Tuesday November 16, 1982

More rain. We'd be feeling quite jolly if it wasn't for poor Auntie Hilda (White). At the YP I told them I want tomorrow off to attend the funeral and Kathleen makes me take a half day, my last half day of the year, and presumably throws in another half day out of sympathy. This is from the woman who took months off last year because her father was unwell. Hardly fair. 

Worked until 4 and then went to buy £110 travellers cheques from Thomas Cook, and £15 in pesetas. I also collected a metro card for next month. Home to Ally and chicken sandwiches at 6.

Out to Guiseley and Sue and Pete's at 7. Sue looks lovely with a new short hairstyle. Mum and Dad arrived at 8. We argued, yet again _____________. John came in at 10. Dad drove us home at 12. Talk about Horton-in-Ribblesdale. Ally says she now sees from where Lynn derives her wild enthusiasm. 

To bed.


Monday November 15, 1982

 New Moon

Frosty, but no snow. Lingered in bed until well after 7. Ally was up ironing before breakfast. Currant tea cakes and coffee. 

To the YP. The press goes too far this time. After the recent dreadful treatment of Princess Anne and Capt Mark Phillips, and the to-do about Koo Stark the Mirror and the Sun now claim that the Princess of Wales is suffering from anorexa nervosa, the slimmers disease. The princess is painfully thin and looking gaunt, but I suspect it's as a result of the endless columns of drivel filling our newspapers on a daily basis. Buckingham Palace really should do something about the Press. The cheap nasties are making life Hell for some members of the Royal Family. Photos of Princess Anne's children in the papers. Peter (Phillips) is 5 today - both are blond and bonnie. 

Home at 5:45. Chicken stew and dumplings. Bessie phoned at 8:30. Her sister, Hilda White, died at 9:30 last night. Ally had a little weep. Afterwards we sat with a coffee. The funeral takes place on Wednesday. A cremation at Burnley. Ally has never been to a funeral and quakes at the prospect. I will attempt to take the day off. How will I collect my travellers cheques in Leeds when I'm going to a funeral?

Missed Panorama's profile of Yuri Andropov. He looks like a right pillock. Switched over to the dreadfully dated film 'Carwash' from '76. Claptrap. Ally is still ironing three days later.

Mum phoned. They have bought a guest house in Horton-in-Ribblesdale. I am shocked and disappointed, but then realise it's selfish of me to want then to take on a pub. They must find something to do which makes them happy and contented. They seem to be thrilled by the place which is, quaintly, called Waltergarth.

Phoned Susie and arranged to go tomorrow night for a haircut. Will see Mum and Dad at West End Terrace.


Sunday November 14, 1982

 23rd Sunday after Trinity - Remembrance Sunday - Birthday of the Prince of Wales

We were awake at 10 and lay debating whether or not to partake in another horizontal breakfast. I'm not a fan of eating in bed. The crumbs get everywhere, and I always splash tea, hot tea at that, onto my vulnerable, naked form. I made my usual morning visit to the bathroom and squealed with astonishment at the view I had of our modest garden. It was clothed in a blanket of snow. The first snow of this winter. Ally full of glee. She loves this hideous weather.

Watched the Cenotaph ceremonies on the BBC. Prince Andrew placed a wreath for the first time. For once Michael Foot wasn't dressed like an Irish navvy, which was disappointing. His donkey jacket brightened the remembrance service last year.

At 11:20 Uncle John phoned from Lanzarote asking us to take a consignment of packed bacon, good English bacon. It's the least we can do. It was a bad line. He and Sheila are meeting us at the airport at 2:30 on Thursday. Ally spent all afternoon ironing and packing. I stuffed a chicken and spiked it on the spit. Peeled veg and mixed  Yorkshire pudding. Watched half of 'Moby Dick' and two thirds of a Sean Connery and Gina Lollobrigida epic. We dined on succulent bird at 5. Collapsed afterwards. 'Nicholas Nickleby' on Channel 4. Excellent.

Saw images of the dead Brezhnev on the news followed by the second part of the Royal Variety Performance. Felt for the poor Queen Mother having to endure it. 

Bessie phoned and was miserable. Down in the dumps. (Her sister dying). Baby Matthew is to be christened on December 28, and big Tony Ellis is to be a godfather.


Saturday November 13, 1982

 Crumpets in bed for breakfast at 10:30. A morning of pleasure, passion and love. Ally had to get up at 11:45 to get a bus to her sun-ray session at Duckworth Lane. I stood at the window pulling hideous faces as she stood at the bus stop over the road.

At 1:15 I got a bus and met Ally at Sunwin House. We went to buy jeans. Mine were £8.99 and Ally's £4.99. Womens clothes are always much cheaper than mens. Got a pullover from Marks and Spencers but it proved to be too small. I thought a 38ins chest would be adequate. To the market too. Home for 3:30.

John joined us for the afternoon. We expected the lads from Stockport - but no sign of them. We ate jacket potatoes (again) with melted cheese and garlic and sat around the fire taping music. John would have liked to go out for a few drinks but Ally didn't want to go. John, fortunate enough to be in possession of a £5 note offered to fritter it away on us. Instead I gave him several large whiskies and switched on the telly to watch a Sophia Loren film. What more can a healthy young man ask for? John left at 11:45 and we took to our bed.

Mum and Dad have paid a further visit to Jack Showers at Appletreewick.


Friday November 12, 1982

 I was up at 6:20 washing up the dishes from last night and preparing breakfast. To Leeds with Jacq at 8. Derek Sate has bought an apartment in Tenerife.

News: I object to our newspapers filling page after page with obituaries of Brezhnev. It's unfair. If Margaret Thatcher died today would you suppose  that she'd be on page one of Pravda tomorrow? The evil of communism is that the powers keep the poor ignorant populace in the dark. The Russian public are the only people on earth I suspect not to have heard of Lady Diana. The new Russian leader is Yuri Andropov, of the KGB.

Ally was in bed for 9. I watched TV until I fell asleep.



Thursday November 11, 1982

 Veteran's Day, USA. - Remembrance Day, Canada

Went to town at lunchtime and bought a [birthday] card for Tim. A naughty one as usual. Down to Stylo and gave it to Jill who was in the shop to collect her pay. She's on holiday this week. Tim's Dad, Geoff, marries his concubine, Margaret, tomorrow. 

News: Leonid Brezhnev died yesterday in Moscow at the age of 75. The entire Russian leadership is older than 65. His successor is bound to be a geriatric, poker-faced swine from the Ukraine.

Jacq Sate met me at the YP at 4:45 and we got the 72 bus to Bradford. Found Ally fluttering around in the kitchen. _________. We dined on thick soup, lasagne and jacket potatoes, profiteroles, all washed down with Yugoslav Riesling, provided by Jacq, and we ate with the TV as background. Naughty really. Charles Laughton in 'Hobson's Choice'. TV all night. They like Tenko, Robin Day, &c. Drink (gin) and look at photographs. To bed at 2am. Disgustingly late.


Wednesday November 10, 1982

 Laid in bed at 6:44am moaning at the alarm clock. I could have willingly stayed under our Oasis quilt. Ally refused to get out and didn't do so until her breakfast was set by me, downstairs.

Tim's birthday. We'd forgotten and Ally spotted it tonight when looking at the calendar.

This evening I made 20 or so profiteroles for tomorrow's dinner. I'm a real little Delia Smith. Ally, ironing, cast me admiring glances. I could become obsessed by cooking - especially now that the new oven has a glass door so that I can sit and watch the food as it bubbles and swells. Yes, I am insane.

'Coronation Street': Elsie Tanner has a new boyfriend.

News: It is revealed that a prominent Russian leader has died but his identity remains a secret.



Tuesday November 9, 1982

 Cold. YP up to nothing much. Gordon Linacre now wants us to cut news from the Sunday papers for him.

Home at 6. Ally ready and looking beautiful for our journey to Guiseley. We went and got several buses and got off at White Cross and walked up Thorpe Lane and took our first look at number 41, Lynn and Dave's new home. It isn't remotely Baker-ish, but then Dave will spend years giving it a rustic appearance. It looks 1920s. 

Find Mum, Dad and John at Pine Tops. Dined on prawn cocktails, roast beef and Yorkshire puddings, cream cakes. They are full of pub news. This afternoon they had visited Hebden Bridge and 'The Fox & Goose' which is for sale at £85,000 but not worth it, they say. They give us a full run down on it. Sounds good. They've also had dealings with that old fool Jack Showers, at Appletreewick. He has asked them to manage his pub for him whilst he gets over his latest stroke. Dad has considered it, but I'd tread warily with the old man. John is a comic. He sat with a daft grin on his face all night. He drove us home. Ally loathed this. She misses the car because it restricts our independence.


Monday November 8, 1982

 Something of a nothing day. Hideously wet. I seemed to spend the whole day traveling. Phoned Mum. We are going over to Guiseley tomorrow night. Battled through the elements this evening and didn't get in until 6:30. Ally looked concerned when I feel through the door like a Titanic survivor. Mad as Hell. A man shouldn't have to endure such misery. Had cheese on toast and gathered my senses. Ally was tired and we lounged cosily. Dave L phoned. He wants us to go with him to see 'Simple Minds' at Leeds University on Nov 20, but of course we'll be in Lanzarote. Ally gave a large sigh of relief at this. Simple Minds not her cup of tea. Bed.


Sunday November 7, 1982

 22nd Sunday after Trinity

Lynn woke us at 8 looking for paracetamol tablets for David. I fumbled around without opening my eyes and went back to sleep. Finally we got up at 12. We had toast and tea and watched Ronald Colman in 'The Prisoner of Zenda'. Dave, God bless him, offered to take us to Manchester Airport on Nov 18. Frances, we are told, is at church with her devout Granny Baker, and they left at 3 or so to go get her. We didn't move from the sofa, and ate the left-overs. Soup and gateau, &c. At 7 we watched the RSC's 'Nicholas Nickleby' on the new Channel 4. Excellently done. To bed at 10 quite shattered. 


Saturday November 6, 1982

 Went shopping whilst Ally went for her sun-ray on Duckworth Lane. Went to the market. Paid £20 for the carpet (two weekly installments). I got a bus back to Duckworth Lane, met Ally and went to the Co-op and spent £17 on booze. Home at 3. Into a hot bath and prepared dinner. Lynn and Dave came at 7 - he was complaining of a sore throat. His eyes almost popped out of his head when I gave him a large whisky. Lynn was bubbly and bright but not as large as she should be (pregnant). David says that if the child is a girl (which I'm sure it will be) then they are thinking of Marigold. How nice. Sarah and Trevor came at 7:30 and we had pre-prandial drinks. Sarah sat next to Lynn and squealed with laughter. We ate at 8:30: seafood pancakes, beef in wine, jacket potatoes, sweetcorn, ratatouille, profiteroles and chocolate gateau. All washed down with inter-prandial drinks. David hit it off with Trevor. A successful evening followed by after-prandial drinks. At midnight Sarah was 30 years-old and we toasted her with something sparkling. For some time we fooled around with a shower cap and a plastic funnel, and sang around the piano, serenaded to Glen Campbell's 'Wichita Lineman'. Sarah was subdued, but who wouldn't be on reaching such a milestone? They left at 1 and we sat with Lynn and Dave until some unearthly hour. Dave had to screw the bunk beds together before they could sleep. Ally and I did the washing up and went to bed at about 4am.


Sunday April 21, 1985

 2nd Sunday after Easter Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II Moorhouse Inn The good lady - the Sovereign is 59 years old today. She is celebratin...