Sunday May 4, 1980

_4th Sunday after Easter

President Tito finally died today. It is quite amazing how the old dictator has kept going for so long, minus a leg, and at such an advanced age. What will the EP put on the foreign news page now without those hilarious daily bulletins? Carol J, for one, will be mortified.

Up at 10:30. I went into the garden with the bathroom carpet and gave it a good beating, and it befell me to get the room back into shape. Afterwards I retired with Lillie Langtry, an ill-written bitty piece of work. I remember the TV series, some years ago, with Francesca Annis playing Mrs Langtry.

Out with Sue and Pete at 7:30 to the Belfry to meet Ally, Graham, and Gill, who had dined there. After watching Graham and Gill playing at space invaders [a glorified, computerised version of a fruit machine] we went to Thornton to join  Richard and Eileen [from London], and Anthony, a friend of Graham's from his Bradford Grammar School days. Tetley's bitter flowed. Back to Club St at 10:30. Richard attempted to tune the piano, and we all sat laughing at the contents of a 1971 newspaper. A Georgian mansion, with paddock, set in 2,000 acres could be had for a mere £15,000.


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Tuesday March 12, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Sunshine. Dad went to Horton to meet a carpet cleaner and telephone engineer. It was a pleasant surprise when Mum appeared in...