_.Fog. Old Callaghan has suffered a trauma at the Labour party conference. It looks as though Wedgwood Benn will be leader of the mob within the next few weeks. As far as I'm concerned I'll be thrilled to see Benn at the helm because who in God's name will vote Labour in a future general election with that 'fiend' in charge of the party?
Ally and I had a night out tonight because her agenda for the next few days is crowded. First to the Shoulder of Mutton, then the White Cross, then the Drop, and finally Oakwood Hall. The DJ had a bit more about him than the usual stiff. I have decided hereon to drink pils lager, no draught ale. We left at 2:30am. To Club Street.
The journal of a Yorkshire lad from the age of 17 in 1973 through several decades .... Transcribing from handwritten volume to blog may take some time ...
Tuesday October 2, 1979
_. To the YP at 5pm. I'd done nothing all day except spend Mum's money at the shops in Guiseley. Just a few purchases but the bill came to over £3. Real bandits aren't they in some of the smaller supermarkets? The owner of Dibb's in Guiseley must be a millionaire.
Mum and Dad came back from Scotland this evening whilst I was at the YP. When I phoned home she expressed horror at the amount of money we had spent on groceries. Susan and I had spent £30 on our weekly shopping. Mum says she spends about £12 on the four of us usually.
The YP was amusing. I dug out a photo of the Chilean Radical party leader Anselmo Sule, and dropped it quite accidentally on Gilberto's desk. He saw it and went off into a rage of abuse. It seems that Senor Sule is not universally loved by the Chilean population. Most Chileans, it seems, prefer to live elsewhere, to inflict their communism and anarchy on other countries.
Mum and Dad came back from Scotland this evening whilst I was at the YP. When I phoned home she expressed horror at the amount of money we had spent on groceries. Susan and I had spent £30 on our weekly shopping. Mum says she spends about £12 on the four of us usually.
The YP was amusing. I dug out a photo of the Chilean Radical party leader Anselmo Sule, and dropped it quite accidentally on Gilberto's desk. He saw it and went off into a rage of abuse. It seems that Senor Sule is not universally loved by the Chilean population. Most Chileans, it seems, prefer to live elsewhere, to inflict their communism and anarchy on other countries.
Monday October 1, 1979
_. Read in a Sunday newspaper that Sabrina Guinness is to accompany the Prince of Wales to a ball at Wilton House on October 27. Miss Guinness, they say, was recently observed renting a tiara from the royal jewellers. Is this it, perhaps? Is Guinness good for him? Geddit? Are we going to have an Irish Queen? [Well, she's probably a Londoner, but of Irish stock]. The opinion in the office is that she is going to be the one. However, all HRHs affairs follow a similar pattern. We will all be in the dark until an announcement is made by Buckingham Palace and then the balloon will go up.
The revolting 'Horse of the Year Show' dominates the tv every night, driving innocent people to the pubs and restaurants.
[Crossing out] Sorry about that. I don't like crossing out. I was going to say that Maria brought the children to see us this evening, but that wouldn't have been true. We saw nothing of her or the children.
The revolting 'Horse of the Year Show' dominates the tv every night, driving innocent people to the pubs and restaurants.
[Crossing out] Sorry about that. I don't like crossing out. I was going to say that Maria brought the children to see us this evening, but that wouldn't have been true. We saw nothing of her or the children.
Sunday September 30, 1979
16th Sunday after Trinity
I made breakfast and behaved in a nauseatingly cheerful fashion. I am not one to carry on grudges and continue with last night's squabble. John, Maria and JPH came over this afternoon. They breezed in for an hour. It's little John's third birthday today. He was quite bedazzled by the presents and looked so embarrassed when we all sang 'Happy Birthday'. He covered his eyes and smeared his face with chocolate. Ally played with him and showed him the farm which Mama had bought him. Lynn and Dave made a flying visit. Big John looked fighting fit and so thin. Maria filled me in on the horrific tragedy at the Phillips residence.
Watched Peter Sellers in 'The Magic Christian'. Peter and I were in hysterics.
16th Sunday after Trinity
I made breakfast and behaved in a nauseatingly cheerful fashion. I am not one to carry on grudges and continue with last night's squabble. John, Maria and JPH came over this afternoon. They breezed in for an hour. It's little John's third birthday today. He was quite bedazzled by the presents and looked so embarrassed when we all sang 'Happy Birthday'. He covered his eyes and smeared his face with chocolate. Ally played with him and showed him the farm which Mama had bought him. Lynn and Dave made a flying visit. Big John looked fighting fit and so thin. Maria filled me in on the horrific tragedy at the Phillips residence.
Watched Peter Sellers in 'The Magic Christian'. Peter and I were in hysterics.
Saturday September 29, 1979
_. Sunny, bright morn. Up at 10 to throw back the curtains and see Michael [next door] splashing white paint over his house. His half of the building is now glowing white and now makes Pine Tops look shoddy, grubby and dismal. Mummy will throw a fit when she sees his handy work.
I phoned Ridgeway to speak to John. Molly answered the phone and says 'he arrived last night looking big, fit, strong and healthy, Mike, and Oh, have you heard the news about poor John Phillips?" I say 'no' and she told me the gruesome news that poor Carole's dad died last Tuesday following a fall from a ladder at home. Fiddling with a tv aerial on his roof, he missed a step and plummeted to the ground bashing his head on an ornamental wall. The doc, Molly says, reassured the family that had he lived he would have been a cabbage. He was a cabbage long before the fall, I'm sorry to say. Ghastly news indeed. Carole must be desolate. They had only recently bought the fish and chip shop on Victoria Road.
When I eventually speak to John he says very little, and that he cannot afford to go out tonight. This is a let down. I had been looking forward to some kind of belated birthday celebration.
Peter bought a car today. An Escort 1600 sports which cost him £1,300. Both he and Susan will now emerge from the depression that has hung over them since he sold the old car a month ago. People become so dependent on motor cars don't they? The mention of public transport is often the most offensive thing one can say to a motorist.
Ally and I had a drink at the Crown in Yeadon this afternoon then went out with Sue and Pete in the new car to the White Cross for a celebratory guzzle. Our adventure took us on to the Fox & Hounds, Hare & Hounds and back to the White Cross to join Gus, Chippy, Debbie, Brian Johnson , Howard Dove, and various others. A loud, beery evening. Chris Ratcliffe [now bearded] and Peter M came in.
Back to Pine Tops. Gus and John Sumpton had picked up a couple of tarts. They all smoked pot, including Susan. I cannot stand the stuff and took no part in the revelry. They all left at 2 and I gave Sue a piece of my mind, the big brother sort of stuff. Peter was silly about it and we all parted on a bad note.
I phoned Ridgeway to speak to John. Molly answered the phone and says 'he arrived last night looking big, fit, strong and healthy, Mike, and Oh, have you heard the news about poor John Phillips?" I say 'no' and she told me the gruesome news that poor Carole's dad died last Tuesday following a fall from a ladder at home. Fiddling with a tv aerial on his roof, he missed a step and plummeted to the ground bashing his head on an ornamental wall. The doc, Molly says, reassured the family that had he lived he would have been a cabbage. He was a cabbage long before the fall, I'm sorry to say. Ghastly news indeed. Carole must be desolate. They had only recently bought the fish and chip shop on Victoria Road.
When I eventually speak to John he says very little, and that he cannot afford to go out tonight. This is a let down. I had been looking forward to some kind of belated birthday celebration.
Peter bought a car today. An Escort 1600 sports which cost him £1,300. Both he and Susan will now emerge from the depression that has hung over them since he sold the old car a month ago. People become so dependent on motor cars don't they? The mention of public transport is often the most offensive thing one can say to a motorist.
Ally and I had a drink at the Crown in Yeadon this afternoon then went out with Sue and Pete in the new car to the White Cross for a celebratory guzzle. Our adventure took us on to the Fox & Hounds, Hare & Hounds and back to the White Cross to join Gus, Chippy, Debbie, Brian Johnson , Howard Dove, and various others. A loud, beery evening. Chris Ratcliffe [now bearded] and Peter M came in.
Back to Pine Tops. Gus and John Sumpton had picked up a couple of tarts. They all smoked pot, including Susan. I cannot stand the stuff and took no part in the revelry. They all left at 2 and I gave Sue a piece of my mind, the big brother sort of stuff. Peter was silly about it and we all parted on a bad note.
Friday September 28, 1979
_. Thoroughly exhausted and dead to the world all day. Jim passed me furtive glances on our journey to Leeds. I think he suspects I have an alcohol problem.
Sarah is away again. These attacks of illness are becoming far too frequent. She's become so dull since taking up with Richard Burke.
Ally came over at 8 and after stocking up with a couple of bottles from the off-license we settled down and watched Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway in 'Bonnie and Clyde'. It's a good film and I've seen it on numerous occasions. The conversation is horribly crude when we get together with Sue & Pete. They can be quite foul. It's only Ally who clings on to her decency.
Sarah is away again. These attacks of illness are becoming far too frequent. She's become so dull since taking up with Richard Burke.
Ally came over at 8 and after stocking up with a couple of bottles from the off-license we settled down and watched Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway in 'Bonnie and Clyde'. It's a good film and I've seen it on numerous occasions. The conversation is horribly crude when we get together with Sue & Pete. They can be quite foul. It's only Ally who clings on to her decency.
Thursday September 27, 1979
_. Phoned Ally when I arrived home from work at 5:30. She called me 'a miserable boy'. Most incorrect. I just laughed it off and took a long bath. I then grilled six fish fingers and drizzled them with prawn cocktail sauce and put Blondie on the record player. Ally arrived whilst Debbie Harry was in full throttle.
Off we went to Lynn and Dave's. L was dressed to kill. Dave looked dull and washed out. I said: "Oh it's going to one of those sort of nights". On to the Rose & Crown, then Oakwood Hall. Dave refused to dance and stood in a glum posture looking down his nose at 'the youngsters'. Ally remarked that it must be married life taking effect, but you know how cynical she is about that Holy estate. Lynne and Dave left before us.
Off we went to Lynn and Dave's. L was dressed to kill. Dave looked dull and washed out. I said: "Oh it's going to one of those sort of nights". On to the Rose & Crown, then Oakwood Hall. Dave refused to dance and stood in a glum posture looking down his nose at 'the youngsters'. Ally remarked that it must be married life taking effect, but you know how cynical she is about that Holy estate. Lynne and Dave left before us.
Wednesday September 26, 1979
_. Pisses down all day. Autumn is upon us. Sod it. Ally and I went to the cinema at Yeadon this evening. Our very first visit to such a place of entertainment. Saw 'Blazing Saddles' and Monty Python's 'Holy Grail'. I have seen the Monty Python epic three times now. My first viewing was with the late Gillian Upton in 1975. The Mel Brooks comedy is excellent but not half as good as 'High Anxiety'. Home in the rain at 10:30. Ally tells me we are going out with Lynn & Dave tomorrow.
We had our first squabble.
We had our first squabble.
Tuesday September 25, 1979
_. John's 23rd birthday. Sat by the record player all day listening to my favourite tunes. Ally, Sue and Peter dropped in for lunch and I made the bacon sandwiches. God, it was good to see a few faces. It's no wonder that so many housewives turn to the bottle. Solitary confinement in the home must surely drive them over the top. Housework must only take a couple of hours. What do they do after that? Poor buggers. The nauseating DJs on Radio One don't help either.
To the YP at 5 and spent the evening with Gilberto - our man from Chile. No news. Everything quite dead. Home by taxi at 12. The driver had little to say. I thought we might become airborne as he had his foot flat down on the accelerator.
Ate like a horse and took up Adolf Hitler.
To the YP at 5 and spent the evening with Gilberto - our man from Chile. No news. Everything quite dead. Home by taxi at 12. The driver had little to say. I thought we might become airborne as he had his foot flat down on the accelerator.
Ate like a horse and took up Adolf Hitler.
Monday September 24, 1979
_. Mum and Dad went off to Stranraer this morning to spend a few days with John. I'm pleased. It isn't right that the boy should spend his birthday alone.
Mum & Dad's departure heralded Peter's arrival here, and he moved in with luggage, squash rackets, and other miscellaneous items required for staying over with the girlfriend. It's wonderfully cheeky. They both took over the master bedroom and therein behaved disgracefully. _______.
Saw a gruesome Burt Lancaster film on the BBC and then saw Joan Collins interviewed on 'Film '79'. Barry Norman pulled her to pieces. 'The Bitch' is a film I will avoid, I think.
To bed with Adolf Hitler.
Mum & Dad's departure heralded Peter's arrival here, and he moved in with luggage, squash rackets, and other miscellaneous items required for staying over with the girlfriend. It's wonderfully cheeky. They both took over the master bedroom and therein behaved disgracefully. _______.
Saw a gruesome Burt Lancaster film on the BBC and then saw Joan Collins interviewed on 'Film '79'. Barry Norman pulled her to pieces. 'The Bitch' is a film I will avoid, I think.
To bed with Adolf Hitler.
Sunday September 23, 1979
15th Sunday after Trinity
Slept like a log and regained consciousness at about 10am on the sitting room floor at the Hollywood.
It's Lily's birthday today. Joined at lunchtime by Garry, Billy, Steve and Co. Billy was dull. We had lunch after 2 with Lily, Jim, Grandad Glynn and Dave. ______.
We took our leave. Dave is coming to Ally's on October 20. Something is wrong with the Spitfire. The ignition light shone bright and clear throughout the journey home.
At Pine Tops Auntie Hilda and Uncle Tony are being entertained to supper.
Slept like a log and regained consciousness at about 10am on the sitting room floor at the Hollywood.
It's Lily's birthday today. Joined at lunchtime by Garry, Billy, Steve and Co. Billy was dull. We had lunch after 2 with Lily, Jim, Grandad Glynn and Dave. ______.
We took our leave. Dave is coming to Ally's on October 20. Something is wrong with the Spitfire. The ignition light shone bright and clear throughout the journey home.
At Pine Tops Auntie Hilda and Uncle Tony are being entertained to supper.
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