Friday September 10, 1982

 Eggs for breakfast. Ally wore her new burgundy coloured bomber jacket and looked flash and sexy. She must warm the hearts of many Bradford motorists as they pass her waiting at the bus stop. 

At the YP I told Sarah of Kathleen's crazed attack upon her character when she was away and unable to defend herself on Wednesday, and without further ado Sarah stood up and announced she wasn't well and walked out. Mrs Slocombe and I looked on wide-eyed. Margo was away - her driving test. Kathleen, realising she is to blame for the breakdown, sat pathetically whistling, humming and singing as a cover to her feelings of great foreboding.

Home at 6. Macaroni cheese, with an egg mayonnaise starter, not my favourite dish. Did little else.


Thursday September 9, 1982

 Lynn and Dave's fourth wedding anniversary.

Albert Rhodes died on this day in 1973. Such a queer old man he was. For years I could not bring myself to speak or write his name. He did have some good points. He gave me £10 in 1971 which took me out and about in Interlaken. Ten pounds bought a lot of beer in Switerzerland in 1971. I recall getting very drunk one night and they had to duck me in a fountain to bring me to my senses.

YP. Sarah off for the day at Whitby. Kathleen is always gushing and creepy in Sarah's absence. We are, it seems, taking the rap for the mistake in the article by Bob [Cockroft] where he stated that Tony Hudson is High Sheriff. Bob, in his apology, reports that the mistake was made due to the information at source - i.e. the library. Malcolm Barker was also up in arms. Very bad show.

Home at 6. Pot of lasagne. Saw 'A Bridge Too Far'. Bed at 10:30.


Wednesday September 8, 1982

 We took some time getting out of bed. Both exhausted and un-refreshed.

To the YP. Kathleen is a cow. I fought with her about the snotty letters that Anne leaves us [she works evenings]. Kathleen always leaps to the defence of the night staff. They are the bees knees.

Got in after 6. Pork pies and mushy peas. Ally was in bed at 9:30. I watched half an hour of Clint Eastwood's 'Dirty Harry', but found it Dreary Harry.

Lynn phoned earlier to talk about next week. We have yet to buy a retirement card. She and Ally were giggling like thirteen year-olds.


Tuesday September 7, 1982

 YP ghastly. I really feel that the place is driving me slowly insane.

Mum phoned this afternoon to say that they are coming over this evening with jackets and things that Ally ordered in a wild flurry of extravagance last week. Ally sank somewhat when I told her. She wanted a quiet night in the company of her husband. Mum, Dad and John came at 6:30. Dad and John tiled the kitchen wall. Mum brought sherry. Excitement about Dad's retirement. He looks like a youth. He's so happy. On the TV - Lord Howard De Walden talking about the Jockey Club.

To bed.



Monday September 6, 1982

 Labor Day, USA and Canada

Cooler. Definitely an autumnal nip in the air. We ate bananas on toast and swigged tea. Ally wearing her silk stockings and black French knickers. She is a treasure. It was my wish to stay at home and indulge ourselves. Sadly, it wasn't to be.

YP. Mum phoned to say she is having a party on Saturday Sept 18 for Dad in return for whatever we are doing for him on Sept 14. Dad has four days left to work and no night duties. They celebrated last night dining at the Fox. Phoned Ally. She answered the phone differently, and I asked her if I could speak to my wife. Home at 6. Dined by candlelight again. Ally suffering from back ache. She had a hot bath.

Sat watching the TV news. I don't watch the news like I used to do. What's all this about Yasser Arafat? The Prince and Princess of Wales attended the wedding of Carolyn Pride and William Bartholomew. It was kisses all round. One Sunday paper suggested that the Princess of Wales may be pregnant. The couple are supposed to be doing the colonies next year.


Sunday September 5, 1982

 13th Sunday after Trinity.

A day of rest. We sat cuddling on the settee. Watched 'Casablanca'. Ally doesn't like slushy romantic films, and she polished the table. Had a delicious fish pie at 5, by candlelight, and listened to the radio. Ally then slept, curled up on a cushion like a hamster.

Heard on the news that Sir Douglas Bader has gone to that great artificial limb factory in the sky. Mind you, I don't suppose one uses false limbs up there.

Watched a ghastly Richard Harris film. Bed at 10. An idyllic day.


Saturday September 4, 1982

 David woke us at 9:30 with pots of tea. We suspect he's been giving the new kitchen a good 'once over'. We don't care. We like it anyway. David fitted his roof rack to the car and carried off a door for John to work on. They left after breakfast and went on to 'Cheap and Cheerful'. Poor Frances slept at Audrey's and had the whooping cough jab yesterday and screamed bitterly.

Ally and I went to Fads and bought two more boxes of tiles for John, but decided it was too late for him do any this afternoon. He can come next week. We bought a roll of patterned paper and did one wall. Found papering round the windows tricky, but didn't panic. Into the bath afterwards. John came at 7. Dave L arrived at 8 looking more trendy than I've ever seen him. A slick hairstyle and futurist footwear. It's not the old Dave. Ally suspects the influence of 'Knocker'. Karen, Steve, Jill and Tim arrived at 8:30. Watched the end of 'Jaws'. To the Fire Brigade. Stood in a mass around the juke box. I supped 'mixed' for the first time. Jill not on form. John was showing off for some peculiar reason. Back to ours for more drink, and left overs from last night. Dave loaned us the Human League 'Travelogue' album, and he carried off 'Promised You a Miracle' by Simple Minds, and the Soft Cell LP. Late again. Pissed.


Friday September 3, 1982

 Full Moon

Out of bed at 6:00am. Ally made a trifle and a cheesecake, whilst I daubed apple white paint on the newly papered kitchen. Boiled eggs, and dashed out of the house at 8.

YP: Sarah and I are to resign from the union. Back home for 6. Ally cooking furiously. Dinner prepared for 7:30. Lynn and Dave arrived at 8:30. Big dinner. Corn on the cob, tomato and celery soup, steak and kidney pie, mushy peas, parsnips, potatoes, &c, trifle, cheesecake. Bloated. German wine & [Martini] Bianco. Lynn is big, but not hideously so. Much talk of Trevor and Jane at Bardsey. Reminiscing. Christine Airey talk. To bed after 2. Thoroughly sated. 


Thursday September 2, 1982

 Sun. Up late because we couldn't climb out of bed. Refused my egg for breakfast. Had a steaming bath, bowl of cereal and slice of toast. Late to the YP. It was after  9:15. No one said a thing.

The papers are empty of proper news. Ron Brown, MP for Leith, attacked Mrs Thatcher in Glasgow and has been clapped in irons. Lady Iris Mountbatten, granddaughter of Princess Beatrice, and a great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria, has died, aged 62, in Toronto. They [the royal family] didn't see much of her. She was last over here for Louis Mountbatten's funeral.

Ally phoned me at 1pm. The sound of her voice is so uplifting, when one expected it to be a call from a toffee-nosed lady from Adel enquiring about her daughter's 'O' level results. Went into town. Sun. Bumped into Philip Knowles, who told me that he and Gillian Craven are marrying on October 16. They've bought a house at Mount Pleasant, near the Drop Inn in Guiseley. Haven't seen him since we were in Ios.

Home at 6. Hung [wall]paper in the kitchen. Had fish and chips at 9;30. Ally worked hard making things nice for Lynn and David. Later Lynn phoned to ask if they could sleep here tomorrow. I. phoned Mum, who told me John is better and back at work, and then phoned Dave L would said he would come here on Saturday. MM and Marita are opening a furniture shop in Horsforth.


Wednesday September 1, 1982

 Someone somewhere by the name of Martyn Cole is celebrating his birthday today. Ally and I sang 'Happy Birthday' to him in absentia, whilst we were in bed. 

My tip about the engagement of the chairman's son found its way into the YP and EP. Told Bob about another engagement. Miranda Riley-Smith and a chap called Sampson. Tadcaster brewers.  Busied myself all day. Sarah __________________. 

A socket in the kitchen exploded. No harm done. Shepherd's pie - mounds of it. We discussed how we could never dream of leaving each other. Watched TV. Coronation Street followed by a tribute to Ingrid Bergman. Ally insisted in scraping dried, flaking paint from the window, which put my teeth on edge and the screeching quite disrupted the snippets of 'Casablanca'. To bed in the region of 9. Read Picasso.



Tuesday August 31, 1982

 Left Ally at home to her own devices and returned to the YP. Told Geoff Hemingway and Bob [Cockroft] that Andrew Hudson, son of the YP chairman, had got himself engaged. Dismal day. Sarah accused me of being over industrious. The others took the opportunity of Kathleen's absence to do absolutely nothing. Phoned Mama. John is back from Stranraer and in bed with a tummy bug. The baby, who looks like Catherine, is to be Hannah Maria. _________. Ally phoned me at the office to moan about the lack of DIY shops in Lidget Green. She took a bus into town and bought more fennel [paint]. I had a brief lunch and escaped at 4:20 leaving Mrs Slocombe painting make-up on her ever expanding face. The bus, homeward bound, was full of rough women, and I, at the back, was surrounded by whores who had just been visiting loved ones in Armley Gaol. I too would want to be 'doing time' with women like that sitting at home. Ally had put fennel [paint] on the alcoves, and has chosen a green pattern paper for the remaining walls. I did a bit [of decorating] but felt tired and disinterested. Ate roast lamb. Watched TV. Esther Rantzen at the zoo. Parrots eat sponge fingers.


Sunday April 21, 1985

 2nd Sunday after Easter Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II Moorhouse Inn The good lady - the Sovereign is 59 years old today. She is celebratin...