Showing posts with label drinking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drinking. Show all posts


Friday August 31, 1973

Woke at 8.15 with the terrible realisation that I had overslept again. But it all fits my plans admirably. I decide to stay at home until 10.0 when I go into school with Christine and MM to see Groves.

Have a little breakfast and read my book about the Duchess of Portsmouth.

Arrive at Benton simultaneously with MM and Christine. They bring the new cups for the 6th form. Don't see Groves until 12.0. He advies me to wait until I have heard from the college, but to go into school until I do. Term starts on Monday. Go back to see Bill and tell him I'm going back. He wishes me good luck - again. Mess about with the bus shelters until 4.30.

Later: Dave picks John and me up and we go to the Fleece. Christine and Philip are saving seats for us. MM and Linda Smith arrive later. We go to the Intercon at the Cow and Calf at 10.30. Christine, in answer to the call of nature, visits Pine Tops for the first time. She thinks it's extremely cosy. Andy and I make attempts to get very drunk - successfully. Poor Philip went through £8. A very bizarre occurrence took place at 2.30am on Saturday morning. Dave and Christine decided to go for a walk on Ilkley Moor whilst Philip and I slept in his car. Ten minutes later I'm awakened by Dave laughing but minus Christine. To my horror we find Christine unconscious in a four-foot pot hole in the heather. I thought at first that she was dead. After a ten minute struggle we have her back in the car - bruised but alive. Alas, she had lost her bracelet, and in her drunken state, she began to cry. Philip slept on. We take her to Pine Tops for a strong coffee. At 3.35 Dave and I take C home and then return to Ilkley Moor in search of the precious bracelet - sadly, to no avail. Bed by 4.35am.



Tuesday August 28, 1973

Today I look madly around for reasons why June should cast me off. I conjure up the idea that she hasn't even given me up! Suppose she's been taken away for the Bank Holiday by Christine and John? But no, she would have told me. I will have to face up to the fact she is sick of me. God. It is all so odd.

A hot day spent painting garage doors behind the Stone Trough at Rawdon. Andy looks so different since having his hair cut on Saturday. Have crisp sandwiches for lunch. See Bill briefly this afternoon.

Later: Chris rang me and begged John and I to go the Emmotts. We agree. Poor MM is a nervous wreck worrying about the results of the 'O' level Economics which are to be released tomorrow. Evidently, he saw Darryl today, who heard from Tasker, that June in finishing with me. Big deal! I have known this for two whole miserable days now. Andy Graham, John and I get the 10.40 55 bus. Home for just after 11 o'clock.

We are probably goint to Rufforth stock car racing on Sunday - making a day of it. What a busy week we are all having! I think they are all doing it to keep my mind off June. Cowie, Dale and Willie (who passed his driving test today) were in the Emmotts tonight. All were shocked to hear about June. God. It all seems so strange without her.


Monday August 27, 1973

Bank Holiday Monday. Wake up at 10 o'clock. Sick and worried to death. Never did I think June would leave me like this. But, I suppose that's life.

Grab the 'Daily Mail' to read about the King of Sweden, and to my amazement see that the Liberals are now as popular as the Conservatives. Mr Thorpe could well be PM in 1974. Dad thinks it will take many years for the Liberals to obtain the necessary majority - he is usually correct in these matters.

Later: Mother says I am moody simply because I have been deserted by June. Isn't that a very good excuse to be moody? I loved her very much, and still do.

John and I go to the Emmotts at 8.30 after seeing 'Carry on Screaming' - really hilarious.

Linda Smith, MM, Chris, Marita, John and Christine W, Andy Graham and me. No June. The Emmotts harbours such good memories.

Dave comes at 9.30 and we go in his car to the Queen's. Chris goes with Marita in her car, and everyone else goes with MM. Stay until 11 o'clock. Dave and I have tremendous fun coming home. Hiding on Hawksworth Lane with the car lights off in order to surprise MM. What children we are!


Sunday August 26, 1973

Re-gain consciousness at 12.20pm. Lunch at 12.30. Very nice meal. Take a bath immediately afterwards. Sit up to my neck in steaming water listening to Alan Freeman with his records from the last 15 years. Very nostalgic indeed. Relax in the lounge with Mother and John until tea.

Later: ring Dave. He is collecting John and myself at 8.15 - taking us to the Emmotts. Ring Chris shortly afterwards. The poor soul went through £3.50 yesterday! I thought my £2.50 was bad enough.

Father, in one of his moods, acts terribly. He wants to go to Wakefield to see his father. Lynn hates the idea and starts crying. Nevertheless, Dad takes Mother off in the car. Lynn is still crying when Dad comes back a few minutes later begging forgiveness. They all go out together. By 8 o'clock they are all back - completely happy.

Hear on the 6 o'clock news that King Gustav Adolf of Sweden is even worse. He will probably die before morning. After all, the old boy is 90. His daughter, the Queen Mother of Denmark, is 70!

Later still: Dave picks John and me up. Go to the Emmotts where all the crowd sit drinking in a bored sort of way. At 9.15 we go to the Queen's. MM and Chris are more concerned about the 'June business' than I am. If she doesn't want to contact me then it's her affair. I am too proud to worry about this.


Friday August 24, 1973

Work again. Ring Mum at 12.45. The 'O' level results are not at Benton yet. It will be Wednesday before I find out now. Not particularly bothered. I am numb. I feel no happiness and no sadness.

I do realise that June feels nothing for me. I have pretended to ignore it since the holiday. Those blasted holidays. We were so much in love until Friday July 13. The months separation proved too much. Our loved died. It is not my fault. I have tried to bring back the old spirit. My letters fail to please her. Stott and Tasker have turned her away from me. I no longer care about anything.

She rings me at 7 and says she will be at the Emmotts for 8. Arrives at 8.30.She is terrible to me. For some time I hate the very sight of her. Chris, MM, Linda Smith, Christine White and Judith Lea ask us to go back to MMs. Drink whisky until 3am. June and Judith are taken home at 11.20 by MM. Chris gets horribly drunk. I sit in the kitchen with him leaving John and Christine W, MM and Linda in the main lounge.


Thursday August 23, 1973

Pay day yet again. John and I make a feeble attempt to catch a bus. Arrive in Guiseley in a terrible mood. I am ususally a placid character, but I wouldn't say shy. Tonight though I feel very angry. I only ever experience such anger several times a year.

John wants to go for a drink so we go into the Drop - can't stand the place myself. Ask the tarty looking landlady for two pints of bitter. She answers: "Don't you mean two shandies?" After a five minute argument about our ages I tell her to "fuck off". I will never darken the doorstep of that place again.

Disturbed that June did not contact me. She thinks I am unaware of her drifting away from me.



Friday August 17, 1973

Unknown to me, the 'A' Level results were released today. Dave didn't find out about them until Chris rang him at 6. Oh Lord! Poor Chris failed both Biology and Geography. What a weekend of torture I am in for.

Spend the morning at St Andrew's Close with Andy, who takes the afternoon off from 12.30. I carry alone through the afternoon until 5.

June and I decided yesterday to go out on Saturday and so John and I went to the Emmotts at 8.30. Little Helen Willis and Denise came in with poor Chris, and Sue Crosby who got her two 'A' levels. What a very enjoyable night it is. Helen wants John, MM, Chris and I to go back to Liz Peddie's but due to transport difficulties we decide not to. MM brings John and I home.

Come home to see a Vincent Price film - 'House of Usher' - quite a load of old rubbish really.


Thursday August 16, 1973

Pay day again. £16.99. Give Mama £10 out of the goodness of my little heart. Anyway, I owe her £35 for the Italian holiday.

Awakened at 8.15 by Mum informing me that I have over-slept. Dad rushes me to St Andrew's Close in the car. Andy wonders 'where the hell' I've been. Fortunately, Bill is nowhere to be seen.

Another hot, humid day. Arrive home at 5.30 to find my letter published in the Daily Mail. They, in thinking they have corrected a mistake in my letter, make the mistake of referring to the royal yacht as 'HMS' instead of the correct 'HMY'. But what a thrill it is!

Dave rings me about the letter. Evidently, Mr Lawson saw it whilst devouring breakfast.

At 8 John and I meet June in the Emmotts. Another night of useless arguing. But by 11 we reach an understanding. We are going to refrain from talking about subjects of a controversial nature. In fact, she says she will never mention the Royal Family to me again. I love her still anyway.


Saturday August 11, 1973

Awake at 10.0am. John awakes and realises he should gave gone to work at 7.30. June rings at 10.30. She has a guilty conscience and wants to go to Leeds with me this afternoon. We meet at 2 at the bus station. John comes along too.

June is very apologetic about last night - wearing a pretty blue coat with a belt (1940s style).

I buy 'Raphsody on a theme by Paganini' by Serge Rachmaninov - very moving; and 'Roll over Beethoven' by the Electric Light Orchestra. Coming home we decide to meet outside JCT600 and walk to the Queen's on Apperley Lane. Arrive 8 o'clock. Very warm, typical August evening.

Arrive at the pub at 8.30. Christine and Philip are inside with Philip's brother, Mick. The Knowles family are disgustingly generous - Mick even paid my bus fare back to Rawdon.

June and I spend an hour in Rawdon Park - very romantic. Evidently, June's mother's first husband died on a British ship in World War II - and yet she cannot understand why Christine (Hobson) is bitter about Germans!

Home by 11.30.


Tuesday July 31, 1973

Arrive at work at 7.20. Don't get into the store until 7.40. Andy arrives late. Spend the day 'spouting' again.

Go to Sue Crosby's party in the evening after meeting all the 6th form in the Emmotts. Dave arrives. Denise is drunk and infatuated with poor John - they go out for a walk. Sue C, the sweet darling, retires to bed at 1 whilst a merry throng, including MM and I, sit with wine and cigs until 3. I slept in a rocking chair from 3 till 6.55. Chid is such a funny guy. Cheryl (one of Christine's contemporaries) made a terrible racket. Generally a very enjoyable, amusing party with the usual clique of guests who turn any mundane party into a swinging orgy of fun, frolics and eroticisms. I do wish June was home in Great Britain. What a good time we would have had.


Sunday July 8, 1973

My Dearest Heart is 17 years old today. Feeling really terrible that I haven't yet given her a birthday present.

A pleasant, brilliantly sunny day. Walk down the lane at 7.15 with John to collect June from her sister's. June in red trousers and red blouse. Sue B is attired equally attractively. June decides we are going to the Emmotts.

A pleasant evening until nearly midnight. Eat fish and chips twice. June actually eats something too. Keith 'Chinny' Harrison comes into the chip shop and has the cheek to call john a 'ugly bugger' - he's obviously too jealous to hold a sane conversation with us. June and I are not going out again until next Wednesday and after that it will be a four week gap until August. Arrgghh, etc etc.



Saturday July 7, 1973

Get up at 8 o'clock. The rain is too terrible. Poor Brian and Valerie! Mother goes to the hairdressers I have no breakfast and prepare my suit ready for wearing. By 9.45 everyone is prepared. Leave for Pudsey at 10. Arrive at Auntie Hilda's at 10.20. Auntie H is in a large black hat decorated with tiny flowers - Dad laughs.

We leave for the church almost immediately. Service begins at 11. Valerie walks down the aisle on the arm of her father - she looks beautiful. Service over by 11.35. Auntie Eleanor wept as we sang the 23rd Psalm. The reception was at Horsforth. See Jackie for the first time since New Year's Day - she has always been my favourite cousin and always will be. Along with all the children we decorate Brian's car - rude things written in lipstick all over the doors, windows and roof. Auntie Mabel and Frank removed the caps off the wheels and filled them with stones. It began to rain.

At 2.30 Brian and Valerie left for Manchester. The car looked fantastic. We all stood in the rain to see them off. We went to see the wedding presents at Valerie's parents house, and then went to Marlene and Frank's and drank home-made beer and wine until nearly 5. Uncle T was quite fresh. Very enjoyable afternoon indeed.

Go to Auntie Eleanor's until 8 when we went across to the Prospect pub until 10.45. All the family except Uncle Peter, John and the children assemble. Uncle Jack Paine is especially funny. Jackie and John come across at 9. Sandwiches are specially made and brought in - wonderful. Uncle Jack Myers opened a kitty to which I contributed £1. Frank and I got the last round of drinks.

Go back to Auntie Eleanor's where she and Dad did the usual 'Spanish dance' party piece. But they got a bit carried away and brought handfuls of soot from the chimney - by 1.30 we are all blacked-up like 'Black and White Minstrels'. Auntie Mabel missed all the fun again. Home at 2.30, black, after a fantastic day.


Thursday July 5, 1973

June and I today have been going out for 22 weeks. We should be celebrating this tonight. Go to school for 10 o'clock - take in a pile of 'ye olde records' - very enjoyable. Christine, Maggie Edwards, Liz Claptrap, Michael Stott and I sit about grooving to such classics as 'Sunny Afternoon' by the Kinks. A rainy, humid day.

Home by 5. June rings at 7 and says she is very tired having worked all day and would like to be excused from the arduous ordeal of going out tonight - I sympathise. John, who is already in the bath, insists on going out and we go up to the Emmotts on the 7.30 bus. After spending half an hour in the local we decide to walk to the Queen's Arms down Apperley Lane. Arrive 8.45. John doesn't like the place much. The walls have portraits of Queens all over them - both regnants and consorts - we stand near Anne Boleyn, Mary of Teck and Queen Victoria.

Set off at 9.45 for Guiseley, walking through the sewage works, and after a long walk we have fish and chips in Guiseley. Come home at 11.50. See 'Jason King' on tv. Come to bed at 12.35.


Sunday July 1, 1973

2nd after Trinity. Dominion Day, Canada. June is still away with Christine and John. So I'm spending a bachelor night out with Dave, John, Philip and Christine.

Another beautiful day. Get up at 10.0am. Have meagre breakfast - sit on the back lawn from 11 till 1.30. Too overpowering. Go read Mabell Airlie's memoirs in a darkened lounge. Lynn goes red as a lobster in the direct sunlight. Even John now gives the impression of being permanently embarrassed. Dave rings. I then ring Philip at 3.45. Speak to Christine - promise to meet at Yeadon at 7.30pm.

Dave collects us at 7.25. Mama and Papa go off to Wakefield Theatre Club with Joe and Anne Grunwell to see Fame and Price - return at 2am rather disappointed. Collect Philip and Christine at 7.40. Go to the Tudor Bar, Burley. Have a pint and then go to the Stony Lea - where I walk out with pint glasses - do the same with two glasses at the Vesper Gate at Kirkstall Rd, Leeds. A very enjoyable evening. Christine was on vodka and blackcurrant. Philip is great to get on with. Arrive home 11.05 very intoxicated. Dave is very amused by my predicament. Dale rings at 11.30 with some message for Kim Dean about Mondays cricket match - pupils v. staff. Bed at 12.



Friday June 22, 1973

Get up at 8.30 and leave for Benton on the 9.30 bus. Arrive 9.50. Janet Roots is the only person there. Sit about until 10.30 when Christine arrives. Play consequences with them until 12.30. Very hot day indeed. Sat outside for 10 minutes but found it overpowering. Went to the chippie by myself. Came back and sat and ate them with Christine and Janet.

Christine and Philip are not coming out tonight - they want a quiet weekend. Played my new card trick until 2 - only Steve Tiffany could guess it. Dave arrives in the car at 2 o'clock. Andy Graham and Co. go out for a spin with him - Christine thinks he's mad in doing so. Dale and Willie are starting off at the Fleece at 6.45 - much too early for me. June arrives at school at 3. We go to Rawdon Park and on the way I bump into Bill Dixon - he cannot promise me the painting job but he's going to battle it out with his senior officer.

Go back to school where we collect our gear. Go home on the 4.15 55. Wash hair and ready for 7. Dave picks up John and I at 7.45. June, Dale, Willie, Jeff Hogg, Tiff, etc are already at the Fleece. We work our way up Town Street. By 10.30 no one is in any fit state to do any sane action. Geoffrey Hogg is violently sick in the beer garden at the Grey Horse - so badly that it puts everybody off drinking. June, Hursty, John and I go to the Intercon at the Cow and Calf in Dave's second trip. Arrive there at 11.30. John begins dancing immediately and again he never leaves the floor. A great evening. Tiff, Dale and Willie get absolutely stoned. John seems to get on very well with them. Very good discs are played and I drink only eraticly - do not get drunk. John and his mates go home in the first trip. Willie, who is sick, Hirtsy, June and I sit on Ilkley Moor until 3.15am. June and I sit alone whilst soft dew falls. Very romantic. Dave collects us at 3.15. Home by 3.35.



Sunday March 18, 1973

2nd in Lent. Awoke to the sound of all the people on Tranmere mowing lawns and pruning back those sprouting roses. It was 12.30 and the morning was gone. A beautiful sunny day. Went down for bacon and eggs and mushrooms. Absolutely delicious. After a quick chase around the garden full of "a host of golden daffodils" I took up the sunday newspapers. Tragedy. Mark Phillips has denied the rumours of his romance with Princess Anne. She denied the rumours 2 weeks ago. Is it curtains for the Christmas wedding? Yes, it seems as though at Easter engagement is now dashed on the rocks of disaster. Such a pity. Watched an old fashioned film on the afternoon film matinee spot. Then took to the bathroom for 40 minutes emerging feeling greatly refreshed and healthy. After tea Dave phoned and offered me a lift to the Emmotts in his car. What a tremendous feeling it was! Fancy, Dave being able to drive! Mum and Dad went out about 7.30. Dave called for me at 7.45. He drove away perfectly. We arrived at the Emmotts at 8. June was late and didn't arrive until 8.40. I sat in the bus shelter wearing my new bags feeling very miserable until her arrival. We stayed at the Emmotts until 9.30, when Dave gave June and I and Martin V-B a lift to The Drop in Guiseley - not a very nice place and much too modern for my taste. June wasn't keen either. On the whole it was a beautifully pleasant evening. Dave gave June a lift home to Horsforth dropping Martin V-B off at Rawdon Crematorium - rather appropriate. He dropped me off at my door at 11. Such a good day it's been. --==--


Wednesday March 7, 1973

Awoke at 8. Rushed down the lane for the 8.30 bus. Arrived in good time. Got to school about 8.50. Sat with Christine Braithwaite. June came in with Linda W at 9.35. Linda saw those poor passengers getting on the plane which crashed at Nantes in France soon after. She was very nervous on her flight. She says she's fallen in love. Yes, with a sex-mad Spanish waiter after only 5 days. June and I tell her that these waiters have a new romance every week but Linda simply will not listen. She has written to him already. I bet he won't reply.

Talking at break we decide to go to the Emmotts tonight - for the first time on a Wednesday. However, love-struck Linda will not go, and so Cowie won't go. That means June and I will be going up on our own again - how romantic!

At lunchtime June and I went down into Rawdon for the lunches. We always enjoy the chase to and from school with the pile of liver-sausage sandwiches and warm, dripping pork pies. Ughh!
Dave, Louise, Christine and I had a very good laugh this afternoon gossiping about WW (the rabid homosexual) who just happened to be sitting behind Dave. We also played Chinese-whispers but not very successfully.

At 4.30 June and I walked hand in hand to the bus stop. Called at Cleggs sweet shop on the way - the bloke knows what we want before we even have the chance to ask! My dreaded bus came at 4.50. Came home and rang Dave. We decide to go to the Emmotts (or at least I persuaded him to go). We went up on the 7.30 bus. Dave was wearing a new jacket - very trendy. We arrived at 8. June was waiting outside for me. We passed a very nice 2 and a half hours spending very economically. June was on Britvics and I was on lager. Dave however, drank Martinis - very rich!

Ivy, bless her, was very tactful to sugegst to Dave that June and I wanted to "do some courting" and he left on the 10.40 55 bus. 10 minutes later June and I went but on the way I encountered Dad's workmate, PC Copsey - I ignored him, but whether he recognised me is a different matter.

My bus came at 11.10. After 20 minutes on a seat with June. Got in at 11.40. Everyone was in bed and I proceeded to do the same, without any supper. Somehow I have no apetite.



Sunday February 11, 1973

Dad woke me up with a lovely cup of tea at noon. I sat until 12,30. Had breakfast of bacon and eggs. All the family had a cosy afternoon in front of the TV. John, Lynn, Sue and Dad were watching a Dean Martin/Jerry Lewis film. Mum sat with the Sunday Express. At 4 o'clock I decided to have a bath and wash my hair. By 5 I was suitably spruced up and prepared for my evening on the town with June. We have been going out together for 2 weeks. Today Chris and Louise celebrate one month together. I certainly do not envy Chris.
At home we all watched the final part of Sir Walter Scott's "Woodstock" -drama based on the intrigue surrounding the flight of Charles II from the Battle of Worcester. Obviously, the cavaliers and royalists came out of the whole thing best. At 7.20 I went down the lane in the wind and torrential rain to catch the 7.30 bus which never arrived! I subsequently waited in the broken and dilapidated bus shelter until 8.05. Arrived at the Emmotts at 8.30. June, Linda and Cowie had been there since 8. Chris, Louise and Denise were sitting at the other side of the pub. They came over for a natter at 9.03 - the exact time one month ago that Chris and Lousie began their romance. June looked overpoweringly beautiful as usual - wearing her pretty purple coat with the black fur-lined hood. She almost brought the house down when at 9.30 she purchased a brandy and Babycham at the exorbitant cost of 39p!! Lord, what a price. Cowie and I finished by drinking brandy (23p) - a much more refined flavour than whisky. At about closing time I bumped into Ian Appleyard. He went into the sordid details about his father's death, which occurred last month. Linda said something about "all Guiseley Secondary School boys being the same". What she meant by that I really don't know. At 10.30 we walked to the bottom road. It was very cold and raining. Cowie and Linda went through the usual rigmarole of fighting, then making up, etc. whilst June and I were quite content to be in each others company. We sat there on the same seat as last Sunday not caring about the weather - just one another. June's bus came at 11.10. Cowie and I walked to Westfield where we got a lift from a bloke saying: "it's no night to be out walking". We couldn't have agreed more. I got home at 12 and had some supper and came immediately to bed.



Sunday February 4, 1973

A lazy morning in bed until 12. Had a bath at 2 after helping Mum clear my bedroom which looked in her words "like a pig sty". Watched the telly after lunch then went into the dining room to listen to 'Pick of the Pops' on the radio. Mum and Dad went over to Pudsey to see Auntie Hilda and Uncle Tony at 7.30, and they gave me a lift to Rawdon traffic lights. I had a brisk walk up to the Emmotts arriving at the same time as Dave (Lawson) , who had a half pint of lager whilst I had a Rye and dry ginger. Chris and Louise arrived ten minutes later. After several minutes I went off to see Ivy who was most pleased to see me, and was anxious to know if June and Lynda were coming. June, Janet Roots, Linda, & Cowie arrived at 8.45. We all sat drinking for 2 hours. June and I were sitting together, but Janet messed things up by sitting next to Cowie, but he fancies Linda. At 10.45 we decided that if we all walked down to the main road we could catch a bus at 11.10. It was too romantic for words. June, me, Cowie and Lynda sat on a bench at the bottom of the road like love birds in a row. But Cowie was too drunk to be romantic with L - he kept walking out into the road, ignoring Lynda's screams. She thought he might be struck by a car. At 11.25 we realised no buses would come so we thumbed a lift for the girls who were soon hopping into a car heading towards Horsforth. Cowie and I began walking towards Guiseley. We eventually got a lift. Three cars stopped at once! Talk about choice! The bloke dropped me off at White Cross and took Cowie on to Ilkley - he lives just 2 miles further at Addingham.
After a brisk walk up Thorpe Lane I arrived home at 11.55. Mum and Dad were still at Pudsey. I had some supper and went to bed at 12.55.



Sunday January 28, 1973

Got up and had breakfast at 11.30. I revised until lunchtime for the European History exam. tomorrow. At about 5 Auntie Hilda, Uncle Tony, Karen, Jill, and Diane came for tea. Dave rang at 6.30 and said he was going to the Emmott Arms with Chris and Louise. John and I went up at 8.30. It was the first time John had ever been to a pub, which isn't bad considering he hasn't been 16 for very long. The Emmotts is always full of under-age drinkers. If the police ever visited they would have a Beano. I felt very depressed without June. Louise noticed especially. John made himself popular by buying a round of drinks costing 97p. On arriving home in Mr Harris's Rover we found ourselves locked out until 11. Mum, Dad, Auntie Hilda, Uncle Tony, came home to be followed shortly by Lynn, Susan, Karen, Jill and Diane. We all had bacon sandwiches and coffee. Mum refused to let me revise saying it was too late. H and T plus family went at 1am. We all then retired to bed. I couldn't sleep. With June and the exams I certainly had enough to think about.

Monday May 21, 1984

 Bank Holiday in Canada Moorhouse Inn, Leeds Lord Willoughby de Broke is 88; Lord Clydesmuir 67; Lord Maxwell 65, Mr J. Malcolm Fraser 54, a...