Linthorpe Hotel, Middlesbrough
Our first pay day as Samuel Smith employees. A historic moment. For the first time in our relationship I earn more than my wife. We received £752.88 for six weeks work. Ally has a throat problem now. It's something going around the hotel staff but only seems to take one victim each week. Charlie Poole is also smitten and he sat coughing into his beard. He's a good sort is Charlie. Ex-RN and apparently, in days gone by, a force to be reckoned with. Now a 54 year-old ruin. It was barbecue night again but I was shut away in the hideous dining room. I have been listening to the exploits of young William (Barnes). I am honoured because he is a silent lad usually - at that awkward stage, 17 in November, and bored senseless. Ally's bump is growing and she looks beautiful. She feels quite different, and looks podgy.