Bessie is 60 today. We went down to give her our presents. Birthdays mean nothing to her and she would have preferred to have it forgotten.
Bessie: 60. |
Took Bessie to the Bush for a birthday ploughman's. She drank dry Martini saying it doesn't give bags under the eyes like gin is prone to do. Afterwards to a supermarket at Alresford to buy potatoes and pears. Stifling hot.
Out at 8pm with Frank and Bessie to Graham & Gill's and then to the Hutt at Chandler's Ford [it's a Beefeater] for dinner. T-bones, Knickerbocker Glories, &c. A vast repast. Gill says that the baby, if female, is to be called something unpronouncable, Siobhan, or something.