Linthorpe Hotel, Middlesbrough
The fire alarm was sounding off all through the night. Up at 7:15 and drank tea with Mags Snr and Charlie. Reports from the party. Sounded riotous. Falstaff and Ophelia didn't fall in until after 4am. We have a letter from Frank and Bessie. The Rev Matthew Lynn is to be translated to the Isle of Wight. Are only bishops translated? Young Matthew has curls just like Graham did as a baby. Andrew is still unemployed and going out with the mysterious Lorraine. Frank's written contribution is a great honour, according to Ally. Busy night. A private party in the dining room. Ally has been having fun in the kitchen. Mags, a hopeless cook, has been laying down the law on pastry making, and Ally, an exquisite cook, has kept her cool and remained good humoured. The make pastry with self raising flour and look aghast when Ally calmly says she prefers to use plain. They make some hideous food here. When we go home next week we intend having roast beef and Yorkshire pudding - galore.