30. John walks Christine home - the White Mini Market heiress -and we are all home for 11.15.



Tuesday August 14, 1973

Hear from the Daily Mail. They tell me they intend to publish my 'interesting' letter shortly. Knew they would do all along.

A really beautiful day. One of the hottest days in 20 years. Andy and I still at Larkfield.

Home at 5.30 - have a meal, wash and change, and catch the 55 bus to Yeadon. June already waiting outside the picture house. Go in at 6.20. She likes 'Owl and the Pussycat' a lot more than 'Bonnie and Clyde'. Quite natural for a girl I suppose. B and C was probably too bloody for her.

At 10.20 we set off on a walk round Yeadon. She gets the bus at 11 o'clock to Horsforth. I got a 55 at the bottom of Henshaw Lane. Home by 11.45.

Auntie Hilda, Uncle Tony and the girls are paying us a visit. They all sit about devouring fish and chips. Mine are in the cooker. Bid farewell to relations and bed at 12.45.


Monday August 13, 1973

Up with the larks at 6.40. Make my way to Greenacre Hall for 7.30. Andy and I move from the Henshaw bungalows to Ivy Fitton's estate up Larkfield Mount.

The sun is really hot. Clean and paint gutters until 4.30 when Bill arrives. Sit behind the matron's house until nearly 5 o'clock.

June rings me at 7.0 o'clock and she says she wants to see 'Owl and the Pussycat' tomorrow. I certainly don't mind seeing it again. It will make it the third time in 2 years. Dave and I first saw it in 1972.

See 'Coronation Street' again. Glad June and I are going out tomorrow. Bed 11.30.


Sunday August 12, 1973

8th after Trinity. June and I make no arrangements to go out tonight. Lynn aks John and I to escort her, Susan and Al to the cinema. I immediately agree.

'Bonnie and Clyde' and 'Owl and the Pussycat'. Both very good films. Commences at 6.20. Barbra Streisand in 'Owl and the Pussycat' is fantastic. I will love her forever.

We all pile out of the cinema at 10.20 after watching Bonnie and Clyde shot for the second time this evening! Having arrived at 6.15 we watched the last five minutes of B and C before the second house began. It ruined the entire evening for Lynn.


Sunday April 21, 1985

 2nd Sunday after Easter Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II Moorhouse Inn The good lady - the Sovereign is 59 years old today. She is celebratin...